Dad Academy

Chapter 37 Save it

Zhang Tan has never met Xiaobai's uncle. He has only heard her talk about it a few times, and he seems to like drinking.

Before that, Xiaobai was very concerned about whether he drank. He even ran away once he heard that he had drank.

Hearing Xiaobai say this again this time, Zhang Tan couldn't help but be concerned and asked cautiously: "Has your uncle ever beaten you when he was drunk?"

Xiaobai said arrogantly: "Hit me? Hammer! I am very fierce."

As she spoke, she snarled, behaved like a mad dog, biting the sky and the ground, biting the air. Her strength showed how fierce she was, even more fierce than a drunk person! Dare to hit her? Even the air will be bitten into flying paper and vegetable leaves, no joke!

After biting the air for a while, Xiaobai stopped without finishing and asked Zhang Tan if she was fierce.

"Ferocious, fierce, super fierce." Zhang Tan was very considerate, thinking that you are cute and fierce enough.

Xiaobai was quite satisfied after hearing this. He was not only satisfied with Zhang Tan's answer and expression, but also satisfied with his own performance. She had frightened many people who wanted to bully her, including her uncle. After biting him one time and making him scream, he no longer dared to mess with her, and he always called her hot girl.

Xiaobai held the bear in his arms and couldn't bear to drink the drink. He kept looking at the bottle and asked Zhang Tan if it was expensive.

Zhang Tan said it costs 5 yuan a bottle.

"I can't afford it." Xiaobai said simply.

"Do you know how much five dollars is?"

"Auntie has to shine her shoes twice."


Xiaobai's answer made Zhang Tan confused about how to answer.

"No more drinking."

Xiaobai returned the bear drink to Zhang Tan.

"What's wrong? Don't you like drinking?"

I drank so happily just now that my heart was filled with joy.

"Drink again tomorrow."

After Xiaobai asked the price, he felt that the Bear drink was too expensive. My aunt had to shine people's shoes twice to earn a bottle. It was too expensive and I couldn't bear to drink it. Now I drank less than half of the bottle and put it back in the refrigerator. Here, save it, and continue to drink it when you come back tomorrow.

Zhang Tan told her that there was still one in the refrigerator, and it was okay to drink it all at once, but Xiaobai couldn't bear to part with it. She had never drunk anything so expensive. The only time she passed by KFC was when her aunt slipped in and took the leftover hamburgers and hamburgers that others had eaten. Coke came along, and Coke became the best drink she had ever tasted.

Zhang Tan didn't know what to say, so he touched her little head, put the remaining half bottle of Little Bear drink in the refrigerator, and put a small sticker on it with the name "Xiao Bai" written on it.

"Uncle, what do you do?"

After Xiaobai closed the refrigerator himself, he curiously asked Zhang Tan, "There are so many bear drinks in the refrigerator. It looks so rich. I'm so envious."

Zhang Tan said that he was writing stories, but she couldn't understand the screenwriter.

Xiaobai's face was full of envy, and she said that it was no wonder that the windmill, car and Afo he told were so good, and said that she would also become a story writer when she grew up.

"Then what is your dream? To be a story writer like me?" Zhang Tan asked.

Children at this age have already begun to have their own dreams, such as scientists, doctors, police officers and so on.

Xiaobai seemed to have turned around and forgot about writing a story, and instead said: "My dream is to grow up quickly."

"Ah? Grow up quickly? This is not a dream. The dream is who do you want to be in the future? For example, a teacher?"

"Police uncle."

Xiaobai said that she will be a police uncle when she grows up.

Well, Zhang Tan doesn't care whether it's a police uncle or a police sister. In short, he knows it's a police officer.

Without waiting for Zhang Tan to ask, Xiaobai said again that after becoming a police officer, she had a gun, which could protect good people, protect her grandma, and protect herself from others bullying them. Moreover, another very important thing is that she is super fierce. The police catch bad guys, and her aunt said she was the stuff.

It seemed that Xiaobai's interest was touched upon, and the child then pulled Zhang Tan to talk about the police. In fact, she didn't know much about the police, and it was Zhang Tan who was educating her.

The topic of the police finally came to an end, and Zhang Tan invited Xiaobai to sit on the sofa and prepare to watch a movie.

When talking about watching a movie, Xiaobai was suddenly shocked and said: "Liuliu is still outside~"

She ran to the door and opened it. She didn't see Shen Liuliu. She ran out and turned to the stairs, where she saw a miniature child sitting on the steps of the stairs, with his back to the door, bored.

Zhang Tan welcomed Shen Liuliu into his home and was speechless at Xiaobai who was smiling awkwardly. It turned out that after the two children sneaked into the teaching building together, they also came to the third floor as a guest. However, Shen Liuliu had never been here before, so she was a little scared, so she asked Xiaobai to go first and ask around. If there was no danger, he would call her. Who knew that the little white children's shoes had forgotten her, causing her to sit on the stairs for a while and almost fell asleep.

Shen Liuliu, a lively and naughty child, dared to go see the drunk man with Xiaobai, but Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng did not.

Zhang Tan said: "Don't be polite, just treat it as your own home."

Shen Liuliu raised her little head and looked at him, nodded and said, "I'm welcome. Come here, good uncle, the kids want to watch an episode of cartoons."

You're welcome, Zhang Tan originally wanted to watch a popular movie, but now in order to satisfy the children, he can only order a cartoon.

After arranging the two children to sit on the sofa, Zhang Tan prepared some fruits and placed them in their hands.

Shen Liuliu was nestled on the sofa. She was very small, like a baby hamster. She glanced at the fruit at hand, then at Zhang Tan, then at Xiaobai, licking her small mouth, looking like she wanted to eat but was a little afraid to do it.

It wasn't until he saw Xiaobai pinching a grape and eating it that he quickly got up, pinched two grapes, took one in his hand, stuffed one in his mouth, and settled back on the sofa, his little feet shaking.

The cartoon started, but Xiaobai got up from the sofa, came to Zhang Tan, and whispered that she wanted to get her drink for Liuliu to drink.

"You are not willing to drink it yourself, so you give it to Liuliu?" Zhang Tan asked.

"She doesn't have a father." Xiaobai said mischievously.

Who did you hear to say that Liliu doesn’t have a father? Her father is just out of town! But Zhang Tan didn't say anything. She took out the half-filled bottle of Little Bear she had just saved, and then took out a new bottle.

"This is yours, you keep drinking. This bottle is for Liuliu, so go ahead."

Xiaobai was stunned for a while, and then he thought about it and decided not to refuse this time. It would be boring to watch cartoons without eating anything.

The two children were sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, paying special attention to them. Zhang Tan was holding a book and sitting aside to watch.

Dong dong dong~~~

There was a knock on the door.

"Zhang Tan, it's me, is Xiaobai here?"

Xiaobai was shocked when he heard the sound.

She recognized it, it was the director's aunt!

"It's not good, it's not good~~" Xiaobai shouted in a low voice.

Shen Guixuan also heard it, and it ’s not good to follow the shouting, but what do you do, do you have no duck.

Zhang Tan broke out in cold sweat on his forehead. This must be too serious. The director's aunt is so kind and amiable, but she will kill you. I don't know why they are so afraid of the director.

"Do you want to hide it?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xiao Bai immediately lay down on the sofa and squeezed in at the end. Seeing this, Shen Liuliu squeezed in with her and buried his head, thinking that he was a baby ostrich.

Not to mention, they were so small that it was hard to find them lying on the sofa. In addition, due to the angle of the doorway, Aunt Huang who was standing at the door was not noticed after opening the door.

As soon as Aunt Huang left, Xiaobai and Shen Liuliu hurriedly climbed down from the sofa. They stopped watching cartoons and rushed back to make amends.

"Come back tomorrow, uncle."


The two little ones walked out the door hand in hand, not forgetting to use their free hand to say hello to the host, and promised to make the appointment on time tomorrow.

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