Dad Academy

Chapter 34 A Night in the Academy

Zhang Tan:-_-||

The nickname "Boss Zhang" has been spreading in the academy recently. According to insider information, the source is Xiaobai Children's Shoes! Just like the fart black before.

The reason why Zhang Tan was black was because he hindered Xiaobai from chasing Xiaomi. Boss Zhang was also secretly accused because of that cold face. He only found out after he was called away.

Hei Xiaobai resolutely refused to admit that she took it. Even though all the children in the school knew that she did it. After all, she was the only one who said Trump, she still refused to admit it. Even after Zhang Tan reconciled with her, she still refused to admit it. deny.

Boss Zhang Xiaobai didn't admit it. When she asked her, she looked innocent. When asked, she didn't know anything, saying that she was a child and didn't know anything.

Zhang Tan's face was darkened for a while. Boss Zhang couldn't tell whether it was a compliment or a derogatory term, but no matter what, Zhang Tan couldn't be happy. After all, it really doesn’t sound good.

Zhang Tan habitually wanted to pluck Shen Liuliu's braid, but suddenly thought of her mother's presence and stretched out her hand. Instead, he touched her little head and said, "Is mom here to take you home? Stop playing with the ball." , go home quickly."

After getting closer, he saw that Shen Liuliu's mother looked tired and pale. He asked worriedly: "Liuliu's mother, are you feeling unwell?"

This was the first time he met Shen Liuliu's mother. She was about 168cm tall and a little fat. Her eyes were the same as Shen Liuliu's, with single eyelids.

"It's okay, thank you." The other party said, "Who are you?"

Shen Liuliu hugged the ball and enthusiastically introduced Zhang Tan to her mother, saying that this was Boss Zhang. As for the name, gender, age, and sex, she didn't know anything about it.

Zhang Tan had to introduce himself: "I'm Zhang Tan. I just came here at the beginning of this month, so you may not have seen me."

"Oh, hello, I am Zhu Xiaojing, Liliu's mother..."

Zhang Tan told Shen Liuliu to go home with her mother early and say goodbye to mother and daughter.

The child Shen Liuliu is jumping up and down, full of energy, and has already slept. She is playing in the schoolyard and refuses to go home. Sometimes she plays with a ball, sometimes on the slide, sometimes she holds a picture book, and sometimes she whispers with a stuffed doll... In short, it just can't stop, like clockwork.

As for her mother, her face was pale, her brows furrowed together from time to time, her hands unconsciously covering her stomach, as if she didn't want to move. Finally, she simply sat down, took out the thermos cup in her backpack, took a sip of hot water, and looked at Shen Liuliu. Play and tell her not to leave her sight.

"Mom, come and see, Pa Pa Ma is so cute, sit down for you." Shen Liuliu waved to her cheerfully.

In front of the child, Zhu Xiaojing smiled: "Liuliu, you can play by yourself. Mom, sit down for a while."

Shen Liuliu played by herself for a while, then ran over, took her mother's hand and asked to play with her.

"Liuliu, let's go home? It's so late." Zhu Xiaojing's stomach pain is getting worse, and now she just wants to lie down and rest.

"Let's play a little longer."

Zhang Tan returned to the room, brushed his teeth and washed his face, then lay down on the bed to sleep. The window was not closed tightly, and the sound of cicadas on the mulberry tree kept coming. In front, in the yard, jumping up and down, finally willing to go home after having enough fun.

When she reached the gate of the academy, Zhu Xiaojing stopped, holding her stomach and squatting on the ground. She was far away and couldn't see clearly, but Lao Li from the guard box ran out and said something to her.

Zhang Tan hurriedly went downstairs. In addition to Lao Li, there was also Teacher Xiao Liu.

Zhu Xiaojing was quite embarrassed when she saw him. Lao Li called Zhang Tan aside and said that he would leave this place to Teacher Xiaoliu.

Zhang Tan guessed that it was his aunt who had dysmenorrhea and stayed up late and worked overtime, which aggravated the pain.

Teacher Xiaoliu took her back to her room to rest for a while. When she came out again, Zhang Tan brought over the child Shen Liuliu who was staring at him. This naughty little kid still wanted to play. If she didn't go home, she would be honest after having her pigtails pulled.

Zhang Tan said to Zhu Xiaojing, "I'll drive you back."

Zhu Xiaojing came here on an electric bike, but she can't ride it in this condition now.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Zhang Tan called Teacher Xiao Liu on board, drove the three of them away, and took more than half an hour.

Chatting on the road, we learned that Zhu Xiaojing’s job is as a reporter. She has only been employed for three months and is still in the internship period. In order to stay, she works very hard and often works overtime. Her husband went to another place due to a job transfer, which is more than 200 kilometers away from Pujiang. I only come back to Yuhang on weekends. During the day, Shen Liuliu stayed in the kindergarten, and at night, he was sent to Little Red Horse Academy.

Back at Little Red Horse Academy, Zhang Tan learned that Xiaobai had been taken away by her aunt, so Zhang Tan went back to his room to sleep. It was almost midnight and he had to go to work tomorrow.

In the middle of the night, I heard the cry of a child in my dream. I woke up suddenly, opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling in the dim light. The cry of the child was still heard in my ears. The shadows of the trees outside the window were dancing and swaying slightly in the wind. A little scared.

It's not a dream, it's someone crying at night.

Zhang Tan lay on the bed and listened for a while. The cry came from a little girl downstairs. He picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table. It was 3:30 in the morning. At this time, the only little girl in the academy was Xiaomi.

The crying continued for a while. Zhang Tan turned on the bedside lamp, changed his clothes, picked up his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight function, and opened the door. The voice-activated lights in the corridor automatically turned on. The bedroom on the second floor was empty. The children They are all gone.

The crying was in the staff dormitory, also on the second floor, at the end of the corridor.

All the lights in the corridor were turned on by the crying. The one who stayed with Xiaomi in the academy today should be Teacher Xiaoliu. Maybe the child had a nightmare and was frightened to cry.

Zhang Tan was worried and was about to knock on the door. Just then, the door opened. Teacher Xiao Liu, who was wearing pajamas, messy hair and sleepy eyes, suddenly saw a person standing in the corridor and screamed in fright.

"It's me, it's me, Zhang Tan, Teacher Xiaoliu, don't be afraid~" Zhang Tan explained quickly.

He was startled by Teacher Xiaoliu's penetrating scream, and Xiaomi's crying paused for a moment in the room.

"Boss?" Teacher Xiaoliu asked hesitantly.

Zhang Tan took two steps forward to let her see more clearly.

"It's me, Zhang Tan. I heard Xiaomi crying. I came down to see what happened. Did she have a nightmare?"

Teacher Xiao Liu took a deep breath. She was frightened by the sudden appearance of Zhang Tan, and immediately looked at her own dress with embarrassment.

"Sorry, Xiaomi had a nightmare and cried very sadly, which woke you up."

"It's okay, what are you doing?" Zhang Tan asked.

Teacher Xiaoliu said: "Xiaomi's doll is in the children's dormitory. It was left to her by her mother. She is crying for it now."

"do you need my help?"

"No, no need, you go and rest, I will take good care of Xiaomi."

"Okay, then I'll go back to the room first."

Zhang Tan felt quite embarrassed when he saw Teacher Xiaoliu. Girls want to look pretty in front of others and don't want their naked side to be seen.

"Wait~~Boss, can you wait?"

Teacher Xiaoliu called to Zhang Tan who was about to leave, and said sheepishly: "Can you accompany me to the dormitory to find Xiaomi's doll? I, I'm a little scared."

Zhang Tan glanced at the spacious and empty dormitory. Looking in from the mouth, it looked like a black hole. It was really scary at night.

Zhang Tan touched the switch on the wall, turned on all the lights, and then called Teacher Xiao Liu to come in and find Xiaomi's rag doll. This is a little girl doll. The style is very old, but it is Xiaomi’s baby.

Zhang Tan turned off the light again, closed the door, and sent Teacher Xiaoliu back to the dormitory. However, at some point, Xiaomi came out, wearing a blue and white striped pajamas, standing at the door, crying helplessly.

Teacher Xiao Liu went up to meet her, held her in his arms, waved to Zhang Tan, and entered the room.

Thank you Winter Heat for the 500-coin reward, and thank you shangmlsf and Bookworm Xian for the 100-coin reward.

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