Dad Academy

Chapter 310 Before departure (2/2)

Chapter 310 Before departure (22)

Xiaomi came to Little Red Horse Academy, carrying her little bag with snacks in it.

"What is it?" Liuliu was the first to run up, right next to Xiaomi.

One year later, Shen Liuliu has grown a year older. Shen Liuliu has grown a lot. Last year she was always late for delicious food. This year she will always compete for first place.

Xiaomi opened the bag and took out a food box with a steaming donkey rolling inside.

The donkey rolling was made by Xiaomi herself. She cooperated with Ding Jiamin's mother. Mainly Ding's mother charged forward and she took the lead.

You can't count on Ding Jiamin to make snacks.

"hiahiahia~~" Xi'er jumped over and hugged Xiaomi. Hiahia laughed. After being rewarded with a donkey roll, she ran away, went straight to Zhang Tan's house, knocked on the door, and said jovially: “Boss Zhang, let’s eat for you~~~”

This is a little kid who repays his kindness. Boss Zhang took her to see a doctor, and she remembered his kindness. She brought him some gadgets and snacks every day when she came to the academy. Today she already gave him a thumb. The small unicorn-sized doll was probably put in the bag when buying snacks. The workmanship was very ordinary and it was made of plastic. However, Xi'er regarded it as a treasure and had a look of pain on her face when she gave it to him.

Zhang Tan confiscated it.

No, the donkey came rolling.

"Where did you come from?" Zhang Tan asked, the donkey was still warm from rolling around.

"Given by Xiaomi."

"Is Xiaomi here?"

"Yeah, here we come."

"Have you got a meal yet?"


"Eat it yourself."

"Eat it for Boss Zhang."

Xi'er handed it to Zhang Tan and made sure to give it to him.

At this time, Xiaomi and Liuliu came. Xiaomi rolled around with a box of donkeys, which he hadn't opened yet and said he was giving it to Boss Zhang.

The melons were very loving. Zhang Tan was so happy that he welcomed them into his home. He took the donkey from Xiaomi and watched his Xi'er's donkey roll in eagerly. He ate it in one bite and praised how delicious it was. .

"The donkey given by Xiaomi is too much. I can't finish it by myself. Let's eat it together, Xi'er, come and have a taste. You little fool, you must not have eaten it yourself."

Xi'er hiahia smiled and looked at Xiaomi. Xiaomi asked her to eat, so she pinched one and ate it happily.

Zhang Tan asked them to sit down, brought three bottles of bear drinks, inserted straws into them, turned on the TV, played cartoons, and asked them to sit here while he sat on the sofa with the computer on his lap to work.

The crew of "The Hidden Corner" has started shooting today, and everyone is here. The next shooting task will be very tight, and he needs to coordinate and arrange the daily shooting plan.

Because the protagonist has several children, the filming plan must take into account their studies and comply with the rules and regulations for minor literary and artistic workers, which is relatively troublesome.

But that's not the most troublesome thing.

The most troublesome child is Bai Chunhua!

This child plays a very important supporting role in the drama, Zhu Jingjing, and the role was in the first few episodes, but filming has not started yet because the Chunhua child has been celebrating the New Year at home and has not returned yet.

Zhang Tan has been reluctant to call Xiaobai to talk about this in the past few days, but now he has to remind her, children, don't forget about it while playing.

"What if you don't come back? I have to tie a little red string for you to hold." Zhang Tan whispered, calling Malanhua first, and after greeting her for New Year's greetings, he asked about their trip back to Pujiang.

"Don't worry, Boss Zhang. I know Xiaobai has accepted the role and will be filming, right? We have booked train tickets for the night of the sixth day of the lunar new year..."

Zhang Tan listened to Ma Lanhua's words and realized that today is the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, which means Xiaobai will be back the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Tan suddenly heard Ma Lanhua talking about the time it took to get to Pujiang, and was surprised: "We set off on the evening of the sixth day of the lunar month and won't arrive at Pujiang until 3 pm on the eighth day of the lunar month? Will it take so long on the road? It must be more than 30 hours."

Malanhua said on the other end of the phone: "The train leaves at 10 o'clock on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year and arrives at three o'clock on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year. It will take more than 40 hours on the road."

In order to save money, she bought the cheapest bus, a green car, which was very time-consuming on the road.

Zhang Tan asked: "Are you going to sit or sleep?"

"It's a ticket." Malanhua said.

Zhang sighed silently, after more than 40 hours of riding, and according to Ma Lanhua, there was no seat for Xiaobai. Three people only bought tickets for two people. If there are empty seats on the train, then Xiaobai would have a seat. If There are no empty seats, so only three people can squeeze into two seats. Now is the Spring Festival travel period, how can there be empty seats!

Zhang Tan didn't say much on the phone. After hanging up the phone, he immediately checked the flights and bought three plane tickets from Chengdu, Sichuan to Pujiang, which took three hours.

After buying the ticket, Zhang Tancai called Malanhua again, told her to refund the train ticket, and then told her the flight information.

After hanging up the phone with Zhang Tan, Ma Lanhua told Bai Jianping about changing from train to plane. Bai Jianping said that it was because of Xiao Bai's influence.

Malanhua suppressed her excitement and asked Bai Jianping: "Paws on a plane?"

Bai Jianping chuckled and sat on the sofa watching TV, looking at ease.

Seeing that he was starting to do it again, Malanhua scolded: "Baoli Baoqi, are you nagging?"

Bai Jianping chuckled and said, "You know what? I've never sat on a bicycle."

Malanhua said something silly and went to ask her son. After walking a few steps, she stopped and said to Bai Jianping, "Tomorrow you kill the other side of the house."

Bai Jianping asked in surprise: "Where do you live? It's unlucky to kill someone during the Chinese New Year."

Malanhua: "Hammer! If there is anything unlucky, kill it and bring it to Boss Zhang."

"Boss Zhang, have you ever eaten meat? Are you curious about your meat?"

"Is the Liuliu pork outside as good as the one at my house? It's not as good as Yuanlao. Don't worry about it. Just kill Liuliu."

Ma Lanhua said that it was settled. After leaving, Bai Jianping murmured in a panic, "Won't you kill them all?" ? ?

On the other side, after Zhang Tan and Malanhua ended the call, they dialed Xiaobai's number.

Originally, he had something to say to Xiaobai, but when the three little ones around him heard that Xiaobai was on the other end of the phone, they immediately gathered around eagerly.

Xiaomi and Xier are sensible but shy, and are embarrassed to directly ask Boss Zhang for a mobile phone, but Liuliu is here. The melon boy jumped around Zhang Tan excitedly and shouted, making Zhang Tan's ears buzz.

"Here you go." Zhang Tan simply gave the phone to them, and after they finished chatting, he would talk to Xiaobai again.

The three children successfully occupied the phone and chatted enthusiastically with Xiaobai.

Xiaobai chatted with his girlfriends for a long time, and after hanging up the phone, he held the phone in his hand and was happily silly.

Grandma stirred the brazier aside to make the fire burn brighter, and continued to sew clothes with her eyes narrowed.

"Grandma, are these new clothes for Xiaobai?" Xiaobai came forward and asked curiously. Since she came home, grandma has been sewing clothes day and night, whenever she has time.

"Give us Xiaobai's acridine." Grandma said with a smile, "Come on, give it a try."

"Hohoho~~Wear clothes."

Grandma subconsciously wanted to bite off the needle and thread, but was stunned and cut it off with small scissors instead.

As I get older, my teeth can no longer bite.

Xiaobai happily put on new clothes.

The new clothes are not finished yet, they are more than 80% complete, and there are still some patterns and embroidery that have not been finished yet.

The clothes she made for Xiaobai were too big, several sizes too big.

"Don't be in a hurry, just be old enough." Grandma said, "This is for Xiaobai to wear when he grows up, not now."

She sewed several clothes for Xiaobai last year, but they were all too small, so she specially made them two sizes larger so that Xiaobai could wear them when he grew up.

She can still sew clothes now, but in a year or two, she may not be able to, so it's a good idea to make one more thing now.

Xiaobai saw his grandma squinting her eyes and struggling to thread the needle, so she volunteered to help.

She sat next to her grandma and watched her sewing clothes. Grandma was worried that she would be bored and asked her to turn on the TV to watch. But Xiaobai shook her head and instead she squeezed into her grandma's arms and asked her to teach her how to make clothes.

"Grandma made many beautiful clothes for Xiaobai, and Xiaobai also wants to make clothes for grandma."

Grandma smiled and said: "Xiaobai bought grandma some beautiful clothes. Look, what grandma is wearing now is what you bought. My Xiaobai is so cool."

When Xiaobai came back, Ma Lanhua helped buy two sets of down jackets for grandma to wear in winter, using Xiaobai's own money.

"Hoohoho~~~I'm so awesome~"

It was late at night, and there was a mountain forest behind the house. It was particularly quiet at night in winter, and only occasionally could the sounds of unknown animals be heard.

If it's spring and summer, the back mountain becomes lively at night, with all kinds of insects and birds chirping.

Now, the night is very quiet. Gradually, the sound of pattering rain comes, like fine beans scattered on the bamboo mat. The sound is very pleasant.

As the temperature dropped further, grandma put down her sewing, put her hands on her knees, stood up slowly, and went to the room to visit Xiaobai.

Xiaobai fell asleep, his face was red, he was smiling, his breathing was rhythmic, and he was having a sweet dream.

There are two things beside the pillow, one is a small water gun and the other is a doll. Xiaobai said that this doll is called Buzz Lightyear.

Grandma stood by the bed and looked at her with pity. The little girl had a little baby fat on her face and had grown fleshy.

I don’t know how long it took, but grandma arranged the quilt covering Xiaobai and returned to the living room again.

The fire in the brazier was much smaller, and the charcoal was almost gone, with only two short pieces left.

She piled the two small pieces of charcoal together, picked up the needle and thread again, and rushed to make Xiaobai's new clothes.

Her beloved little granddaughter was about to leave on the sixth day of the sixth grade. She was worried that there was not enough time, so she had to hurry up and do a good job.

A piece of clothing can only be worn two years later, but it doesn't matter if it is later.

Thank you all for the tips, thank you:


Read all the books in one night 1500

Ye, Listening to the Rain, Dynasty Warriors, Looking for You~, Yifeng 1992, Grab Your Lollipop, CITIZENUU 1000

Xyf1979, Junxiu 500

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Bookworm Fresh 200

Brother Junyi188

Silent Night Sky, Non-Choice, Book Friends 20190719093131429, Book Friends 160804173013607, Why are we surrounded on all sides 100

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