Dad Academy

Chapter 299 Xiaobai’s Day (1/2)

Chapter 299 Xiaobai’s Day (12)

Because of Zhang Tan's reputation, Wang Yinghu immediately reported it to the editor after learning that he was behind Little Red Horse Comics Studio. The editor made the final decision to give "Coco" a better layout, even if it doesn't increase the number of updates, it doesn't matter. , the only requirement is that the follow-up work "Qin Shi Mingyue" must be published in the "Fantasy Night of the Tang Dynasty" magazine.

Zhang Tan naturally has no problem. They are currently working happily together. It is best for the studio to establish a good relationship with a magazine. Don't try to step into two different countries. That will only frustrate both parties and prevent them from getting good resources.

Build a good relationship with one magazine first. If the cooperation breaks down later, it’s not too late to choose another magazine.

After it was decided, the "Qin Shi Mingyue" working group accelerated the work progress, and everyone was full of energy.

In the past, they were all independent authors, and it was easy to sign up for publication on online platforms. However, not everyone can be published in magazines. There is a threshold.

Nowadays, "Qin Shi Mingyue", which is still being worked on, has reserved space. The magazine is paying more attention to it, and the future is bright.


Since Xiaobai and others returned to their hometown, the weather has been very good, the sun is shining brightly, but the temperature difference between day and night is large, and there are cold winds at night.

During the day, every household takes out their quilts and puts them in the sun to dry, and children crawl in and out of the quilts in groups, playing hide and seek.

Xiaobai in Pujiang is relatively unfree. He is either in kindergarten, Little Red Horse Academy, or at home every day. The rest of the time is on the way to and from the three.

Not to mention that before she met Zhang Tan, she had even less freedom during those days. She stayed at home alone during the day and could only go to Little Red Horse Academy to play with the children in the evening.

When she returned to her hometown in Sichuan, she was like a fish entering the sea, completely letting herself go.

After an early breakfast, she went out in a big way. Grandma never stopped her, but just told her not to fight, and to remember to come back on time for lunch when the sun reached her head.

Usually, after Xiaobai has eaten and drank enough, he will stand on the hill in front of the door and shout to Dunzi's house not far away to take this little friend and play around together.

She roared a few times, and Dunzi would immediately come galloping over the field ridge.

The two of them walked towards the village, and soon they saw other children. They all gathered together, walking around and drilling everywhere. For children, everything is fun. Even if they encounter a small insect on the roadside, they can squat on the ground and watch it with interest, without worrying about boredom.


When an adult saw such a group of melons, he shouted, and all the melons immediately looked over.

"Which one are you calling~~~" asked the tallest girl.

Among this group of children, the oldest is eight years old and the youngest is only three years old. He was just able to run and was brought here by his brother.

Xiaobai is not the eldest sister among them, but just a little carrot head among them, just playing with everyone.

They all have the surname Bai, and everyone can be a novice, just like the fellow villagers on the construction site are all Lao Bai.

"That little Bai~~~~" The other party pointed at the child Bai Chunhua.

"You call me Huahuaao."

Xiaobai asked: "Where do you live~~"

"Tell me about what's going on outside. Isn't it fun?"

Xiaobai came back from a big city. He had seen the world and was more discerning than most people in the village. Many of them had never left the county in their lives.

Xiaobai saw that the children were all looking at her eagerly. Dunzi raised his hand to wipe his nose and looked at her in confusion.

Xiaobai couldn't help but puff up his little chest, put his little hand on the small water gun on his waist, and said with a smile: "It's so fun."

"Isn't it fun?"

After playing with a group of children all morning, the little boy's face was red and his forehead was sweating.

When it was time for lunch, the adults who saw her invited her to their homes for lunch.

Xiaobai refused them all. She ran to Ma Lanhua's house and saw her uncle and aunt preparing to have lunch.

"Auntie, what are you eating~" Xiaobai came forward curiously and asked.

"Gua Wazi, I saw you Nao with a group of children by the river. Why did you ignore me when I called you?" Malanhua asked.

"What, did you call me?"

"What do you think?"


"Crawl away, you did it on purpose."

"Hohoho~~ I'm playing with my little friend, why do you want me to live there?"

This revealed that she had indeed heard her aunt's cry, and then deliberately pretended not to hear it because she was worried that her aunt would call her back. She didn't want to leave with her aunt, it would be so much fun to be with the children.

As expected, Ma Lanhua scolded Xiaobai for being a bastard. As soon as she got home, her wings became stiff and she dared to ignore her.

Xiaobai's eyes wandered, and he said to Bai Jianping who was busy eating: "Uncle, you don't eat vegetables?"

Bai Jianping: "I'll save it for you."

"I will not eat."

"You really don't want to eat?"

"You really don't want to eat, uncle, I want to ask you something."


"Did you destroy my TV because of your claws?"

"What? Me? Sabotage?" Bai Jianping said in shock.

"The enemy is you. You destroyed my TV and made it impossible for me to watch cartoons. How can you live with it?"

Bai Jianping firmly refused to admit that he had caused the damage. In order to clear up the suspicion, he decided to go and have a look in the afternoon. Only then did Xiao Bai let him go, otherwise she would yell that he was a fool.

I made an appointment with my uncle to come to the house, and Xiaobai was leaving.

"I have to leave, my grandma called me to eat."

Xiaobai didn't come here to eat, she just came to hang out. If she didn't have a fight with her aunt for a day, she would feel uncomfortable.

Now I feel comfortable and can go back.

Dunzi was waiting for her on the roadside. When he saw her coming back, they went home together.

Sure enough, I saw grandma standing in the yard at the door of my house from a distance. It was a small hill. Grandma's figure stood there, looking in the direction of the way she came.

A loud roar came from the hill next door, and then I saw Dunzi rushing home, running on the field ridge, bang~~~ he didn’t step firmly on his feet and fell into the field...

This is the epitome of Xiaobai's day. The morning is spent like this. In the afternoon, after lunch, he basically repeats the same morning, then wanders to the village, wandering around with the children, and when he is tired from walking, he goes to someone's house to watch animations. movie, or play a game of hide and seek or something.

Only at night, she was not allowed to go out, and she sat with her grandma in front of the brazier and chatted.

Usually grandma tells her stories.

To this day, this is her favorite part.

Sitting in her grandma's arms and listening to her gentle telling of magical stories was once her main way to peek into the outside world.

Today, she is in kindergarten and Little Red Horse Academy. She has heard many stories, read many picture books, and watched many cartoons, but her grandma's stories still attract her.

Now, Xiaobai can also tell stories to grandma. She told the story of the windmill and Afo, and grandma praised her for being so awesome.

"Boss Zhang told me."

Speaking of Boss Zhang, Xiaobai remembered it. She ran to the room and found a mobile phone from the drawer.

Malanhua bought this for her when she went home. In order to make it easier for grandma and Xiaobai to make phone calls in the future, she no longer has to go to Dunzi's house to borrow a phone.

Grandma hasn't learned it yet, but it doesn't matter. Xiaobai can. She taught grandma step by step, and then said: "Hoo ho ho, give Boss Zhang a call."

As she said that, she dialed the address book. She didn't recognize a few of the characters, but she knew the word "Zhang Tan".

When Zhang Tan taught her to read, these two characters were the first she recognized.

The phone was dialed, and after two rings, it was connected, and Boss Zhang's voice came through.

"Wai~~Boss Zhang~~~" Xiaobai put the phone to his ear and made a decent call, but grandma couldn't hear it, so he held it in his hand, poking here and there, trying to turn on the sound. put.

She had seen her uncle and aunt do this before, but she didn't remember much about it.

"Eh? Why are you hanging up? Where does Boss Zhang want to live? Huh~ give him a call again."

Xiaobai muttered, dissatisfied with Zhang Tan and hung up the phone. Just as he was about to call again, Boss Zhang called.

Zhang Tan's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Bai???"

This time Xiaobai turned on the sound, and grandma heard it too. She smiled and watched Xiaobai talking to the legendary Boss Zhang on the phone, and was very curious.

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