Dad Academy

Chapter 338 Former Home

Zhang Tan went up from the third floor to the fourth floor, turned the corner of the corridor, and saw a little girl lying on the side of the corridor, half of her head exposed, looking at him, her big black eyes staring, full of vigilance.

When the little girl saw someone really coming up, she first asked Trump, "Who are you?"

Suddenly his eyes widened, he let out a sound of surprise, jumped out, and said with a big laugh: "Boss Zhang, are you here?"

She turned back and shouted into the corridor: "Guards, don't be afraid, it's Boss Zhang who's here to chat, hohohoho~~"

There was a sound of footsteps, and then two children appeared holding hands to give each other a sense of security, one was Xiaomi and the other was Xi'er.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and asked why Boss Zhang was here.

Zhang Tan saw all three of them there, one less than the other. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You asked me why I came here. I ask you, how did you get here?"

Xiaobai and Xiaomi looked at each other without saying anything, while Xier couldn't wait to say that Xiaomi was coming to find her mother.

"did you find it?"

Xiaomi shook his head in disappointment.

Zhang Tan took out his cell phone, called Bai Jianping, and then called Tan Jin'er, Ding Jiamin, and Xin Xiaoguang, telling them that the person had been found and asked them to meet at the Little Red Horse Academy. He would take the person there immediately.

After making the call, Zhang Tan took the three little Doudings away and asked them how they found their mother. They couldn't be here.

Xiaobai said that Xi'er was thirsty. They came to the house to find water, but when they arrived, they found that they could not open the door.

Zhang Tan glanced at Xi'er. The little guy was smiling and licking his lips from time to time.

He went to the convenience store in the alley and bought three bottles of Bear drinks for them.

Xi'er was really thirsty. As soon as Zhang Tan handed it to her, she couldn't wait to hold it with both hands. She didn't even have time to say thank you. She drank hard and almost finished the bottle of Little Bear.

Seeing Zhang Tan looking at her, Xi'er hiahiahia smiled and said: "I'm so thirsty, the bear is so delicious. I like drinking the bear so much, but Xi'er has no money to buy the bear."

Zhang Tan touched her little head and asked, "Aren't you afraid of wetting the bed now?"

"hiahiahiahia~~~" Xi'er laughed. She didn't feel embarrassed at all. She just thought Boss Zhang was so funny.

Zhang Tan took them back to Little Red Horse.

There was a group of people standing at the entrance of Little Red Horse Academy. When Lao Yuan saw Zhang Tan coming with the children, someone immediately ran out.


When Xi'er saw Tan Jin'er, she jumped over and ran over.

When Xiaomi saw Ding Jiamin, she lowered her head as if she had made a mistake.

Xiaobai stood calmly at Zhang Tan's feet. Seeing Bai Jianping appear, he was surprised and asked him where his claws were.

Bai Jianping said coldly: "I will spread your ass later."

Xiaobai said in surprise: "Uncle, you are just trying to imitate your aunt."

"I'm going to spread your ass." Bai Jianping emphasized, a bit like if you don't come over, I will fight back.

"Where do you live? I'm just a doll. I'm beating the doll for my paws. Boss Zhang, look, my uncle is a bastard."

Bai Jianping: "..."

The children were found, and everyone dispersed, leaving only the adults and three little beans.

Because it was getting late, already after 12 o'clock, Zhang Tan suggested that everyone have lunch together before leaving.

The location was in Huangjia Village, and I chose a small restaurant. It was the "Xinfu Koufu" restaurant that Zhang Tan had been to several times. The boiled candied eggs here were very good, and of course, the other dishes were also very good.

The three children are hungry. Usually the kindergarten starts lunch at 11:30, but today it is more than an hour later than usual.

After the three of them had filled their stomachs, everyone slowly began to ask them why they sneaked out and what they were doing.

Xiaobai and Xiaomi were hesitant at first, considering whether to say, how to say, and how much to say.

But they soon discovered that it was useless to think about this, because Xi'er was beside them!

Xi'er was sure to answer every question, and she called them all truthfully, exactly as they were, down to the smallest detail. Xiaobai and Xiaomi were stunned when they heard this.

Xi'er's attitude, if applied to others, would be a perfect positive example of being aware of current affairs and being "lenient when honest and strict when resisting".

But she is Xi'er.

She didn't even think she had done anything wrong, let alone any leniency for confessing.

On the contrary, she was very proud.

Today, she accompanied Xiaomi on an adventure to find her mother. She is doing a good deed, why don't you praise her?

Everyone was speechless by her. Gua Wazi was too naive, like a fool.

Both Xiaobai and Xi'er need a good education. No matter what, sneaking out of the kindergarten is wrong.

The real trouble is Xiaomi.

This child has lowered his head and remained silent since seeing Ding Jiamin.

After lunch, Ding Jiamin had a heart-to-heart talk with her alone.

Zhang Tanze, Bai Jianping, Tan Jin'er, Xiaobai and Xi'er were sunbathing in the alley outside the store.

Xiaobai and Bai Jianping were bickering, while Tan Jin'er was checking the time. Zhang Tan guessed that she might have to rush to the hotel for work, so he helped take care of Xi'er and sent her to the kindergarten later.

Tan Jin'er thanked him and before leaving, told Xi'er again to be obedient and not to run away.

Not long after, Ding Jiamin and Xiaomi came out, both of them had red eyes.

Ding Jiamin already knew what Xiaomi was worried about. She wanted to find her mother, but she was not really looking for her mother. After all, her mother was missing. Let alone her, the police had spent so much time but could not find her. It seemed like she had disappeared.

Xiaomi wanted to find the place where she and her mother used to live. That place was in Huangjia Village, but Xiaomi couldn't remember where it was. She had forgotten it. At the same time, she was about to forget her mother's appearance.

She doesn't want to find her mother, but she wants to find her mother's appearance. She doesn't want to forget her mother's appearance, and she is afraid of forgetting.

Xiaobai doesn't have a mother, but at least she knows what her mother looks like, but she has almost forgotten what her mother looks like.

She and her mother once lived in Huangjia Village, but she doesn't remember exactly where.

Zhang Tan pondered for a moment and then said: "I have an idea, but it's quite troublesome. It won't be found for a while, probably a few days."

Xiaomi looked at him expectantly, and he continued: "We can go to the village official and ask him to help, and release this task to all detachments and groups in the village. As long as Xiaomi's mother has rented here, If so, then I must have contacted the landlord, there will be records left, and I should be able to find it, but it will take some time."

This is a last resort, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and requires a debt of gratitude, but other than that, is there any other good solution?

Seeing that Ding Jiamin was silent, Zhang Tan reassured her and said that he knew the senior village officials and he would definitely be happy to help with this small favor.

Unexpectedly, Ding Jiamin shook his head and said, "No need to bother, I know where Xiaomi's home is."

Several people were surprised.

Ding Jiamin explained: "We did some research when we were looking for Xiaomi's mother, so we know her home address, but..."

She paused, as if she didn't want to continue talking, but facing Xiaomi's hopeful look, she still said: "That place was dilapidated, and no one has lived there since."

Xiaomi took the initiative to hold her hand. Although he didn't say anything, his eyes and expression had betrayed her. She wanted to take a look. No matter how dilapidated it was, it was her former home, and she wanted to see that place.

Ding Jiamin took everyone around seven times and eight times. Bai Jianping didn't know the road anymore. Only Zhang Tan, who grew up here, knew that they went from the east to the south of Huangjiacun, and they went around half a circle.

The group finally stopped in front of a two-story brick house. Ding Jiamin said that it was on the second floor, but suggested that children not go up there because it was too dirty and unsafe. This building is almost dangerous.

Xiaobai and Xi'er stayed downstairs, looked after by Bai Jianping, while Zhang Tan, Ding Jiamin and Xiaomi went up.

There was mold in the corridor, and a foul smell hit my nostrils. It's rainy and rainy during this time in Pujiang, and no one lives here, so mold is normal.

There are two rooms on the second floor, both with one bedroom and one living room, located on both sides of the stairs. The one on the left is Xiaomi's former home, and the one on the right is unoccupied all year round.

The door to the room was not closed and open, and it was stained with mold. There were all kinds of garbage scattered on the floor, as well as tables, chairs and Simmons that had been abandoned for a long time. The glass on the window was broken, and the curtain was an old yellow cloth with a dog pattern, hanging loosely from the window and falling to the ground. In the corner by the window, there was a tattered little white shoe lying there.

Zhang Tan took two steps and felt something step on his feet. When he raised his feet, he saw that it was also a small shoe, white, just the same pair as the one in the corner.

Xiaomi broke away from Ding Jiamin's hand, ran over to pick it up, and held it in her arms, with tears falling down her face.

She remembered that these were the little shoes she once wore.

And the doggy curtain on the window, she also remembered. She bought it on the street with her mother. She picked it because she likes dogs so much.

She finally had an impression of this place, and the pictures from the past gradually came to mind. She and her mother used to live here, but it was much nicer then than now. At that time, this was her paradise and harbor.

Seeing the dilapidated scene in front of her, Xiaomi burst into tears.

In her short life, for the first time, time showed itself in front of her in such a cruel way. It is not only people in their later years who can sigh that "things have changed and people have changed."

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