Dad Academy

Chapter 50 Cheng Cheng wore a white princess dress

Xiaobai, wearing a blue Greater China sportswear, jumped down the stairs. The sound woke up the lights in the corridor.

When she reached the corner, she looked up, smiled at Zhang Tan, jumped twice in succession, and disappeared from sight.

I saw her smile for the first time today.

Zhang Tan waited for a while, making sure that Xiaobai would not come back. He closed the door, sat at the desk, and took out a fries. It was still warm and tasted really good.

Zhang Tan was not in the mood to make a video. The small bag of French fries in his hand attracted all his attention and mood.

There was a window in front of him, and voices came from the window. Zhang Tan saw a chubby man leading a little girl away. The man turned around and waved, "Bye, Xiaobai, see you tomorrow. I'll take Cheng Cheng home first. You should also go home early."

It's Meng Chengcheng and her father.

Isn't he already gone? Why are you still here?

This is what Xiaobai said just now. Cheng Cheng's father brought French fries and chicken wings, and he picked Cheng Cheng up, and then she brought French fries.

However, it now seems that Meng Chengcheng and her father just left now and have been downstairs just now.

Meng Chengcheng wore a white princess dress today, like a little princess, with a smile as bright as a flower. She was close to her father, and her dull little cantaloupe blossomed this night.

Zhang Tan watched Meng Chengcheng and her father disappear under the streetlight at the entrance of Little Red Horse Academy. He wrapped up the uneaten French fries and kept them. He took out a watermelon and a cantaloupe from the refrigerator and cut them into small pieces in the kitchen. Pack it in a disposable crisper, prepare three fruit forks, and go out.

The first floor is brightly lit, but very quiet. The children have gone upstairs to sleep.

But Zhang Tan knew that there was another child here.

In the corner of the reading area, he found Xiaobai, who was engrossed in reading a picture book.

Hearing the footsteps, Xiaobai raised his head and saw Zhang Tan. He was surprised and said, "Uncle, your paws are still awake to tell you?"

Zhang Tan went to sit down next to her. There were small stools and chairs. He simply sat on the floor and opened the fruit box.

"Eat some watermelon and some cantaloupe."

Then he said, "Don't say you have no money. I'll treat you to food. I've finished your fries. They're so delicious."

Xiaobai stared at him, his eyes were big and pure.

Zhang Tan also stared at her, and for three or four seconds, neither of them spoke.

"Kid, don't think so much. Aren't you thirsty after eating French fries? Anyway, I am very thirsty."

Zhang Tan took out a fruit fork, inserted a piece of watermelon, and handed it to Xiao Bai.

"Here, take it."

Xiaobai put the picture book on his knees, holding the fruit fork in his right hand, and dragging his left hand under the fruit to prevent water from dripping on the ground.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Guawazi eats watermelon."

Xiaobai's eyebrows twitched: "Claws? You mean claws?!"

"No, no, no, I didn't say anything. I said we all love watermelon."

"...Hmph!...Uncle, let's talk about windmills and cars."

Zhang Tan saw that what was placed on her knees was "Vole Afo".

It’s this picture book again.

"Do you like this picture book?"

I have seen Xiaobai reading this book "Afo the Field Mouse" many times.

Xiaobai nodded and said he liked it very much.

Zhang Tan took the picture book away from her lap, opened the page she was reading, and said:

"One day, the voles saw Alfred sitting there blankly, staring at the prairie. They asked him, Alfred, why are you not working? What are you doing? Alfred said, I am collecting colors. .The other voles asked, What colors do you collect?"

The little white man gnawed on the watermelon like a little mouse and added: "It's the green of the prairie."

Zhang Tan praised her: "Xiaobai, you are so smart. Yes, Afo is collecting the green of the prairie. The other voles asked again, why are you collecting green? Isn't the green right in front of you? You don't need to collect it."

Xiaobai added: "Because it's gray in winter."

Why collect the green of the prairie? Because winter is gray.

"Huh? Have you seen this episode?"

"I guessed it." Xiaobai smiled and swayed her little feet twice. She was obviously very happy and proud. Then she doubted whether the uncle was teasing her. She stretched out her little head and leaned over the picture book to read: "The book is What did you say?"

Zhang Tan pointed it out to her: "These words, gray in winter, are they the same as what you said?"

Xiaobai looked at it for a long time and nodded seriously: "Yes, Bashi, this is my strong point."

Zhang Tan saw her pretending and wanted to laugh but couldn't. He endured it and lowered his head to look at the picture book. What was written in the picture book was: Ah Fu said, because there is no food in winter.

Xiaobai, aren't you illiterate? Why has it become your strong point now? As a baby, you need to be humble.

He has known for a long time that when Xiaobai reads picture books, she usually just guesses, looks at the pictures and talks, or asks other children to tell them to her.

"Why are you laughing?" Xiaobai stared at him with a stern face, seeming to notice Zhang Tan smiling.

Zhang Tan quickly became serious and denied it with all his strength: "No, absolutely not, I didn't laugh."

"Is it true that you are not smiling?"

"I'm really not laughing. Why am I laughing?"

"How do I know what you are laughing at? Are you laughing at me for being illiterate?"

Zhang Tan swore to God: "I absolutely did not! How could I laugh at this? You are still a child, only 4 years old. It is normal to be illiterate. Many children are illiterate. When you grow up, you will be able to read." ”



"Are you making fun of Xiaobai?"

Am I kidding you haha? You almost teased me haha.

"I'm really not kidding you, haha. In this way, I can teach you how to read."


"Why why?"

"Why did you teach me how to read? You are not my good friend."

o(╥﹏╥)o, it turns out that we are not good friends now, I want to cry.

Perhaps seeing Zhang Tan's expression suddenly collapse, Xiaobai added: "You are too old. My good friends are all melons. Who are you?"

Can your best friends only be the small ones? Can't I do it if I'm that old?

Who am I? I am a human being! Can't even such a big person see it?

Let’s continue reading picture books.

The two of them were eating watermelon and listening to stories in picture books. During this period, Teacher Xiao Liu came and saw Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai chatting, so they went back.

"Ah woo~~"

At 12 o'clock in the night, Xiaobai yawned.

Zhang Tan put down the picture book and said, "You're sleepy, go to the dormitory and take a nap."

Xiaobai shook her head and looked outside the door. Her aunt was coming.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Xiaobai's aunt appeared from the night and disappeared into the night. When she left, there was one more child than when she came.

Walking in the deserted alley, the dim yellow street lamp dimly illuminated the gravel road, Xiaobai flapped his short legs quickly, and occasionally had to trot two steps to keep up with his aunt.

"Auntie, are you tired today?"

Malanhua held her little hand without looking at her, she just wanted to go home early.

"Claws? Why do you ask?"

"I'm concerned about you, aren't your paws happy?"

"I don't know where you want to live, you melon kid. Are you worried?"


"The claws stopped talking? I guess I was right, you little melon."

"I'm so angry that I'm inciting the devil!"

"Hammer! Say it again."

"Tang Monk is riding a horse, dong that dong, followed by Sun Wukong~~~"

"...Is your paw still singing?"

"Aunt~ Cheng Cheng is wearing a princess dress today, so good-"

"Don't say these useless things. Go home and sleep early."

Xiaobai was silent, and there was only the sound of footsteps in his ears.

After a while...

"Aunt~~Are you tired today?"

"Where are you staying? If you have something to talk about."

"Luo Zikang said that my clothes were for spring, but now it's summer. I said it's so hot. I used to smell as good as Cheng Cheng, but when I sweat, I smell stinky."

"...Oh, yes, you are still wearing long sleeves. I will go home and find you some summer clothes."

"Ha, there is a princess dress."

"There's a hammer!"

Thanks to Xiao Feimao 001, Li Shugen, Xiaoyao Cool Rabbit, Shen Chener, Zhao Jiangling and others for their 1,000-coin reward. Thank you to Bookworm Xian, Book Friends 20191015200611599 and others for their 100-coin reward.

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