Dad Academy

Chapter 482 Wedding Host 2

Zhang Tan presided over the wedding and said: "I know, the bride and groom just saw that the host did not show up, and when I came on stage, they must have been very panicked. I want to tell you, don't panic. In fact, no matter what the links are set in the wedding ceremony, Perfect and moving, nothing is as real and moving as those unprepared scenes and those emotions that are revealed naturally. This is your wedding, the happiest day, and all you have to do is enjoy it completely."

The bride and groom were smiling happily, and everyone at the scene was also chuckling. Teacher Xiaoman, who was standing with the little flower girls, breathed a sigh of relief. He was no longer worried and nervous. Instead, he had a faint expectation in his heart, looking forward to the different wedding atmosphere brought by Boss Zhang.

Zhang Tan continued: "As a colleague of the bride, I will naturally know some stories that everyone does not know. I am happy to share these happy stories with you in this happy place today. On the night of June 18, Teacher Xiaoliu found I, say boss, I want to ask for leave tomorrow, please approve me. Of course I will approve it if you want to ask for leave. After all, I have never seen you ask for leave before, so if you ask for leave today, it must be urgent. If it is If it's a good thing, just say it and let me share some happiness. If it's a bad thing, please say it, maybe I can help. Teacher Xiaoliu said, boss, it's a good thing. I asked what? Can you tell me, I couldn’t say forget it, but I was sure. She said I had to get the certificate tomorrow. I asked what certificate, driver’s license? She said no, boss, it’s a marriage certificate. I immediately sent my blessings and asked her, get the certificate. Isn't it during the day? It's better not to delay work at night. She told me that the boss can't do it. I have to get the certificate during the day tomorrow, and I want to celebrate my husband's birthday in the evening. I thought to myself at the time, my God, now I call my husband."

There was a lot of laughter at the scene.

"So have you noticed? The day they got married was the groom's birthday!"

Zhang Tan told two short stories to stir up the atmosphere of the scene, and then turned the topic to the newlyweds, asking them to tell some short stories about love and share them with everyone.

Destiny is fair to everyone, just like love, no matter whether you are in a high position or covered in mud; whether you are outstanding in appearance or ordinary in appearance; whether you are a BMW luxury car or a wind and rain electric donkey; whether you are a high-end music restaurant , or a roadside lampblack stall, everyone can share the sweet love. Love will not give him more or less just because his life is different. Yue Lao holds a scale and spreads the nectar of love all over with absolute fairness. In this world, everyone can enjoy it.

Teacher Xiao Liu, who looks ordinary on the outside, has a sweet love that makes people envious and jealous. The little stories they shared made Zhang Tan finally experience the feeling that Yang Zhu often experienced, the unpleasant taste of dog food.

Zhang Tan deeply felt at this moment that in the eyes of the groom, the ordinary teacher Xiaoliu might be shining brightly, but they couldn't see it.

So he asked the bride and groom to tell two stories, but refused to do so. He continued to host: "Please thank the bridegroom for thanking the bride's best friends. In the years before the bride recognized you, these best friends accompanied her through the journey." Through countless storms.”

Seeing the little flower girls looking at him expectantly, he immediately added: "And our little flower girls."

The groom bowed to them and said words of thanks.

Zhang Tan continued: "Friends, a wedding is a secret. Under the sky, secrets are forever. What is required is a life-long dependence. Without the determination to be together for life, you cannot call yourself husband and wife..."

"Thank you boss, you did a great job hosting it."

A quarter of an hour later, the bride and groom toasted everyone. When they came to the table of Little Red Horse, the two of them especially thanked Zhang Tan for his rescue. The effect was surprisingly good, better than that of the real host.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "But my nervous palms are sweating."

Teacher Xiaoliu asked with a smile: "Really? I see you are so calm. For you, this is a small scene."

Zhang Tan: "For me, this is a big scene. Compared with the major life events of two people, everything pales in comparison, so I can't help but feel nervous."

Teacher Xiaoliu was deeply moved. She was not a very good talker and could not express her gratitude in words. She could only thank her repeatedly and asked secretly: "When can I have your wedding wine, boss?"

She knew about Su Lan's existence.

Zhang Tan has never talked about Su Lan with them, but they have all met and even chatted with them. At this moment, he did not shy away from the topic, "Then I have to work hard, and you should work hard too. Xiaobai and the others are right, give birth to a child early, Come be my flower girl when you grow up."

Xiaobai, who was sitting by the side eating the food, was laughing, Xi'er hiahiahia was laughing, and Dudu was focusing on picking up peanuts to eat. Strangely enough, with the table full of good wine and food, she had a special liking for peanuts.

After working hard for more than half an hour, the little flower girls can finally sit down and have a hot meal. It's not easy.

Teacher Xiaoliu's face turned red with embarrassment, and she touched Xiao...Xi'er's little head, not embarrassed to talk to her.

The festive wedding banquet was over, and all the little flower girls were full. Only Dudu was still picking up the peanuts. She couldn't hold the chopsticks well and it was so hard.

Aunt Huang asked everyone to go back. Teacher Xiaoliu and the groom, who had taken off their wedding clothes, came and saw them off from the hotel.

"Boss, I'll give you a moment." Teacher Xiaoliu said.

Zhang Tan and her came to the side, and only heard Teacher Xiao Liu say: "Boss, the red envelope you gave us is too big, we can't accept it, you can take it back, you can come, really, I accept it, but I can't accept the things." .”

Zhang Tan had wrapped a big red envelope. They had sorted out the amount just now and registered for a gift in the future. As soon as he opened Zhang Tan's red envelope, they found that his was the biggest in the room, and it was much bigger.

Zhang Tan: "This is not all gift money, but also a bonus for you. Take it. You deserve it. Your work attitude at Little Red Horse is obvious to all. This is what Aunt Huang and I discussed..."

"I don't want it, I don't want a duck~~~Why duck~~~~ah~~"

"Let me wear it for a while~"


"These are rented clothes. They will be returned when the time comes."

"I don't want it, I don't want it, don't come over here~~~~"

Back at Little Red Horse, Aunt Huang asked the little flower girls to take off their tutu skirts and wanted to return them, but the little flower girls immediately stopped doing it! I have never seen such a person burn bridges. He just finished his work and then turned around and asked him to take off his pretty little clothes and bully the baby.

None of the little flower girls at the scene agreed, even the good-tempered Xi'er was furious.

Aunt Huang tried her best to persuade them to return their clothes.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Forget it, let them wear it for one more day. They can put it away before going to bed at night. They can also return it tomorrow."

Aunt Huang nodded: "That's all we can do."

She said to the little flower girls who were fighting together: "You can wear it until night, but you can't dirty your clothes, you can't climb on the ground, you can't climb trees, you can't play, you can't..."

Luoliu suddenly said, "Catch the baby and put him in jail, forget about it, hum ╭(╯^╰)╮"

Aunt Huang: "Xiaomi, grab the durian."

She wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

However, Luliu ran away with a cry, and the other children immediately dispersed and ran away.

They have to wear beautiful clothes and play.


Liuliu ran ahead, turned a corner, slipped up to Dudu, and snatched her peanuts. Dudu was so angry that he chased after her.

Thank you to book friends 20190616120050348 and Yue Coffin for the 5,000-coin reward. Thank you to Dynasty Warriors for the 1,500-coin reward. Thank you to Zhan Boyue, Sugai Yuka, Yule Diaoan Youyechu, and Li Shugen for the 1,000-coin reward. Thank you to happiness is the ancestors. Made in Blood for the 233-coin reward. Thank you to book friend 20190309182526509 for the 200-coin reward. Thank you to the Yulou Pavilion Pavilion Master, Xia Muhammer, Xiao Ziyun, and Lin Xin for the 100-coin reward.

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