Dad Academy

Chapter 334 Acquaintance (2/2)

Chapter 334 Acquaintance (22)

A black car drove over slowly. Xiaomi was sensitive and instantly noticed that Sister Xiaomin was staring at the car, guessing that it must be her boyfriend.

She couldn't help but become nervous and a little uneasy.

Sure enough, the car stopped in front of them, and a handsome guy got out, but not as handsome as Boss Zhang.

With a smile on his face, the elder brother greeted her immediately, introduced himself as Chen Tiankai, and then asked her name.

Xiaomi first raised her head and glanced at Sister Xiaomin who was holding her hand tightly. Seeing Sister Xiaomin nodding towards her, she said obediently: "Hello, brother, my name is Xiaomi. I am 5 years old this year. I study in kindergarten during the day. I am in a small class and play with the children at the Little Red Horse at night. My advantage is that I am very strong..."

Just to answer the question "What is your name?", Xiaomi kid introduced himself in detail.

Ding Jiamin was both laughing and crying, but she didn't show it. She could tell that Xiaomi was very nervous today, so she listened patiently to her. She didn't know many things, such as what Xiaomi's hobbies were and what Xiaomi considered her advantages to be.

It turns out that he is strong, but isn’t he obviously a crybaby? Ding Jiamin thought funny in his heart. However, some people are strong enough not to cry, and some people can cry but become stronger after crying. They are all strong, but their expressions are different.

The three of them got in the car and headed to the amusement park.

Along the way, Xiaomi and Ding Jiamin were sitting in the back row. Xiaomi looked out the car window and listened to sister Xiaomin chatting with her boyfriend. She couldn't get a word in and didn't know what to say.

However, Ding Jiamin paid close attention to Xiaomi today and kept bringing the topic to her to get her involved, so everyone had a good conversation along the way.

About half an hour later, we arrived at the amusement park.

The amusement park was full today, there were so many people.

"It's been raining for half a month. Everyone is exhausted at home, and they come out as soon as the weather clears." Chen Tiankai said.

Xiaomi raised her head and looked at him curiously, taking a second look when he wasn't paying attention. When he noticed it, she quickly turned her eyes back and pretended that nothing happened.

Chen Tiankai added: "But it doesn't matter. The amusement park is very big and there are many places to play in it. We were all there this morning and had enough time."

He took out a large handbag from the car, which contained various snacks and drinks. He smiled and said to Xiaomi and Ding Jiamin: "It's prepared for us. Do you want some drinks? Xiaomi, do you want it?"

Just as Xiaomi was about to shake her head, Chen Tiankai had already brought out a bottle of Little Bear drink and handed it to her: "It's Little Bear drink, it's very delicious."

It's a bear! Xiaomi wants it again. The last time I drank it was at Boss Zhang's house a few days ago. It tasted great.

She looked at Ding Jiamin, seeking Ding Jiamin's consent.

Ding Jiamin smiled and said, "Take it if you want."

Xiaomi happily took the bottle of Little Bear and said, "Thank you, fat man."

Chen Tiankai and Ding Jiamin were both stunned. Chen Tiankai was happy, but Ding Jiamin was a little unnatural. She wanted to correct Xiaomi's name, but she was worried that it would embarrass Chen Tiankai, so she did not say anything and would communicate with Xiaomi when Chen Tiankai was away.

Chen Tiankai bought the tickets and the three of them entered the amusement park. Xiaomi is a child after all. Seeing so many fun things inside, and the children laughing constantly in the company of adults, she became excited and couldn't help but smile on her face. She often stood aside with envy to watch other children playing. .

Ding Jiamin and Chen Tiankai asked her if she wanted to play, but she always shook her head. After three or five times, the two of them understood that the little girl was shy and embarrassed, or even polite. In fact, she really wanted to play, just by looking at her eyes. figure it out.

Children don't know how to hide themselves. Even if they don't say anything, their eyes, expressions, and movements will reveal their true feelings. Adults can capture them as long as they care.

But that’s not necessarily the case. Xiaomi is not only shy and polite, but also out of habit.

Xiaomi's childhood experience made her subconsciously believe that fun and delicious things had nothing to do with her. Over time, she developed an inferiority complex and believed that she was not worthy.

This is Xiaomi's character and heart. Ding Jiamin is far from touching it. She has just melted the outer shell of Xiaomi's body. There is still a long, long way to go before she can get into her heart and let her open up. Let’s go, there is still a lot of work to be done. As for correcting Xiaomi’s negative psychology, there is still a long way to go.

In view of this, next, as long as Xiaomi doesn't say why she doesn't like playing this, then Ding Jiamin and Chen Tiankai will take her to play.

Xiaomi, who was very reserved at first, finally felt more relaxed after riding the carousel and driving the bumper car. Not only did she have a smile on her face, she also kept laughing.

She even let Chen Tiankai hold her little hand.

When you are happy, time always passes quickly, and it is noon before you know it.

"Let's eat in the amusement park and continue playing in the afternoon. There are still many places here that we haven't gone to." Seeing that Xiaomi was in a good mood and still had more to say, Chen Tiankai suggested.

This proposal was agreed by Ding Jiamin, and Xiaomi went with the flow.

There is a restaurant in the amusement park. When the three of them arrived, it was already full. They had no choice but to take a number and sit outside the restaurant to wait.

Fortunately, Chen Tiankai brought snacks and drinks, so the children would not go hungry. They could eat something to fill their stomachs first.

Chen Tiankai seized the opportunity to talk to Xiaomi and try his best to gain the children's approval.

After this period of contact, he has clearly understood that Ding Jiamin cares about Xiaomi's feelings. If he really wants to be with Ding Jiamin, he must first obtain Xiaomi's approval, otherwise the matter will definitely become dirty.

So today's itinerary was made. He arranged the whole process. Looking at it now, the effect is very good. The little girl had a lot of fun. She kept smiling and laughing. Her little face is still rosy to this day.

Of course, more importantly, Ding Jiamin was very happy.

He made a lot of preparations before planning, not only choosing the itinerary, but also learning how to get along with children.

He had never taken care of a child before, so he had to learn everything from scratch. This felt weird.

His performance in the morning gave him a lot of points, but in fact, the awkwardness in his heart never disappeared, but became a little clearer.

It's not that Xiaomi is not cute, on the contrary, this is a very cute and lovable little girl.

From the perspective of a bystander, he may like her very much, but if he suddenly wants to be a "stepfather", the change will be too sudden. Even though he is mentally prepared, he will still be caught off guard.

But these thoughts remained deep in my heart and were not expressed at all.

He is not Xiaomi, and he will not express his emotions easily.

While he was chatting with Ding Jiamin, he unexpectedly met an acquaintance and colleague from work who had a better time.

The other party was accompanied by a girl whom Chen Tiankai knew. She was the other party's girlfriend and also his colleague. The three of them were all in the same company.

What a coincidence, we met here.

The three of them chatted and Chen Tiankai introduced Ding Jiamin to them. The other party laughed and joked that Chen Tiankai secretly had such a beautiful girlfriend, and he usually hid it very well.

Because I met a friend, we all had lunch together.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the three finally came out of the amusement park. In the car going home, Ding Jiamin was in a good mood. After sitting in the back seat with Xiaomi and chatting about the Queen, she said to Chen Tiankai who was driving: "Do you have time at night? Why don't you go to my house for dinner? I'll do it."

Chen Tiankai didn't seem to hear him and was focused on driving.


"Huh? Huh? Call me? What?"

Chen Tiankai finally came to his senses, smiled apologetically, and said he was thinking about something.

Ding Jiamin didn't pay attention and said again: "Do you have time at night? Otherwise, come to my house and I will cook."

Chen Tiankai thought for a while, smiled and said it was still early, and he didn't say whether he would go or not.

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