Dad Academy

Chapter 497 666


In the evening, Xi'er's laughter kept echoing in the Little Red Horse Academy. This child was very happy today. She went out to play with her sister all afternoon. When she came back, she immediately introduced her and her sister's car to Zhang Tan, Xiao Bai, and Lao Li. car.

She jumped with joy.

"Yo yo yo~~"

Zhang Tan laughed when he saw it. The child never concealed his happiness in his heart. Xi'er was so direct, which made Tan Jin'er feel embarrassed.

"Xi'er, stop jumping," she said.

"hiahiahia~~" Xi'er jumped up to Xiaobai, with the sun shining brightly on her face, "Xiaobai, I'll take you to my family's car."

Xiaobai said he wanted to get it, but how could two people sit together? Who will drive it?

Xi'er smiled and invited Boss Zhang to sit down and drive the car.

"Do you want me to drive your new car?" Zhang Tan asked deliberately.

Xi'er was not stingy at all and asked him generously.

Unable to refuse such kindness, Zhang Tan rode on a pink electric donkey, with a little baby standing in front of him and another holding him tightly behind him, and rode slowly in the yard of the little red horse.

"hiahia, my big horse, this is my big horse, hiahia~~" Xi'er shouted happily, standing on the footboard in the middle of the little electric donkey, getting between Zhang Tan's hands, waving her little fist forward , rush acridine.

Tan Jin'er was both funny and wanted to cover her face. She was too embarrassed. Xi'er was also too happy and very playful. It didn't matter how happy she was when she was with her, but in front of Boss Zhang. The same thing is true. Boss Zhang has never seen any kind of car, and a small electric donkey is like a toy in his eyes.

But Zhang Tan didn't show any impatience or dislike. He was having a lot of fun, riding a pink electric donkey in circles in the yard, carrying two children laughing and laughing.

Xi'er was not satisfied and asked Lao Li to come and sit, but he couldn't sit down unless he sat on Boss Zhang's head.

Xiaobai hugged Zhang Tan tightly to prevent herself from falling, but her hands were too short. It would take seventy, eighty or ninety Xiaobai to hug Zhang Tan's waist, so she could only hold on to his clothes tightly. .

After playing enough, the children got off the car. Zhang Tan returned the electric donkey to Tan Jin'er. Tan Jin'er said goodbye to Xi'er and rode away on the small car.

Xi'er watched the little electric donkey drive her sister away and skipped back to the classroom. On the way, she asked Zhang Tan if it was fun.

"It's fun." Zhang Tan said without hesitation.

Hiahia smiled happily.

Every family's happiness is different, and happy families are good at finding sources of happiness in life.

In the evening, Cheng Cheng told everyone the story of Little Red Riding Hood again. This time it was different from before. This time, Teacher Xiaoliu called all the children to listen to her story, instead of being limited to her small circle.

Cheng Cheng was extremely nervous. Her nervousness is different from other children. Other children may be anxious when they are nervous, but she is not. The more nervous she is, the quieter she becomes. She sits on the small chair motionless with her head lowered, but the expression on her face is tense. The little hands revealed the little nervousness in her heart.

Xiaomi came to cheer her up, Xi'er came too, Xiaobai came too, Liuliu brought her inventory, Dudu babbling and gesticulating in front of her, she had already started an impromptu speech.

With the encouragement of so many good friends, Cheng Cheng felt much better. She stood on the small temporary stage built for her by Teacher Xiaoliu, lowered her head and began to speak.

There were children chattering underneath.

"Yeah, I can't hear you clearly."

"It's so funny."

"What are you talking about?"

"She is Cheng Cheng. I have heard her tell stories, and she tells them well."

"hiahia, I am Little Red Riding Hood. If I ride a big horse, the Big Bad Wolf can't catch me, hiahia."

"Cheng Cheng, come on."

"\u0026%......%¥ # ¥#@#¥¥%......"

"Big bad wolf, Luo Zikang big bad wolf~"

"Liuliu, you are a naughty kid, go away!"

"It doesn't sound good. I want to play, but I don't want to hear it."

"What are you instigating?"

Some were listening carefully, some were laughing, and some said they couldn't hear clearly... Xiaobai almost got into a fight with a kid who was yelling that he didn't speak well.

All this was appeased by Teacher Xiaoliu and Teacher Xiaoman.

"Dudu, please stop talking and listen to Sister Cheng Cheng's story attentively, okay?"

Dudu nodded obediently.

The classroom suddenly became quiet, with only the sound of Cheng Cheng telling stories softly.

The audience can greatly influence the speaker. As the children below gradually get involved in the story of Little Red Riding Hood, the atmosphere becomes better and better.

Everyone was fascinated.

Cheng Cheng's story-telling voice became louder and louder, her head gradually raised, her eyes became brighter and firmer, she no longer panicked, and her little hands stopped shaking.

Her eyes gradually lifted from her feet and landed on her little hands, on little Bai Xier in the first row, and on Luo Zikang in the second row... She saw all the children below, pairs of eyes. Everyone looked at her, and she panicked. Then she saw the smiling face of Teacher Xiaoliu. Teacher Xiaoliu also shook his fist towards her to cheer her up.

Cheng Cheng calmed down and suddenly felt that the scene now was similar to every night before, except that there were more children.

She used to speak so well, but now she cannot speak poorly.

After Zhang Tan got the news, he quietly came out of his home and squatted on the outermost edge to listen to the story. Lao Li also came, but he didn't come in. He stood outside the window. Aunt Huang is also here, and all the primary school teachers are here, and they are all listening to Cheng Cheng's story.

"For such a long story, Cheng Cheng actually went unscripted throughout. It's really amazing." Aunt Huang said in a low voice.

Zhang Tan was also surprised. A few days after giving Cheng Cheng the story of Little Red Riding Hood, he didn't expect Cheng Cheng to remember it all so quickly. He had always heard that she had an outstanding memory, but this time he had a real feeling.

"If a girl is well educated, she will have great achievements in the future." Zhang Tan said.

Aunt Huang smiled and said, "I heard that this is a story you wrote?"

Zhang Tan: "Just a small test."

Aunt Huang smiled and praised the story for being well written, childlike, and educational.

At this time, Cheng Cheng was already finishing the story.

The smell of sausage drifted into the wolf's nostrils. It sniffed hard with its nose, looked down, and finally stretched its neck too long and began to slide down. It slipped from the roof, fell right into the large stone trough, and drowned.

"Little Red Riding Hood went home happily, and no one ever hurt her again."

Teachers Xiaoliu and Xiaoman took the lead in applauding. Xiaobai clapped his hands hard and stood up and shouted: "666, please put your hands up~~~~~"

There was loud applause.

Liuliu looked at Xiaobai and was stunned for a moment. She was sniffing frantically, wanting to smell the sausage, but now she came back to her senses, and immediately took advantage of the chaos to jump up to Cheng Cheng and surround her. Shout 666.

Seeing this, Dudu, the smaller one, also jumped up and gave Cheng Cheng her gushing admiration.

Only Xi'er ran to ask Cheng Cheng if the big bad wolf was really dead. He was so pitiful.

Although the Big Bad Wolf wanted to eat Little Red Riding Hood and was definitely a bad guy, Xi'er still felt sad for him when he heard that he was dead. She hopes that the whole world is kind and beautiful. There can be little bad guys, but they will correct themselves and eventually become good.

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