Dad Academy

Chapter 345 Day (1/2)

Chapter 345 Day (12)

Little Red Horse Academy.

It's already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the children have all gone to sleep. Since Xiaobai was able to leave the academy before ten o'clock every night, the classroom on the first floor was usually empty at this time, with no one left.

But tonight, the lights were bright, Xiao Bai was sitting on a small chair watching TV, and Bai Jianping was sitting aside, helpless.

"Would you like to go? We also have a TV at home. How about we go home and watch it?"

"I don't care."

"What's so good about this?"

An anti-war drama was playing on the TV. Bai Jianping glanced at it and found that he couldn't stand it. Since he joined the crew, his vision and aesthetics have improved sharply. He used to love watching such mindless anti-Japanese dramas, but now he can't watch them at all. So, people still need to go out and see more people. , the horizons are broadened, and the taste of life is naturally improved.

And Xiaobai, who used to clamor to tune in after seeing this kind of TV series, this time he didn't want to go home after watching it. So, some melons get stupider as they grow older.

Xiao Bai was indifferent to Bai Jianping's suggestion to go home and watch, and the old god sat comfortably in a small chair.

This is the difference between Bai Jianping and Malanhua. If it had been Malanhua tonight, Xiaobai would have been carried home like a chicken by an eagle.

Of course, if it was really Malanhua, Xiaobai wouldn't dare to do this.

No matter how Bai Jianping tried to persuade him, Xiaobai just refused to leave. It would be wrong to say that she was watching TV. Sometimes she watches TV, sometimes she reads picture books and guesses words, sometimes she sets out building blocks... Anyway, she is just doing nothing.

"What's wrong with your paw? Why don't you go home and chat?" Bai Jianping followed her.

"Boss Zhang never came back." Xiaobai said, sitting on a red horse, holding the horse's head and rocking back and forth.

"Where do you stay while riding a horse at night? You don't care where Boss Zhang stays."

Bai Jianping said to himself that he must have gone to the celebration banquet because he was in the limelight tonight.

"Uncle, come and push me."

"Push the hammer."



"Are you yelling?"

"You can't fight anymore."


"If you fight again, I'll tell your aunt and grandma."


"If you are disobedient, they will all worry about you fighting."


"Do you know?"

"Xiao knows Nao."

"I'm not kidding."

"You know Nao, if I fight again, I won't be human."

"Yes, my baby is cruel enough to me."

Suddenly there were footsteps at the door. Xiaobai jumped up and ran to the door. Bai Jianping followed closely. Xiaobai happily called Boss Zhang.

When he arrived at the door, he saw Xiaobai congratulating Zhang Tan.

Guawazi wouldn't have waited so late just to congratulate Boss Zhang.

"Thank you~~"

Zhang Tan saw Xiaobai jumping around like a little magpie, so he suddenly picked her up.

Xiaobai, who had been so excited just now, was extremely stiff for an instant, and then a small fist swung over and hit Zhang Tan on the nose.

Zhang Tan groaned and quickly put Xiaobai on the ground, feeling like he was holding a little wild cat in his arms.

Xiaobai snorted arrogantly at first, and then asked with concern what happened to Boss Zhang and whether it was okay.

Zhang Tan touched his nose. It didn't matter, it just hurt a little.

Xiaobai is not someone who can be hugged casually, and no one hugs him either.

Who will hold her? Grandma used to be able to hold Xiaobai, but Xiaobai has grown up and can no longer hold her.

Malan flower? She's not one to hold a baby.

Xiaobai once again congratulated Boss Zhang on winning the prize and took the initiative to ask his uncle to go home.

"Bye~~~" When she left the yard, she turned back and waved to Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan: "Bye, see you tomorrow."

The investor who wants to make a movie is named Sun Huaiwei, who is about 50 years old.

The two had a brief chat last night, and the next day they talked in detail. Zhang Tan learned that the other party was not a movie novice. He had invested in three movies before, but only as a small shareholder.

After several explorations, he made a lot of money. Today's film and television market is hot and at the forefront, so he wants to make it big and lead a movie.

It’s just that he doesn’t know much about movies and wants to make an Anti-Japanese War movie based on his grandfather.

Although many of the requests were whimsical, it was Zhang Tan's first film project after all, so he paid great attention to it, listened carefully, and asked for details from time to time.

Last night, Sun Huaiwei introduced his grandfather's deeds to him. At that time, the story was relatively rough, but this time it was much more detailed.

"How much are you prepared to invest?" Zhang Tan asked.

Sun Huaiwei: "A lot."

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "If the investment is large, I can set up a grander scene. If the investment is small, it is not bad to take the small but refined route."

Sun Huaiwei thought about it and said, "It's between 80 million and 100 million."

This amount of investment is not high. In the film industry, specifically among anti-war films, it is considered a low-cost small film.

Zhang Tan nodded and said yes, chatted with Sun Huaiwei for a while, said goodbye to each other and left.

After returning home, Zhang Tan sat down and started thinking about the script.

Sun Huaiwei wanted to tell his grandfather's story of the Anti-Japanese War, but after Zhang Tan listened to his narrative, he found that there were not many bright spots.

Zhang Tan didn't plan to write about his grandfather's life. It would be too long and boring. He remembered that in his previous life, he had written a script called "Grandpa's War of Resistance" when he first debuted. Of course, strictly speaking it was not his script. He just made a beginning and a foundation. In the end, the investor asked someone else to write the script. A bad script.

But in the end it was filmed, celebrities were invited to participate, and it was broadcast on satellite TV. The power of capital is really powerful.

Zhang Tan still thinks it's ridiculous when he thinks about it.

He searched in his mind for famous anti-war movies from his previous life. Leaving aside those anti-Japanese dramas, there were still quite a few good ones.

The afternoon sun gradually set from the window to the balcony. As evening approached and the temperature dropped rapidly, Zhang Tan finally chose "Eight Hundred".

This is an Anti-Japanese War film that takes place in Pujiang. The protagonist is a group of Chinese soldiers who stayed in Pujiang as the last military force during the Battle of Songhu and sniped at the Japanese army.

The reason why Zhang Tan chose this drama is that the story in it can be linked to Sun Huaiwei's grandfather.

There are many difficulties and grooves in this drama, but the most difficult thing is the stance of the movie. If you praise this group of national troops who are still guarding the Sihang Warehouse, they will be criticized as clearing ground for the incompetent national troops, especially the escaped general Sun Yuanliang. But if it is criticism and denial, some people will think that the huge sacrifices made by the soldiers of the Chinese army on the frontal battlefield were in vain and their conscience was annihilated.

Zhang Tan must first solve this problem. His butt must not be crooked, but he must not contradict history. For this reason, he spent two days in the library looking up information and spent another three days writing the script.

This script is very different from the movie in the previous life. Only some particularly shining parts are retained, and the other plot contents are written based on my own understanding.

He confidently made an appointment with Sun Huaiwei again and handed him the script to read. As a result, the guy's first sentence was: "It's too bland, there is no protagonist."

Zhang Tan looked at him to confirm whether he meant what he said.

The other party said confidently: "Without the protagonist, there is no sense of immersion. The times need heroes."

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