Dad Academy

Chapter 306 Collapse (3/3 please subscribe)

Chapter 306 Collapse (33 please subscribe)

"The child's face was as red as an apple and his body was hot. He obviously caught a cold," the doctor said.

In the hospital, Zhang Tan held Xi'er in his arms and registered for treatment.

"Then why is the body shaking?" Zhang Tan asked.

The doctor said: "When you catch a cold, your body's resistance weakens and you become infected by bacteria, causing a cold. Okay, kid, show me the thermometer."

Xi'er took out the thermometer tucked under her clothes and handed it to the doctor.

"39 degrees 5, the child has a high fever." The doctor said.

"so tall?!"

Zhang Tan became nervous. It is very dangerous for a child to have a high fever.

He felt a small hand grabbing his arm. When he looked down, he saw Xi'er trying hard to smile on her haggard face. She in turn comforted him not to be afraid. She just ate too much.

Zhang Tan rubbed her little head, combed her bangs, and said, "You didn't eat too much, you were sick, caught a cold, and had a fever."

He asked the doctor about the treatment plan and was told that Xi'er would need injections and medicine.

Xi'er suddenly became nervous and held Zhang Tan's hand tightly, her eyes showing that she was scared at the moment.

Zhang Tan comforted her that the injection only hurt a little, but if she didn't get the injection, it would always hurt and the disease would not be cured.

"Xi'er doesn't want Seng to get sick. If Seng gets sick, everyone won't like me." Xi'er said nervously.

Zhang Tan: "Well, if Xi'er is not sick, Xi'er will be fine soon. Everyone likes you very much."

The nurse came in, and Xi'er stared at her closely. The nurse sister took out the syringe, inserted the needle, inhaled the potion, took out the alcohol cotton, and came close to her.

Xi'er was so frightened that she quickly squeezed into Zhang Tan's arms, trying to hide.

Zhang Tan comforted: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you. The injection is to make you feel better quickly, so that you won't feel so uncomfortable and won't vomit."

Xi'er said pitifully: "Xi'er is scared."

Zhang Tan: "If you don't get the injection, my sister will be very worried about you."

When Xi'er heard this, she pitifully asked the nurse sister to take off her panties and get an injection in her butt.

As soon as the injection was completed, Xi'er immediately said happily: "hiahia~~I'm so powerful~it really doesn't hurt~~"

The nurse sister said with a smile: "Children, don't get too happy yet. Don't put on your pants. You still need to get an injection."

Xi'er looked confused...(⊙﹏⊙)

When she was in a daze, the nurse sister skillfully inserted another needle into her butt, put away the things, and left without taking away a single cloud.

Everything seems like an illusion.

Xi'er just covered her butt at this time, it hurt so much! Why did I give my little friend two injections? ? ! ! The little friend was just happy and bragging a little bit, and then he got an extra injection, blah blah blah~

But she didn't have much energy to care about her butt, because she vomited again, lying on Zhang Tan's lap, vomiting into the trash can, tears and snot came out again, and for a while, her face looked haggard and wrinkled. Apple no longer looks as festive as it does during the day.

After getting an injection and taking antipyretics, Zhang Tan was worried and did not rush home. Instead, he admitted Xi'er to the hospital.

He was a newbie and had never taken care of a child, let alone a sick child.

While the doctor said it didn't matter, he also said don't be careless and be careful about bacterial and viral infections. If it causes respiratory tract infection, gastroenteritis, chiropodia and pneumonia, you will be in trouble.

Zhang Tan was so frightened that he didn't dare to take Xi'er home, so it was safer to stay in the hospital.

Xi'er was lying on the small bed, listless and haggard, her eyelids were fighting, but she refused to sleep. She was talking to Zhang Tan, holding on to his clothes with her little hands and holding on tightly.

In fact, it was more like her own muttering.

I hadn't noticed before that Xi'er was still a nagging little nag.

Zhang Tan listened carefully and heard:

"...What's wrong with me~"

"I feel so uncomfortable~"

"Where's Sister Jin'er?"

"Someone stabbed me in the butt."

"Why did you stab me in the butt twice~"

"Boss Zhang didn't abandon me, I have to behave."

"Xi'er can't cry, adults hate it when children cry~"

Zhang Tan placed a small bucket next to her bed specifically for Xi'er to use for vomiting.

Although I took the medicine, the nausea would not go away for a while, and I would still vomit occasionally.

However, Xi'er had nothing to vomit. She had vomited all the food she had eaten today, and in the end she just vomited some juice, which made her even more uncomfortable.

She tried not to cry, and asked Zhang Tan what time it was and whether her sister would be anxious if she didn't see her after get off work.

Zhang Tan has already contacted Tan Jiner on the phone and should be arriving at the hospital soon.

The hospital is not far from her hotel, and it only takes more than ten minutes to walk there.

Zhang Tan fed Xi'er sips of warm water and said, "Don't worry, sister is coming over."

Xi'er smiled at him, too weak to speak loudly.

At this time, Zhang Tan's cell phone rang. It was Tan Jin'er. She had arrived at the hospital and was looking for a room.

Zhang Tan said to Xi'er who was lying on the small bed: "Sister is here. I'll pick her up. Xi'er will lie on the bed and wait for us for a while, okay?"

Xi'er hummed slightly.

Zhang Tan covered her with a quilt, gave her a few instructions again, walked out the door, and looked at the corridors on both sides. There was no one in the long, deep corridors. On the night of the second day of the Lunar New Year, people are having a reunion at home.

Zhang Tan turned left and came to the elevator entrance. He was about to take the elevator down when suddenly the door next to him opened and Tan Jin'er hurriedly came out.

Zhang Tan quickly got out of the elevator.

"Jin'er~~" he shouted.

Tan Jin'er was panting, her bangs in front of her forehead were messy, her face was anxious, and she looked like she had run all the way. The moment she saw Zhang Tan, she breathed a sigh of relief and asked anxiously: "How is Xi'er? Where is she?" "

"Here, follow me."

Zhang Tan took the lead and took her to Xi'er's ward. At the same time, he introduced: "The doctor said she caught a cold. After her resistance weakened, she was infected with bacteria, causing a viral cold. She also had fever, vomiting, and chills..."

Tan Jin'er became more and more anxious as she listened, and said with a cry in her voice: "I must have caught the cold in the room in the morning. It's all my fault. I didn't know that the air conditioner in the room was turned off. I was so busy that I forgot about it. I didn't go in to see her until I wanted to eat at noon." I discovered during lunch that Xi'er was sleeping huddled in a chair, her little body was cold..."

Zhang Tan comforted: "Don't be anxious. There is no use blaming yourself. The most important thing now is to protect Xi'er and get well soon. She has received injections and taken medicine. She is feeling better now. The doctor said the problem is not serious. , but don’t be careless..."

Before she could say anything, Tan Jin'er suddenly shouted "Xi'er" and started running.

I saw a little person coming out of the ward in front of me, walking alone in the deep and cold corridor, walking to the right, with his back to them.

Hearing Tan Jin'er's shout, the little man turned his head sharply, wondering who it was that wasn't Xi'er.

Xi'er saw her sister coming and wanted to jump happily, but she had no strength and couldn't jump up.

She feebly called her sister, and hiahia smiled, then suddenly pursed her lips, tears welling up in her eyes. She looked at her sister who was running towards her, and burst into tears.

Zhang Tan stopped and stood there without stepping forward. He looked at them with mixed emotions that were difficult to describe.

What a good child, he vomited all night without crying. The moment he saw his sister coming after get off work, he collapsed...

Tan Jin'er's tears were also flying, and she held Xi'er tightly in her arms.

The two sisters cried together.

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