Dad Academy

Thank you Silver Alliance List

Generally speaking, this book is a niche one and not many people read it. The number of fans has not exceeded 70,000 and the collection has not exceeded 30,000. But our power is quite strong. This is different from the two books by Tang Tang and Dou Dou Shishi. The books are the same. I still remember Tang Tang’s book. We worked together to help Tang Tang successfully hit the top ten characters of the year! At that time, every one of us put every effort into use. I think there are few book friends who are as united and harmonious as our book friends. So, who says that niche books can't make great achievements? The same goes for the Silver Alliance crowdfunding this time. In fact, I didn’t have confidence at the beginning, but everyone in the group said to give it a try and celebrate Xiaobai’s birthday. If it doesn’t work, I would just give up, so I tried it with the attitude of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, we launched the event in the book club on November 1st. In just a few days, the event received enthusiastic participation from everyone. In half a day, we raised the 10,000 yuan needed to reward the Silver League.

I am very touched and very grateful. Thank you very much.

I have been writing a book for more than three years. This book has given me many firsts, such as the first time I entered a high-quality product, and the first time I had a silver alliance. This is something I never dreamed of before. Thank you.

Seeing so many people who like Xiaobai, I am very touched and encouraged, but I also feel stressed. I am always worried that my poor writing will ruin everyone's good impression, but I will try my best. Many people are worried that this book will be a tragedy. I promise, it will definitely not be. This book is warm and healing. It just cannot be written about warmth. Only when there is sourness can there be sweetness. How to heal without injury.

Now, many characters in this book have been published, but only a few have been really developed and written. For example, Xie Ying, Luo Zikang and Jiang Bin have all been mentioned briefly, and their stories will follow, and according to the outline of the characters, there are also There are new melon seeds that haven’t come out yet.

The Silver Alliance will give rewards later this month to warm up for Xiaobai’s birthday on December 1st.

The following is the crowdfunding list of Silver League, thank you:

July Liuyan 1000

Lao Wang next door to the thatched cottage on the mountainside 500

20200523131141797 500

Deng Sangtian 100

wind75 500

Be firm for the dream 300

Kunshan Extreme 50

Children’s League members 200

Samui Wind 200

Obama 100

maxshen 200

Who knows in my dream that I am a guestI 200

Dynasty Warriors 500

The Invincible King 20

Mozart's Light 500


Life is like a chess piece, no regrets 50

boring 100

Crime Squad Tiger 100

Brother Xi 200

Snow color 100

Funny Bichon 200

Moondown丶月下 200

Floating life 200

Xiaoershang 300

Shengcheng 200

Zhao Jiangling 100

seaside 100

heer (qd: micro hour nine minutes) 100

丨Disguise丨 100

Cold Eyes, World 100

Maple falling and flying snow 50

your light 100

弍卬 300

Yansuo Yunlou Yunsuo Yan 100

Yifeng1992 100

The three-legged cat who loves to learn 50

Dragon m sleep q temple w 20

Water pool in the woods 20


alonehungk 50

Wuping 0001 44

Xiaoxiaoxiao 50

Burning Left Ear 100

His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven 500

Read the entire mountain of books in one night 200

Che Sheep's Sorrow 100

Handsome guy’s truth 200

Winter heat 100

Fatty Yuanbao 500

Listen quietly 91 90

【氿 Zero】 100

Looking for you ~ 300

There is a tiger in my heart lying in a shallow stream 50

Brother Peng is innocent 10

Baoyi 100

Jun Xiu 100

Bookworm on Shekbi Mountain 100

Why are we surrounded on all sides 100

Xiandan loose fish 150

Soybean balls 5

Desert Waiting Wind Man 50

Waiting Thousand Years Ago 100

57102556 50

Mo Yu Wei Ying 50

There are still a few pieces of money that I haven’t found who gave them, so if there are any missing, please leave a message or contact me and I will add them. Thanks again.

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