Dad Academy

Chapter 487 Boss Zhang Hercules

At almost 11 o'clock in the morning, Zhang Tan took the children away. Xi'er said that she was going to work. She rolled up her sleeves and looked like a hard-core struggler. However, when Xiaobai invited her to continue playing, she was immediately attracted. I am shaken, but my belief in work is still not firm enough.

Xiaobai's first invitation only shook her belief, but she did not agree. Until Xiaobai's second invitation, she was confused and felt that her soul had been taken away by Xiaobai. She was no longer her, and her little heart He Xiaozui was out of control, and a word came out.


"Okay?" Xiaobai's charming voice sounded again.


Xi'er couldn't resist, so she ran to the lobby on the first floor to find her sister, and said in a serious manner that she and Xiaobai were going to work, she was leaving, and she wanted to say goodbye. She hoped that her sister would understand her, blah blah, she was a little nervous.

Tan Jin'er smiled and said: "Okay, okay, I know, you go ahead and be obedient."

"Thank you sister~"

Xi'er thought she had convinced her sister. She jumped up and down and ran to find Xiaobai happily, "Xiaobai~~Xiaobai, why are we going to play? I am the sister and I will take care of you."

In fact, Zhang Tan told Tan Jin'er in advance that he would take Xi'er to play and have dinner at the principal's house at noon. He was not sure whether he could return it in the afternoon. He may or may not return it, depending on Xi'er's own wishes.

As soon as Zhang Tan left, the girls at the front desk immediately gathered together like sparrows and muttered gossip. This is Zhang Tan. I knew them all before, but now they all know each other. TV series, "The Hidden Corner" , "The Silent Truth", are all his works. Although he is the boss behind the scenes, he has appeared several times in publicity. Moreover, not long ago, negative news about him and Zhang Yuyan appeared on the Internet, which greatly increased his popularity. , so the old saying goes well, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, and the gods are troubled.

Zhang Tan left the hotel with his two children and went to the nearby shopping mall. Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up. She always liked going to shopping malls, not buying but just looking.

Zhang Tan took them straight to the food area and turned around and said, "Hurry up and push the car over. Don't be distracted. Don't hit anyone."

Two children volunteered to push the shopping cart. It was not yet high. One of them pushed one side and looked around, curious.

Zhang Tan bought a lot of snacks and threw a pack of something in the shopping cart. Then Xiaobai and Xi'er got together and muttered what it was.

"Come here, pick what you want to eat." Zhang Tan asked them to do it themselves.

The two children had never seen such a battle before. They used to be careful and double-checked before buying anything. How could they be like Boss Zhang, who bought it at one glance without even thinking about it a second time? They are really wealthy and rich people.

"Want beef jerky?" Zhang Tan asked the two confused children, and they nodded.

"what about this?"


"Do you want this?"

"This is delicious. Let me give you one."

"What about this? Oh no, you have bad teeth."

After a while, the shopping cart was half full. Xiaobai saw that something was wrong and quickly said, enough is enough.

Zhang Tan bought another bottle of 30-year-old Big Bear wine and took it to Aunt Huang's house for Uncle Huang to drink.

After packing up their things, paying the bills and going home, the two children each carried a big bag, panting but full of energy, tired and happy at the same time.

However, when they reached the overpass and were about to go up, they couldn't carry it anymore. They bumped into each other and fell to the ground.

Zhang Tan took the opportunity to do some ideological work for them. Let them go. The stubborn melon was finally carried by him. The babies were relaxed and followed behind them, shoulder to shoulder. They praised Boss Zhang for being such a strong man. Two banks It looks like a cute robot in the lobby.

Back at Little Red Horse, Zhang Tan gave them snacks and asked them to hide them under their pillows. These two babies are miserable. Other children have snacks, but they don’t. They are just babies. Why are their treatment so different? Is it because they don’t have parents? !

Zhang Tan specifically told Xi'er that there is no problem in sharing with other children, but he should not foolishly share his own share. He should take care of himself first, and then take care of other children when he is able.

Xi'er nodded blankly, seeming to have heard it, but she didn't know whether she understood it or not. She probably didn't understand it, because as soon as she turned her head, she shared her beef jerky with Xiaobai. She knew that Xiaobai Like to eat quack.

Xiaobai said she was a fool and gave it to her.

Because he bought too many snacks, Zhang Tan only gave a small portion to the children, and kept most of the rest at home. After they finished eating, he stuffed them under their quilts and pillows.

"Let's go to the director's aunt's house for dinner." Zhang Tan greeted them.

Xiaobai had never been to Aunt Huang's house, but Xi'er had been. She was so arrogant that she volunteered to be the guide, but she made a mistake when she reached the first fork. Zhang Tan remained silent and continued to follow her with Xiaobai. After walking for nearly ten minutes, he still didn't find the home of the principal's aunt that he remembered. Xiaobai began to doubt her and asked her if she was confused.

Xi'er hiahiahia laughed and said that she was really confused.

"You're such a treasure." Xiaobai said dissatisfiedly, and then smiled like a hammer in a daze.

Xi'er remained silent and asked Boss Zhang to lead the way.

"Then come with me."

Zhang Tan took them around two turns, and when they arrived, Huang Liangliang was turning over quilts to dry in the yard. The quilts and coats from winter and spring have all been taken out to dry, and after today they will all be sealed up, waiting for the next winter and spring.

"Yo, here we come."

Huang Meili glanced at Zhang Tan and didn't see the two babies behind him, but the invisible baby responded to her enthusiastically:

"Here you go~hiahia~~~sister~~"

"Come on."

Huang Liangliang was stunned and stopped what she was doing, "Who is talking?"

Two little dolls jumped out immediately behind Zhang Tan. They were very happy and had smiles on their faces, which were brighter than the sun today.

"Eh?? Haha, Guawazi Xiaobai is here, who else is there, hiahiahia?"

Xiaobai's face darkened. Although she also liked to call other children "Guawazi", she must have said it because something made her unhappy. Unlike Huang Liangliang, who would call others "Guawazi" whenever they met. Making excuses to find trouble, if Xiaobai hadn't come to her house for dinner, Xiaobai would have responded with "Fu Er Hei".

Xi'er smiled so happily that she even forgot her name, "Why are you so stupid, sister?"

"What did you call me?"

"younger sister."

"Sister?? - You call me sister? How old are you?"

"I'm 8 years old."

"??? You are 8 years old?? - You are lying."

"I'm really 8 years old."

"Xiao Bai is only 5 years old, why are you 8 years old? You are one size younger than Xiao Bai."


Xi'er kept laughing. She didn't know how to explain it. She didn't care. She was 8 years old anyway. This is a scientific reason, just like the sun rises and the moon sets, and the rooster wakes up. The same principle can be proved. She is 8 years old today. , it’s right to call me sister.

Huang Liangliang wanted to be more serious with her, but suddenly she saw Xiaobai turning behind her and praising how big her butt was.

But she couldn't decide whether it was her aunt or Sister Berry.

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