Dad Academy

Chapter 510 Xiaobai and Tang Yu (3)

Zhang Tan was just about to enter the house when he heard Xiaobai's shout. He paused and turned around to look. He saw Xiaobai jumping up and down, waving his hands outwards and calling his "little mother" excitedly.

Little mom? What's this? Xiaobai’s little mother? Never heard of it.

Zhang Tan looked outside. It was the rush hour this time, and there were many people passing by. Among them, there was one person who stood out in particular, that was Tang Yu.

Tang Yu?

Xiaobai is calling Tang Yu?

Zhang Tan was a little confused, and before he had time to think about it, he saw Xiaobai abandon the little orange cat and rush out of the woods like the wind and rushed to the gate of the school.

Xi'er picked up the fallen orange cat, held it in her arms happily, and shouted to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, what are you going to do -"

Xiaobai ran out of the little red horse in a gust of wind and ran to the road outside the school. He stopped in front of Tang Yu, jumped up and down, and said something excited, but he was too far away. Zhang Tan Can't hear it.

He put down the vegetables he just bought, walked through the little red horse, left the academy, and came to the roadside, approaching Xiaobai and Tang Yu.

Tang Yu looked at him immediately with a confused expression.

In front of her, Xiaobai was jumping up and down, crazy with joy, spreading his hands, and kept calling her "little mother."

This is the first time Zhang Tan has seen Xiaobai so excited. This is such a cool Sichuan boy.

Zhang Tan looked at Tang Yu, and Tang Yu looked at him, both of them a little confused.

Zhang Tan was even more confused. Tang Yu seemed to know Xiao Bai?

"Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai~~Did you recognize the wrong person?" Zhang Tan asked Xiao Bai softly. Xiao Bai seemed to have recognized Tang Yu by mistake outside the milk tea shop a few days ago.

Xiaobai looked at him, his face flushed with excitement, and he pointed at Tang Yu and said to him, "This is my little mother."

He immediately said to Tang Yu: "Little Mom, you are my little Mom, and I am Xiao Bai."

Tang Yu's expression changed, but he was still full of doubts, "Xiao Bai? Which Xiao Bai?"

She tried to think back, but she didn't expect that she knew a child named Xiaobai. She even felt that this was the first time she met Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, I'm Xiaobai..." Xiaobai said aggrievedly. She was very sad that her mother didn't recognize her anymore.

Zhang Tan saw people passing by looking this way, and some even stopped to take a closer look at the development.

"Come to the academy, don't stand on the roadside." Zhang Tan said, going to hold Xiaobai, but found that Xiaobai was holding Tang Yu's skirt. His outstretched hand was awkwardly placed in the air, and suddenly a small hand He took the initiative to reach over, it was small and soft, it was Xi'er.

Four people and a cat came to the classroom. Zhang Tan said: "Sit down first, Xiaobai, let go first, okay? Miss sister won't leave, let go first, and sit here."

Xiaobai reluctantly let go of her little hand, and Xi'er waved to her: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, come here and sit down, be good, hiahia."

Zhang Tan went to the door, picked up the vegetables that had just been placed on the ground, and put them aside.

Tang Yu watched him busy with curiosity. Zhang Tan, who had never cooked before, wanted to cook by himself? Immediately her attention focused on Xiaobai, because the child was looking at her from beginning to end.

"Xiao Bai?" Tang Yu asked. In fact, she had a familiar feeling in her heart, but she was not sure. After all, that was a few years ago, when Xiao Bai was still a little kid, and she looked different from now.

Zhang Tan came back and sat down and asked, "What's going on? Xiaobai, what do you mean by calling me mom?"

Xiaobai pointed at Tang Yu and said that this was her little mother, but her little mother didn't recognize her anymore.

Zhang Tan asked her what her little mother was, but Xiaobai couldn't explain clearly, but she was her little mother anyway.

He looked at Tang Yu. Tang Yu's eyes fell on Xiao Bai, seeming to be in a daze, or maybe thinking.

Suddenly, Tang Yu asked: "Can you sing?"

The singing started immediately.

"Little rabbit be good, open the door……"

Zhang Tan couldn't laugh or cry: "Xi'er, don't sing. I'm not asking you to sing. I'm asking Xiaobai to sing."

Xi'er immediately grabbed the little orange cat's paw, covered her little mouth, opened her eyes wide, nodded, and promised not to sing.

The little orange cat's eyes widened and he looked confused, wondering if his little master was going to eat his hand.

Xiaobai thought for a while and did not sing the song "Little Rabbit Guaibao" like Xi'er.

I am new to this song, Little Rabbit Guaiguai, and the teacher is Zhang Tan.

This song comes from Cheng Cheng's story "Little Red Riding Hood". Zhang Tan remembered this song by the way and taught it to the children.

It has become very popular recently, and any child who cannot sing a few lines would be embarrassed to say that he is from Little Red Horse.

What Xiaobai sang was not this popular song, but a Sichuan tune. Zhang Tan had heard Xiaobai sing it before. It seemed like a lullaby for mothers to coax their children to sleep.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

As soon as the singing started, Zhang Tan noticed that Tang Yu's eyes lit up. As the singing started, they became brighter and brighter, and his face suddenly became clear.

After Xiaobai finished singing, Tang Yu immediately asked: "Are you Xiaohua?"

Xiaobai nodded happily and forced himself to sit so as not to jump up immediately.

Tang Yu: "Chunhua? Jiang Chunhua?"

Xiaobai nodded wildly.

She didn't notice the last name, only the word Chunhua. Her name was Chunhua.

Tang Yu was inexplicably surprised. He looked at Zhang Tan, then quickly looked at Xiaobai and asked: "Why are you here? You guys? What is your relationship? You are so old, you have changed so much, Xiaohua, I I didn’t even recognize it, oh no, your name is not Xiaohua, but Xiaobai?”

Xiaobai nodded wildly.

In view of this, Zhang Tan said: "Xiaobai's full name is Bai Chunhua, and he is 5 years old this year."

Tang Yu asked: "Who are you?"

Zhang Tan: "Xiaobai stays at Little Red Horse at night, and her uncle works here."

Tang Yu groaned, squatting in front of Xiao Bai and looking carefully, and between his eyes was indeed the little one who bit her hand so hungry before.

There are too many questions. Now, not only do you have a lot of questions for children, but also for adults. For example, how did Xiaobai and Tang Yu know each other? How did Tang Yu become Xiaobai’s baby mother? It's a bit confusing. He hasn't figured out the relationship between himself and Tang Yu. Now that he has Xiaobai, the world is too small.

It was now past six o'clock in the evening. Children began to enter the kindergarten, and Xiaoman's teachers had already arrived. They were a little surprised to see Zhang Tan, Tang Yu and others chatting, but they kept their distance and did not come forward to ask.

Zhang Tan looked at the rapidly darkening sky and the little red horse that was starting to get lively, and said to Tang Yu, "Why don't you sit at my house for a while? Many things have not been sorted out."

Tang Yu hesitated.

Zhang Tan: "Are you okay? You can change the time."

Tang Yu glanced at Xiaobai, who was looking at her nervously, and said, "It's okay, it's more important here. I didn't expect to see Xiaohua again."

She went upstairs with Xiaobai, who was always with her.

Xi'er was left at the end, hugging Maomao and looking at Xiaobai and Tang Yu with envy.

When can she find her mother?

But she was not sad at the moment. She was full of joy. She rushed two steps forward to catch up with Xiaobai, chattering, sharing the joy of her friends, and asking questions. For example, why did Xiaobai have a little mother? What is a little mother? Is it mom?

I should be able to code out another chapter

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