Dad Academy

Chapter 318 Xiaobai is as big as a wrist (2/4)

Chapter 318 Xiaobai is a wrist boy (24)

Su Lan came out of the shower and was stunned. Xiao Bai was sitting in a chair watching TV, with Zhang Tan sitting next to her.

Hearing the footsteps, the two people watching TV looked over. Xiaobai said first, "Boss Zhang asked Xiaobai to open the door."

Zhang Tan silently gave her a thumbs up. Only a child like this could take action. Instead of causing trouble, he only made up for it.

Su Lan's face was a little blushing. She didn't know whether it was because of the hot water or because Zhang Haiwang was in the room.

Her hair was wet, she was naked and wrapped in white hotel pajamas.

"Why are you here? Aren't you ready to sleep?"

Su Lan asked casually and returned to the bathroom. After a while, the sound of the hair dryer sounded.

Zhang Tan stood up and said, "Xiaobai is hungry. I brought her a midnight snack. You can eat some too."

Xiaobai raised his head in surprise and looked at Boss Zhang, she didn't! It was Boss Zhang who brought delicious food himself, saying that he couldn't finish the food and invited her to eat.

Su Lan was blowing her hair in the mirror without looking at him, but she always felt that his eyes were so hot.

"I'm not hungry."

She wants to stay in shape. I rested for more than a week during the Spring Festival. I ate delicious and spicy food at home every day without having to cook it myself. I was very happy at that time. When I went back and checked the scale, I found that it was over the limit. Rourou would not lose weight just because she looked good. Instead of growing, it grows wildly and wantonly.

Su Lan doesn't have a physique that makes her gain weight no matter what she eats. Life can never be perfect. Given such a beautiful face and body, there must be some flaws.

Zhang Tan came to her side and said, "Let me help you blow."

Su Lan was embarrassed, there were people outside, "No."

But the hair dryer in his hand was easily taken away by Zhang Tan.

Zhang Tan stood behind her and helped her blow dry her hair with a skillful technique. It looked like he had done washing, cutting and blow-drying before, or maybe practice makes perfect and he had done other things before.

Su Lan was about to say that she had blow-dryed girls' hair before, but when the words came to her lips, she held back, saying what else could she do besides irritating herself?

While Zhang Tan was helping Su Lan blow dry her hair, she called to Xiao Bai who was eating snacks outside, "Xiao Bai, come here~~ You should take a shower."

"Take a bath with a rub. I don't want to take a bath with a rub."

"Windmill and Fake Sophistication" was playing on the TV, and she watched it with gusto.

"You're all rotten and you haven't taken a shower yet? Who dares to sleep with you?"

Xiaobai was surprised. He lowered his head and smelled himself, his hands, and jiojio. It smelled delicious.

Although she is not as good as Little Melon Chengcheng, she is still a sweet-smelling baby, hum~

This little guy refused to take a bath, so he was chased around by Zhang Tan and rushed into the bathroom, where Su Lan took him to take a bath.

Then, Su Lan drove him away with a backhand.

The intensity of the Wutong Town earthquake, which has attracted much attention, has gradually declined, and the affected people have received effective rescue. The injured are treated in hospitals, and the state pays for it. For those who unfortunately died, the government also helps prepare for funeral arrangements.

After a great disaster there will be a great epidemic.

After the earthquake, due to the destruction of the ecological environment, water sources may be contaminated by garbage, corpses, chemical poisons, etc., water quality deteriorates, food deteriorates or is contaminated; the habits of vector organisms change, and the chances of contact between humans and bacteria increase.

Infectious diseases appeared in the area around Wutong Town, among which dysentery was the most serious.

On this day, Zhang Tan and Su Lan sent Xiaobai to the hospital to visit her grandma. Grandma's body is recovering day by day, and her mental state has improved a lot. Everyone is very pleased.

She discussed it with Malanhua, and after thanking Zhang Tan and Su Lan, she told them to go back and there was no need to stay here and delay things.

"Why don't you, Susu, go back first? You can't afford to delay your company's affairs."

In the corridor, Zhang Tan and Su Lan were discussing. His work was very free. He didn't go to the set during this period, and no one on the set asked him. But Su Lan couldn't. Her schedule was arranged by the company. Zhou Li had called her several times a day these days, urging her to go back quickly.

Zhou Li has learned that Su Lan has gone to the Sichuan disaster area. Yang Zhu obviously lacks integrity and cannot stand the torture. Fortunately, she knew the seriousness and did not accuse Teacher Zhang. She just said that Su Su went to the disaster area in Sichuan.

After learning Su Su's destination, Zhou Li looked around anxiously. Fortunately, Su Lan's phone was always open and she was able to contact her in time.

The boss is already angry. Zhou Li told Su Lan the news yesterday.

As for the extent of her anger, Zhou Li didn't say, but Su Lan already knew because her boss called her early in the morning.

"how about you?"

In the corridor, Su Lan and Zhang Tan stood in front of the window at the end. She turned back and glanced at a young man who came out of her grandma's ward. The man stared at her as he left.

Su Lan touched her face and then remembered that she wasn't wearing a mask today!

"Do we know this person? He looks familiar." Su Lan said, taking out a black mask from her bag and putting it on.

Zhang Tan looked back at the young man who was walking away. Although he didn't see his face, he recognized that he was the son of the middle-aged man who was in the same ward as his grandma.

"He's been here every day these days, and his father's hospital bed is by the window." Zhang Tan didn't worry and returned to the topic, "Susu, please go back. I'll take you to Chengdu Airport in the afternoon."

"What about you?" Su Lan asked, looking up into his eyes.

Zhang Tan was a little tangled, "I'll wait a little longer. There's no rush to go back. Why don't we stay here first and have someone to take care of us."

Su Lan said: "Then I will accompany you."

Seeing that Zhang Tan wanted to talk, she suddenly asked: "Why do you care so much about Xiaobai?"

She had been holding back this question for a long time. It was neither a relative nor a friend, and she seemed to be overly concerned.

Zhang Tan was stunned when he was asked. He pondered for a long time before he managed to say something, maybe it was just a matter of chance.

After both of them made their decision, Su Lan told Zhou Li. Zhou Li was silent on the phone for a long time. In the end, she only said, wait until she comes back to talk about everything.

Xiaobai, this silly kid, is in a good mood these days. Grandma's illness is getting better day by day. Boss Zhang is here, as are his uncle and aunt. They are all people he can rely on, and he doesn't have to leave grandma.

She thought it could be like this forever.

Grandma's hospitalization has spent tens of thousands of dollars, all of which were earned by Xiaobai. The little guy is very proud, but in fact Malanhua did not use all of it. She only spent 20,000 yuan, and the rest was still deposited in the bank for her. She paid for the medical expenses herself, which equaled half to each of them.

Grandma has no money. She only has a few hundred yuan a month in pension, which she received from her previous job as a teacher.

In the evening, Zhang Tan talked to Malanhua alone and gave her a red envelope.

How could it be possible to accept Malanhua? I refused in every possible way.

Zhang Tan handed it to her, "This is not a gift from me, but what Xiaobai deserves, the remuneration for her role in the TV series."

Malanhua was surprised. When she learned that there was 50,000 yuan in it, her hands trembled. This was too much. When the three of them participated in "30 Women" together, it only cost 80,000 yuan, with an average of 30,000 yuan per person. 10,000, old white but black, so 10,000 less.

Zhang Tan explained that because Xiaobai became famous, his remuneration would naturally increase.

It was still a bit much. Malanhua felt that Boss Zhang had given so much on purpose, so she must have advanced the money.

Zhang Tan said with a smile: "It's not much, it's only half, and half of the remuneration will be paid after the filming. This is an industry rule, half is given first and half is given later. I still follow the rules."

50,000 is half, that’s 100,000! ! !

Xiaobai's silly melon boy actually made 100,000 in one fell swoop? ? ? ! ! !

Malanhua burst, returned to the ward, saw Xiaobai, and asked her with concern if she wanted to drink the bear drink, and she went to buy it.

Xiaobai laughed slyly: "Auntie, do you want to drink Little Bear?"

The melon boy turned to his grandma and said that his aunt always snatched her bear drinks.

Ma Lanhua immediately woke up from the hallucination that "Xiaobai is also a wrist". Yes, this is still the same black-assed Guawazi. Even if she becomes a movie queen in the future, the fact that she peed on her will not change. , she still has photos of her running around shirtless.

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