Dad Academy

Chapter 322 After the storm there is a rainbow, after the disaster there is great blessing

Today is the Lantern Festival, but Xiaobai and grandma cannot celebrate the festival together because one of them is in the ward at this end of the corridor and the other is in the ward at the other end of the corridor. Both of them are hospitalized.

Xiaobai was diagnosed with bacterial dysentery and had diarrhea. The poor little baby had diarrhea and was lying on the hospital bed listlessly.

Zhang Tan stood beside the hospital bed and helped the nurse change the infusion bottle.

"Have something to eat."

Zhang Tan said to Xiaobai who was lying on the bed. Only her little head was exposed. After hearing this, she turned over and lay down flat. During the Spring Festival, I just gained some baby fat on my face, but I lost weight in just half a day, and the baby fat disappeared. It really came and went in a hurry.

Xiaobai looked at him weakly: "Boss Zhang, do I want to leave?"

Zhang Tan consoled him, "I won't leave if I don't. You can't leave like this."

The child didn't seem to hear it and muttered to himself: "I don't want to die. I'm still young. Xiaobai needs to grow up, grow up quickly."

Zhang Tan: "?"

It turns out that if you want to leave, it means that you are going to die. Are children speaking so implicitly and tactfully?

He comforted Xiaobai and said no, it was impossible.

"You just have diarrhea. I've never heard of anyone who has diarrhea and can go away."

Xiaobai muttered to himself again that I must be strong, I am a strong Xiaobai, and I want to take care of grandma...

Zhang Tan said happily: "Yes, you have to be strong. You will be fine soon. Don't worry. It's just a minor illness. I've had it too."

"What?" Xiaobai finally listened to his words this time, staring at him with big tired eyes, and asked him if he had diarrhea too.

The word diarrhea always feels a bit shameful.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but look around, and when he saw that the nurse was not around, he nodded quickly and covertly, holding back the shame in his heart and whispered: "Pull over."

Xiaobai was laughing, but her smile turned into a moan because she wanted to poop again.

Zhang Tan picked her up, holding the infusion bottle at the same time, and took her to the bathroom. The nurse came to help and helped her sit on the cartoon toilet.

Zhang Tan stood outside the bathroom door, holding an infusion bottle, and the infusion line was connected to Xiao Bai inside. Therefore, the door was not closed tightly, leaving a small gap, and a squeaking sound came from the gap, like The frog is croaking.

Zhang Tan was speechless and funny. He was used to it. He was really surprised at first, but later he found out that it was Xiaobai who was calling her daddy, frog, chicken, big rooster, little lamb... She had called them all. .

Because there were these little animals printed on the toilet, she looked at the little animals while pooping, and learned to bark. Anyway, it was just fun.

Even bacteria can't defeat her lively and active personality.

Zhang Tan bought this toilet.

It turned out that the hospital did not have this. The conditions here were simple and could not take care of so many details. The children's legs became weak when squatting in pits and it was extremely painful. Zhang Tan went to the street and bought a portable cartoon toilet and placed it in the bathroom. For novices to use.

This time the daddy was pulled by a frog and had nothing to do with her.

She went in quickly and came out quickly, and dysentery was immediately diagnosed. You can tell its characteristics just by hearing the name.

Xiaobai came out holding his buttocks and moaning.

Zhang Tan saw that she was walking with a limp and looked very pitiful. He wanted to hug her, but was refused. The child insisted on doing it by himself. The reason why I let Boss Zhang hold me when I came was because I couldn't wait.

She walked to the bed, climbed up, lay on the bed and sighed comfortably, "I feel bad~~"

Zhang Tan said: "It hurts, actually, I can understand you."

Xiaobai hummed and asked in a low voice.

Zhang Tan smiled and said nothing, saying to himself that I have never had dysentery, but I have eaten a lot of Bangbang chicken you sent me, so the experience must be similar. So far, his answer on Bihu is at the top. The question is "What does it feel like to eat too much chili butt in your mouth?"

Tonight is the Lantern Festival. At night, when the nurses come to check on the condition, they will say Happy Lantern Festival.

Bai Jianping cooked glutinous rice balls, and sent one portion to grandma's ward to be fed by Malanhua, and one portion to Xiaobai's place, to be fed by Zhang Tan.

Every year during the Lantern Festival, Xiaobai spends the Lantern Festival with his grandma. This year they are obviously together, but they cannot be together because Xiaobai's dysentery is an infectious disease and must be isolated. If it is accidentally passed on to grandma, it will be very serious. It cost the old man half his life.

As for Zhang Tan, he prides himself on having eight-pack abs and is not afraid of these. He just wears a mask and protective gloves...

Seeing that the child was thinking about his grandma, Zhang Tan thought of a way and used his mobile phone to make a video call to the elderly person, allowing the two of them to chat through the mobile screen as a comfort.

"Boss Zhang~~~"

Xiaobai shouted, Zhang Tan hung the infusion bottle on the stand, sat down by the bed, and asked, "What's wrong?"

A few days ago, it was Xiaobai who was holding the infusion bottle for her grandma, but now it was Zhang Tan who was holding the infusion bottle for her. The grandfather and grandson fell down one after another. Without Boss Zhang, Xiaobai felt that neither she nor grandma would have known what to do. .

"I don't even know how to thank you." Xiaobai said, his eyes shining.

Although she was young, a child of a poor man had already taken charge of the family. She had realized her difference since she was a child. Other children had mom and dad, but she did not. She only had a grandma. She is carefree but sensitive, she is strong on the outside but fragile on the inside, she is outgoing and cheerful but thinks too much, she is a contradiction at a young age.

Zhang Tan smiled and touched her watermelon head. Seeing her squinting her big eyes and enjoying it, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He almost patted her shoulder again just now.

"I want to thank you too," he said.


"You made me understand how precious family love is, which I have never experienced before."

"Boss Zhang~"

"Have you understood this too?"

"I want to poop."


Although there were many difficulties in this new year, overall, I got through it without any danger.

Grandma is ill, but is getting better; Xiaobai is infected with dysentery, but the treatment is effective and he is getting better.

Xiaobai was hospitalized for two days and was discharged from the hospital, but his body was weak. It took several days for him to recover, but he gradually recovered, but the cute baby fat disappeared completely.

According to Malanhua's decision, they were to separate. Xiaobai and Bai Jianping returned to Pujiang with Zhang Tan, while she stayed to take care of her grandma.

Xiaobai was naturally reluctant, but everyone tried to persuade her, but she burst into tears. Finally, she got a promise that in the summer, her grandma's health should have recovered, and she would be allowed to go home to visit her grandma.

The doctor said that according to grandma's recovery situation, she should be able to fully recover by July.

At that time, Xiaobai can spend a pleasant summer vacation at home.

The night before leaving, Xiaobai stayed in the ward and spent time with his grandma. No one knew what they said.

Early the next morning, the three of them set off for Chengdu and took a flight from Chengdu to Pujiang.

After nearly a month, Xiaobai returned to Pujiang again. I wonder if the melon seeds in Xiaohongli are ripe yet.

Three new leaders have been added, Moondown, Yuexia, Shuyou20200523131141797, and Dancing with the Daily Limit Board, thank you, Crab~~

Thank you all for the tips, thank you:

Dance with the daily limit of 50,000

Book Friends 20200523131141797 30000


Funny Bichon 10000

2long fungus 5000

Yunyi Junshao, Dynasty Warriors, Facing East, One Day World 1000

Xiao Ziyun, Meng Qiye, Wei Shi Jiu Fen 500

Book Friends 20200616212432586, Wen Wutian 200

Shuyou 20170303224657450, Shuyou 20190719093131429, Feiyang, Yan Wufeng, £魑魔魍鉉№, Long Xiaobaibai, Biu knocked down 100 with one shot

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