Dad Academy

Chapter 448 Boss Zhang talks about picture books

Arriving at Little Red Horse, Xiaobai looked listless and listless.

Xiaomi asked her to go play in the yard, but she didn't go and sat in a corner in a daze.

Xi'er hiahiahia made her happy, but she couldn't laugh.

Luoliu gave her a candy and said she would be very happy after eating it. Xiaobai believed her evil deeds, tore it open and ate it. It was a plum-flavored candy. He grinned sourly and chased pomegranates all over the yard.

After all the trouble, Xiaobai finally felt better, but it was getting dark, and as soon as she sat down, she felt sad and depressed again.

Cheng Cheng told her a story about the big lion paper and the little bird. The little bird was injured, but the big lion paper saved her, and they became good friends. When spring came, the little bird flew away, and the big lion paper was very sad. It's depressed.

Xiaobai almost felt depressed after hearing this.

Zhang Tan got off work and came to the first floor to see the children. He found Xiaobai sitting alone in the corner and asked her repeatedly what was wrong. Then she said that Xiaohu was gone.

Xiao Hu left, she was very sad.

Zhang Tan understood this feeling. When he first arrived in Pujiang, he often couldn't sleep at night. Anyone who abandoned everything and traveled to another world would be turned over and over, unable to sleep for long nights.

Little Red Horse Academy is a place where separations often occur. Children here come and go with great mobility. Maybe today you talked and played house and felt that each other was the best friend, but the next day he He stopped coming and never came again.

After hearing Xiaobai's words, Zhang Tan shouted, turned around and left.

Xiaobai looked at his back and pouted, a little disappointed and sad.

But in his sight, he saw Boss Zhang finding a picture book from the bookshelf, then turning back and sitting down next to her.

"Let me tell you a story." Zhang Tan said.

Xiaobai glanced at the picture book in his hand curiously. The picture book was not opened. The cover showed two small fishes, one orange and one green.

"Do you recognize these characters?" Zhang Tan asked her, pointing to the big characters on the cover.

Xiaobai looked at it for a long time and didn't recognize it.

Zhang Tan told her that the book was called "The Smell of Goodbye".

Okay, Xiaobai doesn’t understand.

Zhang Tan asked: "Do you know these two little fishes?"

This time Xiaobai nodded and said she knew the little goldfish. She also knew the color. When she painted, she also knew the color of the brush.

"Give them a name." Zhang Tan said.

"Name it?" Xiaobai asked doubtfully.

She had just returned from Qicheng. When the baby was born, brother Xiaoqiang named the baby Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai?" Xiaobai said.

Zhang Tan couldn't laugh or cry. In your eyes, do you call all cute little things Xiaobai?

"It's hard to call them Xiaobai. These two little fish are not white."

Xiaobai thought it made sense, so based on their colors, with the help of Zhang Tan, he named one of them "little orange" and the other "little green".

Zhang Tan opened the picture book, "The Smell of Goodbye". He had never read it before. He had just found it temporarily. When he opened it, he found that there were very few words. It was mainly paintings. The paintings were also very simple, but the colors were bright.

He tells Xiaobai the story of Xiaoyu Xiaocheng and Xiaoyu Xiaolu.

The two little fishes parted ways. They were once good friends.

However, there is no story! ! ! !

There is only one paragraph of text that tells about Xiao Cheng’s experience, which is the taste of goodbye.

Zhang Tan was not sure whether Xiaobai could understand it, but since he had opened it, he had to give it a try. He read slowly: "It's hard to say goodbye. Maybe you can't express your feelings. You may be sad, you may be angry. You may not want to talk to anyone, you may just want to hide. .”

Zhang Tan's eyes left the picture book and fell on Xiaobai's small black face: "Just like you, you don't want to talk to anyone, you just want to hide, and you don't listen when Xi'er calls you."

Xiaobai thought Zhang Tan was criticizing her, so she pouted and remained silent.

Although the child looked a little sad and angry, at least she understood, so Zhang Tan continued: "Life is not as fun as before. You may not want to eat, and you may not be able to sleep."

Zhang Tan stopped again and asked Xiaobai, "Are you?"

Xiaobai shook his head.

She had a delicious dinner, but she doesn't know yet as to why she can't sleep. It's not time to go to bed yet.

Zhang Tan was stunned. He always encountered various emergencies on the way to coaxing children, and lack of cooperation was the most common.

He continued: "Maybe you try your best not to think about it, maybe you pretend it's nothing, maybe you can't figure it out."

Xiaobai didn't need Zhang Tan to ask and nodded proactively. She really couldn't figure it out. She just went to see her sister-in-law give birth to a baby, but when she came back, Xiao Hu disappeared, taking his little goldfish with him.

"Yes." Zhang Tan continued to read from the picture book, "But don't worry, your mood will get better gradually. You will think of the time you laughed together and all the happy things you have done. .Have you ever remembered?"

Xiaobai thought about it with a serious face, nodded, and remembered.

"Yeah." Zhang Tan said, "Thinking about these things, sometimes you will feel happy, sometimes you will feel low, but you will never forget those special times, nor what you learned together. . You might want to talk to someone, you might want to draw a picture."

Xiaobai stupidly ran to find a brush and paper immediately. When Fengfenghuohuo came back, he sat next to Zhang Tan again, hanging his feet and looking at him.

"We will draw later. Let me finish the picture book first." Zhang Tan said, "Maybe you are wondering, where did they go? What are they doing now?"

Xiaobai nodded repeatedly, she was just wondering.

Zhang Tan: "But life will go on, and you will not forget him, because you know how much you miss them. You were the best friends. You must also remember that somewhere, there is always someone who loves you." You, guarding you. We will be sad when we say goodbye to our dear ones, but you should always remember the happy times you had together. Okay?"

Finished reading.

Xiaobai thought distressedly.

Zhang Tan said: "Think carefully about the time you spent playing with Xiao Hu. You must have had many happy things."

Xiaobai lowered her head. When she raised her head, there were tears on her face.

This healing picture book made her even sadder, much like the depressing story Cheng Cheng told not long ago.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

Zhang Tan quickly put down the picture book, put his arm around Xiaobai's weak shoulders, found a tissue, and wiped her tears.

It was also his first time coaxing children and he had no experience. He thought telling a picture book story would make the children happy, but it seemed to have the opposite effect.

After a long time, Xiaobai finally stopped crying and could sort out her mood. She told Zhang Tan that just now she felt that she was Xiaocheng and that she would never see Xiaohu again.

Zhang Tan didn't know if what he did was right, it seemed that he did something wrong. The principal, Aunt Huang, told him that he had done nothing wrong, and that venting through tears was more suitable for children than the unhappiness accumulated in his heart.

Zhang Tan thought for a while, found Hu Mingkai's number on his phone, dialed it, chatted for a few words, hung up, immediately added a chat friend, made a video call, and handed the phone to Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, look, who is this on the phone?"

Before I watched it, a little boy’s happy voice came from the phone: “Xiaobai~~~~”

Xiaobai was startled, holding the phone like a little rabbit holding a carrot, his two little ears stood up high, and his two front teeth were exposed when he grinned.

"Xiao Hu~~You little melon, why did you run away? Where did you go~~"

PS: Don’t worry, it’s still early to finish the book.

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