Dad Academy

Xiaobai grabbed the first place in the character list for the week! Thank you list

Yesterday, with the efforts of Xiaobai’s brothers, we got Xiaobai the first place in the character list for the week!

Now, Xiaobai’s Guawazi image is at the top of the list!

Proud of her, and even more proud of her brothers!

There are few of us, but we work together and are extremely united.

Facts have proved that even if the number of fans is several times or more than ten times that of ours, we are not without our efforts.

Isn't it? Last night was the best testimony.

We ranked first in the Silver League and the character list one after another, and the editor said we showed off our face to Xiaobai!

Apart from anything else, many, many people know that there are novice brothers like us.

Who would have thought that more than 20,000 fans would have such cohesion? Who would have thought?

I was very touched and proud when I saw everyone responding to the reward while vying for an honor for Xiaobai.

Of course, you don't care about me, you care about Xiaobai.

But as Xiaobai’s guardian, I would like to say thank you on her behalf.

Thank you, Xiaobai’s brothers.

Who would have thought that Gua Wazi, an unloved, fierce, Trump-speaking person with the ugliest avatar among all the characters, would be able to make so many people like her?

But since you like it, you must never leave it. Please continue to take care of the little white children's shoes at a young age.

The following is the list of rewards I compiled. Thank you brothers. If there is any inaccuracy, please point it out and I will correct it immediately.

There is also something about adding more updates. I can’t finish adding more to the Silver League until I die. There are so many rewards and new league leaders! I was desperate and wanted to die under the peonies.

I am not a full-time person and am very busy at work, but I promise that I will update whenever I have time. I will never go out for fun and refuse all social activities. From today on, I will be an otaku and code hard. If I lie to you, I am not a human being. .

Thank you all for the tips, thank you:

100,000 coins: looking for you~

100,000 coins: Xiaobai’s brothers (crowdfunding)

50,000 coins: Duan Xuejun

45,000 coins: Jiawen Oba丶

42233 coins: Moon Coffin

41,000 coins: snowflake color

31,500 coins: Jun Xiu

30,000 coins: Ma Yang, Zhizi and his son together

25,000 coins: Funny Bichon Bear

22,800 coins: Yansuo Yunlou Yunsuo Yan

20,800 coins: James Boyo

20,000 coins:, 弍卬, Micro Hour Nine Minutes, windsong1975, Mozart’s Light

15,500 coins: dancing with the daily limit

15,000 coins: Dynasty Unparalleled, firm for the dream

12351 coins: probably Huhu

10,100 coins: Why are we surrounded on all sides?

10,500 coins: Moondown丶月下

10,000 coins: The Little Thief of Spring and Autumn, Cold Eyes, The World, White Morning Tears, Yifeng 1992, The breeze blows on the hills and the bright moon shines on the river

5566 coins: maxshen

5,000 coins: See all the mountains of books and your light in one night

3000 coins: Zhao Jiangling

2500 coins: Zhenxia Qiyuan

2000 coins: Gengxin real, [汣 Zero], lovely Yudan, keyeyes, Xiaji Bakan, winter heat

1,700 coins: Snow-Breaking Sword

1500 coins: Samui style

1,000 coins: Dancer in the Dark 115, a handsome boy, Li Shugen, nothing can be accomplished! , KOR Xiaolang

600 coins: Cantian is invincible, Miss Tang is very gentle, the disappearing god, Baoyi

500 coins: Book Friends 20190719093131429, Li Tianxie, The Sorrow of Waking Up from a Dream, Yue Coffin, Yichen Fairy, Wen Chang Never Returns, There is a Milk Bag at Home, Mysterious Dreams, Si Si Who Am I?

233 coins: Tianlong Liankong, high school student scumbag

200 coins: Book Friends 120106191741335, Xiaoyaodutian, Micro Hour Nine Minutes, Listening 91, Dunzitang, A Relaxing Moment, and Happy Fat Cat

125 Coins: Blocks and Dreams

100 coins: Character Meow, Ww9521, One Day World, jack.c.d, Red v Yan v Ru v Jade, Stars Flying in the Wind, Chongqing Boy, Book Friends 20201102003501875, Book Friends 20200220193817824, Scorpio I am a passerby C, Yuan_Jin Er, Bookworm Xian, Fish of Aquarius, Xiao Xi, three-legged cat who works on a computer and loves to learn, Qingshui, £霑魔魍鉉№, Canglang 1993, amorphous fish, book friend 20200523131141797

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