Dad Academy

Chapter 5 Incompatibility

PS: New books need care, please recommend them.

The arrogant Xiaobai didn't dance in the end. She gave Zhang Tan a little roll of her eyes from time to time, which successfully made Zhang Tan "angry" away.

At this time, the children started to go to bed.

After 10 p.m., parents got off work one after another and came to Little Red Horse Academy to pick up their children.

Some children were extremely sleepy and were taken away from the bed by their parents. They lay in their arms and continued to sleep obediently. They just held their parents' hands tightly.

Some children are more naughty. After sleeping for a while, they wake up full of energy and pester adults to play games for a while before they are willing to go home.

After midnight, there were only 5 children left among the 30 or so children in the academy, and among them was Xiaobai Children's Shoes.

Three children were sleeping soundly. One had just woken up, raised his little body, and looked out the door. His father was coming.

Little White Children's Shoes was not sleepy and still full of energy. She lay on the bed and tossed and turned, then simply got up and ran to the reading area, holding a picture book and reading it with gusto. She was just a little lonely without any children to talk and play with her.

Zhang Tan stayed until the last child left today, then went back to his room to rest.

This is a day's work at Midnight Academy. It's very hard, confusing black and white.

The next day, Zhang Tan ran in the yard as usual, then went out for breakfast, came back, took a shower, got dressed, carried a backpack, and went out to the job market.

As soon as he got on the subway, he received a text message informing him to go to Pujiang Film Studio for an interview at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhang Tan did not change his itinerary in the morning and still went around the talent market. There was a very strange phenomenon. There were not many positions for screenwriters, and there were many applicants, but very few succeeded.

The screenwriting industry is a structurally scarce position. On the one hand, the market is in urgent need of a large number of experienced and capable talents, and the supply exceeds demand. On the other hand, a large number of new screenwriters cannot find suitable jobs. If they cannot succeed as screenwriters, they can only become editors, or they may be fooled. Selling dog meat, the name is screenwriter, but the job description is clerk, or a jack-of-all-trades.

Zhang Tan had no success either. He had lunch at a nearby restaurant and arrived at Pujiang Film Studio early. It was still early, so he sat in a nearby cafe for a while. He didn't get up until 20 minutes before the notified interview time. .

"Hello, I'm here for an interview."

"Please show me your interview notification text message."

Zhang Tan opened the text message on his phone and showed it to the girl at the front desk.

"Thank you, please follow me."

The other party took Zhang Tan into the elevator and reached the 8th floor.

"They are all having the same interview as you. Please wait here. The interview starts at two o'clock. Go in one by one. You will be called when it is your turn."

There were more than ten people sitting in the waiting room, both men and women, some young, some middle-aged. Everyone stayed alone and no one spoke.

Zhang Tan found a seat to sit down and waited quietly.

Ten minutes later, a staff member came in to inform us to prepare for the interview, and everyone went in on a first-come, first-served basis.

More than an hour later, the staff came in again and shouted: "Zhang Tan, which one is Zhang Tan? It's your turn."

Zhang Tan raised his hand and said, "I am."

I packed my backpack and followed him into the interview room. There were two men and one woman sitting inside. The woman was in the middle and seemed to be the examiner.

"Zhang Tan, right?" said a middle-aged man sitting on the left, "Are you a graduate of Peking Film Academy? Directing department?"

Zhang Tan sat down, not nervous, nodded and said: "Yes, I just graduated and returned to Pujiang a few days ago."

"Are you from Pujiang?"

"I grew up here."

"You majored in directing, why would you want to be a screenwriter?"

In less than ten minutes, the interview was over and I was told to go home and wait for news.

When he returned to West Chang'an Street, night had fallen. Zhang Tan stood next to Midnight Academy and looked around. He hadn't noticed before that the next door neighbor was a boxing gym.

He curiously went in and took a look. It was not big inside, less than half of the academy. Seven or eight people were practicing boxing. No one paid attention to him, so he turned out.

Lao Li greeted: "Master Zhang is back."

Zhang Tan responded with a smile: "Are there any children here?"

"Xiao Bai will be here in a while."

That child is the first to arrive and the last to leave every day.

The guard, Old Li, was a little helpless and had a headache. As soon as Xiaobai arrived, he must have encouraged Zhang Tan to think brightly, as if he would agree.

Xiaobai, that little girl who "I don't know how to do it", Zhang Tan also has a headache for her. She was resented by the children when she first came here. Moreover, it was a small chili pepper. She bit him without saying anything and looked at him in every way. According to According to people familiar with the matter, Xiaobai Tongxie spread the word among children and teachers that he was a black man, and instigated everyone to deal with him unanimously.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tan thought of Xiaomi who was taken away by the police. He wondered if his family had been found, so he turned around and asked Aunt Huang.

He went back to his room and put down his backpack, took a shower, put on a pair of sports shorts, and went out for a walk. When he turned a corner, he knocked over a child again, with his feet in the air.


The child was very agile. Without waiting for Zhang Tan's help, he quickly climbed up, stepped forward with his hands on his hips, and said fiercely:

"Hey, you want to scream? You knocked me over again."

"Hmph! I'm so angry that I'm furious."

This kid was wearing a blue sportswear that had been washed out and whitish, and a style similar to the red one. There were still two big Chinese characters on the chest.

The only thing that can be worn like this is small white children's shoes.

Sure enough, the person who was knocked over by Zhang Tan was Trump's little white shoes again.

Zhang Tan was also surprised. Why did he knock him over again? It feels a bit targeted.

"I'm sorry, little Bai, does it hurt from the fall?"

“I’m so angry that I’m on fire~~”

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

You are too young, and you are always running away, unable to stop the car, Zhang Tan thought to himself.

The little white kid named Balabala scolded him, snorted coldly, gave him another eye roll, and left, not bothering to talk to him anymore.

Under Zhang Tan's gaze, she quickly ran to the guard box and spoke to Lao Li again.

Lao Li is quite approachable. Even such a difficult kid likes to chat with him, Zhang Tan thought to himself.

He didn't know that Xiaobai in the distance was not chatting with Lao Li, but complaining.

"Grandpa, you knocked me over again. Are you angry about your judgment?"

Lao Li glanced at Zhang Tan down the corridor in the distance, and asked Xiao Bai in front of him funny: "What's going on?"

There were a bunch of little white guys, instigating Lao Li to go to Zhang Tan to ask for an explanation and make a decision for the children.

"Oops, I have to go to the bathroom. My stomach hurts. Xiaobai, please don't run out." Lao Li made an excuse to escape.

Xiaobai: Σ(⊙▽⊙”a

Seeing that Lao Li was really gone and no one was guarding the guard box, she glanced left and right, and her fart black was gone. There was no one around, so she walked to the iron gate of the school, trying to push it open and sneak out to play. , but after pushing, the iron door was locked!

He kicked him bitterly and went back.

"Children? Children, are you there?"

Xiaobai had no choice but to wander around the academy by herself, shouting as she walked. Although she knew that there were no other children in the academy except her at the moment, what if there was, what if one came out of the ground.

Not even a single melon was found. Xiaobai picked up a football and played it alone.

The football grunted and rolled to the feet of Zhang Tan who was walking. The two of them stared at each other.

Do you want to kick it back?

Zhang Tan couldn't be as smart as a child, so he smiled at her and received a roll of his eyes. He didn't care and skillfully kicked the football back.

Xiaobai looked a little surprised, maybe he didn't expect that Fuerhei would be so bad.

When she saw the football flying over, she also wanted to show off her kick. She yelled, "Look at my jiojio~~"

She kicked the football out hard, preparing to kick the football high, but her kick missed and her little shoe flew out. Moreover, the football that leaked out hit her on the head, and she fell to the ground with an ouch.

Zhang Tan was stunned, and Lao Li, who secretly returned to his post, was also surprised.

Lao Li pretended not to notice and continued to look at his phone. Zhang Tan also quickly left the scene of the incident, so as not to be touched.

You can't blame him.

He may not get along with Xiaobai, causing disputes everywhere.

Zhang Tan, who successfully returned to the room, looked back and didn't see Xiaobai. Instead, he heard the sound of humming and haha ​​coming from the yard downstairs. Looking down from the balcony, he saw Xiaobai chasing a football all over the yard. , very vigorous, full of energy, and seemed to be venting his anger on the football.

Not long after, other children came one after another and joined Xiaobai's team, and soon it became a group of children, chasing and playing football.

At this time, Zhang Tan's cell phone on the desk rang. He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, where are you?"

"Is it Zhang Tan? I'm from the human resources department of Pujiang Film Studio..."

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