Dad Academy

Chapter 504 Mom is asleep

Huang Liangmei and Tang Yu were outside the Little Red Horse Academy. Tang Yu looked inside the academy and looked up at the school's signboard. At first, this was not the Little Red Horse Late Night Academy or a kindergarten, but a Zhang Family. ’s private club where she and Zhang Tan often play.

Later, Zhang Tan's parents died unexpectedly, and Zhang Tan's grandparents demolished the clubhouse and transformed it into a kindergarten.

After she and Zhang Tan went to college, it was transformed into a rare late-night academy.

Now, this late-night academy is in the hands of Zhang Tan. I heard from Huang Liangliang that her mother is in charge here and the management is very good. Zhang Tan lives here.

She came back yesterday and was passing by here instead of coming specifically to see Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan doesn't want to see her. She has been abroad for several years. He doesn't answer calls or text messages.

"No, let's go, it's time for everyone to arrive." Tang Yu said, turned around and left, and a little kid jumped up to her, grinning at her with a raised face and bared teeth.

"*...¥% # %¥ # ¥" She drew with her little fingers, chirping like a little sparrow, but no one knew what she was talking about.

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment, looked at Huang Liangliang in confusion, and said with a smile: "It's such a small baby, it cries so loudly that it can't speak yet."

The child who spoke baby talk took two steps forward and chirped angrily, as if he understood her Sichuan dialect, and even said that the child couldn't speak, which was unbearable.

Tang Yu said in surprise: "She seemed to understand what I said in Sichuan dialect?"

Huang Liangliang chuckled, took two steps forward, and said to the child who was talking baby talk: "*%... Guji Guji...¥¥%Chiji Gugu~~~~"

This time, it was the turn of the child who spoke baby talk to be stunned. A line of little sparrows were spinning above her head. She could understand Mandarin, and she could also understand a few of Xiaobai's Sichuan dialects, such as Gua Wa Zi and Kuang Kuang for you. She has earwax, but she can speak baby talk but doesn't understand it.

"*%......¥ @!!! @¥"

The child pointed at Tang Yu and then at Little Red Horse Academy.

Huang Liangliang shook her head and said, "I won't go."

Dudu was a little disappointed, waved goodbye to her parents, jumped into the school, and ran into the guard box. A burst of baby talk floated out again, and Lao Li's helpless voice also came: "What did you say? ? I don’t understand, don’t move my TV, put it down, it’s a radio, you can’t move it..."

Dudu was soon persuaded by Lao Li to come out. She was so angry that she stood in the yard and babbling at Lao Li in the sentry box for a long time. Seeing that Lao Li couldn't splash the oil, she ran into the classroom helplessly. Da Da went upstairs again and knocked on Zhang Tan's door.

When she saw Xiaobai opening the door, she smiled like a little fool and jumped up and down, finding her long-lost sister.

Xiaobai shouted to Zhang Tan who was eating in the restaurant: "Boss Zhang, Dudu is here to chat."

Dudu stretched his head into the house and shouted in the direction of the restaurant: "\u0026...\u0026%...%¥..."

Zhang Tan responded: "Invite her to come in and play."

Dudu immediately whispered something to Xiaobai, and then Xiaobai let her in. She immediately came to the restaurant to pay homage to the dock and muttered a few words to Zhang Tan as a greeting. Zhang Tan smiled and said while eating: "Here you go, play by yourself, don't be polite, just treat it as your own home."

Dudu nodded, you're really welcome, ran to the living room, and held the stuffed bear in his arms before Xiaobai could, hiahia.

Xiaobai asked her if she wanted to eat, but Dudu shook his head and refused.

"Dudu said she didn't want to eat."

Xiaobai returned to the restaurant to report, and Zhang Tan said: "Then go and give her some snacks and fruits. You know where they are."


Xiaobai ran to prepare snacks and fruits for Dudu.

Dudu was rolling around on the sofa holding a stuffed bear. Maybe he imagined himself as a bear.

The moon is shining brightly on the branches. It was a nice day tonight. Zhang Tan and Lao Li were drinking tea and chatting in the courtyard. Various chirping sounds came from the classroom. After a while, a scream pierced the night sky. The two of them looked towards the classroom at the same time. He ran out of the classroom like a whirlwind, chasing a small whirlwind behind him.

"Help duck~~~~Save my life duck, Luo Zikang is so stupid that he wants to kill me~~~~~"

"Liuliu—don't run away~"

A group of children, tall and short, suddenly came out of the classroom and stood in the corridor watching the play.

Liuliu danced on the edge of life and death again. She ran to Zhang Tan and found protection. In an instant, she changed from a bereaved dog to a little fox pretending to be powerful.

This is an illustration in Little Red Horse Academy every night. As the night gets darker, the children are picked up one after another. Dudu is the first to leave, and Xiaobai is the second.

Bai Jianping is not busy during this period. The crew he is participating in is a small crew. The daily workload is not heavy. Many times he does not have to go to work at night, so he sends Xiao Bai to the Little Red Horse and goes to the construction site to chat with the old white people. Drink and brag, and come back when the time comes.

When the two returned home, one of the light bulbs in the corridor didn't light up. Bai Jianping told Xiaobai to replace it with a new one tomorrow. The other end of the corridor was dark. No one lived there since Xiaohu's family moved away.

Bai Jianping was lying on the rocking chair watching TV. Suddenly he remembered something and asked Xiaobai who was scribbling on the sofa to find his household registration book.

"In the drawer, see if you can find it."

Finding things is Xiaobai's strength, so she quickly brought over two household registration books.

"This is, this is not."

"This is thiamine."

"This is yours."


Xiaobai brought two household registration books, one belonged to Bai Jianping's family and the other belonged to Xiaobai's family.

Bai Zhiqiang's son wanted to register for residence and was asking about the household registration book. Bai Jianping was going to send it tomorrow, so he flipped through it a few times and put it on the TV cabinet.

He took another household registration book from Xiaobai's hand, opened it and said, "This is you, do you recognize it?"

Xiaobai looked at it for a while and praised: "Kuo Ai Bian Lao."

Bai Jianping smiled and said, "I knew you were going to say that."

Then he turned to another page with a somewhat sad expression, looked at the photo above and said, "If your mother sees you grow up and be so cute, she will be very pleased."

Xiaobai came forward to look at his mother's photo, and said stumblingly: "This is my mother's name, Bai~Yu~Xin~~"

Hearing this name, Bai Jianping instantly felt depressed.

"Yes, your mother's name is nice, isn't it? It was given by your grandmother. Your mother and your father have known each other since childhood. When you were a child, your grandmother often told your mother that she would be her daughter-in-law when she grew up. Sure enough, When I grow up, I really become her daughter-in-law..."

Bai Jianping drank some wine in the evening. Although he controlled the amount of alcohol so that he would not get drunk, he talked a lot more and talked a lot about the past of Xiaobai's mother.

Xiaobai leaned in his arms, listening to his uncle's stories about his mother, while looking at his mother's photo in the household registration book, his eyes lit up.

Suddenly, for a moment, there seemed to be a starlight blooming in her eyes, and she said cheerfully: "I think about it, Mom... Mom..."

"What's wrong, mom?"

"...Mom is asleep, dad?"

Bai Jianping turned to another page and said, "Your father Jiang Ping is a very good young man. I don't know how many little girls in Baijia Village liked him back then."

"How about Boss Zhang?"

" good as Boss Zhang."

"Hoho, I can't remember it at all."

"You were too young then."



"Dad, is he yelling?"

"Oh, he...I can't remember it either. I'm going to take a shower and prepare to say goodbye to him in bed."

I recommend a book called "Superstars Start by Eating Soft Rice". Just look at the name and you will know that it is an entertainment novel. It is the type of pretty boy that everyone likes. It is very immersive. The old author is a white millet. He is not the key. The key is that he has a family in his family. Cute baby.

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