Dad Academy

Chapter 303 Let’s give you the leftovers

On the first day of the new year, Xiaobai wore brand new clothes. With the encouragement of his grandma, he carried a small gift and went to Dunzi's house next door to express his New Year greetings.

Last year Xiaobai also went from house to house to pay New Year greetings to everyone, but last year it was her grandma who took her there.

This year, grandma encouraged her to go alone, and she should be brave.

Grandma can't stay with her for a few years. A hundred years later, Xiaobai probably still hasn't grown up. At that time, she still has to rely on herself. Children of poor people have long been in charge of their own affairs, and they have to become independent since they were young.

As soon as he went out, Xiaobai yelled twice at Dunzi's house. After a while, Dunzi ran out, stood on the hill and looked over here, and saw Xiaobai approaching. Another gust of wind ran back to the house and told him His mother and old man, Xiaobai is here~~~~

Dunzi was extremely excited.

Xiaobai wandered around, first wished Dunzi's family New Year's greetings, sat at his house, ate two candied fruits, drank a sip of tea, then got up and left in a nonchalant manner.

She also wants to pay New Year's greetings to her uncle and aunt.

After leaving Dunzi's house, Xiaobai could no longer keep calm. She ran across the field and ran home happily, telling her grandma that she had done a great job and that New Year greetings were her forte.

Grandma prepared another gift for her and encouraged her to go to the village to pay New Year greetings to her uncle, aunt, and cousins.

The hurried Xiaobai received the task and went out happily. After entering the village, he met many people in the village going from house to house. Adults took their children. Everyone greeted each other and congratulated each other on the New Year. Xiaobai was also among them, not only giving melons. The child wishes New Year greetings, and also wishes New Year greetings to adults. He extends his little hand to shake, nods, and says "Happy New Year."

Often at this time, the adults would say to the children at their feet: "Look at this little guy, you dare to come and pay New Year greetings to everyone by yourself. You are the only one who is a coward. What are you afraid of?"

On the second day of the new year, Little Red Horse Academy.

Early in the morning, Zhang Tan found the key, opened Lao Li's guard box, closed the door, and sat inside to watch TV.

Like Xiaobai, he didn't have much to do to pay New Year's greetings. By the second day of the Lunar New Year, he was free.

On TV, the weather forecast said that this winter and spring will be colder than previous years, the coldest in the past ten years.

Suddenly, Gua Wazi's shout came from outside the guard box, and he was extremely happy.

"Boss Zhang~~~~hiahiahia~~~~Come quickly~~"

Zhang Tan looked out the window and saw two little sisters wearing pink down jackets standing outside the gate of the school.

The little boy had a smile on his face. He was jumping up and down and yelling when he saw Boss Zhang in the guard box. It looked really festive.

"I'll open the door right away."

Zhang Tan said something and pressed the open button of the door. The iron door opened a gap, just enough for one person to pass through.

The little sister outside the door came bounding in. Zhang Tan was about to go out, and the little one had already jumped to the door. Hiahia laughed and said: "Boss Zhang~~Happy New Year~~Xi'er and sister wish you a happy New Year. , I wish you happiness every day, okay?"

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Of course, thank you. I also wish you and your sister a happy smile, all your wishes come true, and everything goes well, okay?"


Xi'er replied crisply, although she couldn't understand what Boss Zhang said.

Zhang Tan turned to Tan Jin'er and said, "Have you started working today? It's so early."

Tan Jin'er sent Xi'er to Little Red Horse Academy today. She has to go to work today.

She called Zhang Tan last night, partly to wish her happy New Year, and partly to ask when Little Red Horse Academy would open.

Little Red Horse Academy opened in the third grade of junior high school, but after hearing that Tan Jin'er had to go to work and Xi'er had no place to make arrangements, Zhang Tan took on the task himself.

He did not plan to recall Teacher Xiaoliu and Teacher Xiaoman in advance. The Spring Festival holiday was originally short, so they could spend time with their families.

Xi'er is a good baby and is relatively easy to take care of. Zhang Tan evaluated it and felt that he should be able to handle it.

If it was Liuliu who came, he would not dare to accept it.

Tan Jin'er and Xi'er look very similar, like an enlarged version of Xi'er, with big and clear eyes, slightly raised corners of the mouth, a smile, and a pointed chin, giving people a strong sense of intimacy.

She is petite, but has a bright face and bright eyes.

"Yes, the hotel will officially open today. The service industry is like this. When others are resting, we are the busiest." Tan Jin'er said, and then said to Xi'er at her feet: "Xi'er, put the egg noodles Give it to Boss Zhang."

Xi'er was carrying a food box. Hearing this, Xi'er picked it up with both hands, stood up on tiptoes and handed it to Zhang Tan. He said cheerfully: "Boss Zhang, eat, eat. Xi'er and sister made the egg noodles for you."

Seeing how hard the children were working, Zhang Tan quickly took it into his hands, touched Xi'er's little head, and praised, "Thank you, how did you know that I like to eat egg noodles?"

Touching the little head is to divide people.

Xi'er likes to have her little head touched, and she will be very happy, like now.

But if it's a novice, then you have to be careful and don't touch her watermelon head casually. If she is not a particularly close person, she will go crazy.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and said: "My sister and I didn't know that Boss Zhang likes to eat egg noodles. We'll give you the leftovers, hiahia~~~"

Zhang Tan: "..."

Tan Jin'er quickly came to the rescue, it was not like this, it was specially made for Boss Zhang.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "Thank you, thank you for your hard work. I happened to have missed breakfast, so I won't be polite to you."

In fact, he believed it was Xi'er in his heart, because Tan Xi'er, a child, always told the truth and never lied.

Tan Jin'er has obviously thought of this too. Her little sister is a silly child who says whatever she thinks. She was a little embarrassed and said to Xi'er who was looking around in the small booth: "Xi'er, goodbye to Boss Zhang. We have to leave. Sister, I don't have time."

Xi'er immediately ran to her side, took the initiative to hold her hand, and said goodbye to Zhang Tan.

They came here specially to wish Boss Zhang this morning and deliver egg noodles.

Zhang Tan asked: "Is it convenient for you to take Xi'er to work? Will it affect your work?"

Tan Jin'er had to go to work, so he took Xi'er to the hotel, otherwise there would be nowhere to put her.

Before Tan Jin'er could say anything, Xi'er had already said, "Xi'er is so good~~~~"

The child is a little unhappy. Boss Zhang said bad things about her, hum!

Tan Jin'er comforted her: "Boss Zhang didn't say anything bad about you, he cares about you. Our Xi'er is the most well-behaved. We have followed our sister to the hotel many times, and you are very obedient every time. Everyone likes you very much. You will definitely do the same this time. You’ll do great, right?”

"hiahiahia~" Xi'er laughed happily. She liked hearing her sister praise her.

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Okay, then you go slowly."

He lowered his head and said to Xi'er: "Well, Xi'er, I'll wait for you to come to Little Red Horse tonight."

During the Spring Festival, manpower was tight. Tan Jin'er had to work from 8:30 am to 9 pm today. It was not an option to keep Xi'er with him all the time, so he planned to send Xi'er to Little Red Horse Academy.

She heard Zhang Tan say last night that Little Red Horse could take care of Xi'er, but she didn't know that he was planning to go into battle himself.

"Bye~~Boss Zhang."

Xi'er waved and left with Tan Jin'er, disappearing on West Chang'an Street in Zhang Tan's eyes.

Sorry, only one update.

I have been training for a while, and now it is finally over. I will try to update during the day on Sunday.

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