Dad Academy

Chapter 3 Pujiang Film Studio

Although Little Red Horse Academy is located in a bustling urban area, it is extremely quiet. There are lush trees here, which block the noise. Looking out the window, you can see a green patch of green, which separates the academy from West Chang'an Street, making it feel like it is hidden away from the city.

Zhang Tan lay on the bed and thought for a while with his eyes open in the darkness, some from his past life and some from this life.

There is no use in thinking too much, just live your life.

He closed his eyes, turned over, and soon fell asleep.

The next day, he was awakened by a flock of birds on the branches outside the window. This is a mulberry tree with lush branches, which is very rare in the city. Zhang Tan stood on the balcony and took a deep breath. The air was fresh. There were trees nearby, and his eyes were full of green. When he raised his head, he could see the tall buildings not far away. Inside the building, there was the faint sound of traffic.

What a great place.

The school, which had been bustling for most of the night, was very quiet during the day. Zhang Tan put on his running shoes and jogged in the yard.

This body was a little weak and needed exercise. After running ten laps, Aunt Huang came. She stood aside and watched him running over and said, "Good morning, Zhang Tan. I brought you breakfast."

Zhang Tan stopped, wiped the sweat from his forehead, took the breakfast bag, looked at it, and said with a smile: "Wow, it's so rich. I saw rice balls. Thank you Aunt Huang for remembering my hobby."

The prepared breakfast was praised, and Aunt Huang was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Of course I remember, the rice balls made by your grandmother used to be a specialty in the village. I liked it most when I was a child."

The two of them chatted and laughed and returned to the teaching building. Zhang Tan went back to his room first, took a shower, had breakfast, and then came to Aunt Huang's office. A faint scent of tea floated, and there were two cups of tea on the coffee table. There was a gurgling sound of water boiling in the pot.

Aunt Huang introduced him to the academy.

Midnight Academy has been operating at a loss and cannot make ends meet. The balance on its account is running low and it needs an injection of funds.

Since it was changed to a late-night academy, it has been difficult to balance the income and expenditure. On the one hand, the number of children entering the kindergarten has dropped by more than half, and on the other hand, the fees are low.

"How many children are there in the academy now?" Zhang Tan took a sip of tea. It was a bit bitter, which just diluted the greasiness and sweetness in his mouth. He still wasn't used to the sweet taste of Pujiang.

"There are now 30, and it usually stays around this number, and it won't change much. The number of students in Midnight Academy is limited, and we don't charge by semester. There is no semester system, but by the number of weeks, two weeks a week. , so the turnover of personnel is relatively large.”

Zhang Tan nodded and expressed his understanding. Since there are no teaching tasks, the biggest function of Midnight Academy is custody. Some people have been busy with work recently and often work overtime at night. They have no time to take care of the children, so they take care of them at the academy. The fee is also based on Weekly payment, short and fast, down-to-earth and down-to-earth.

I don’t know what my grandparents thought at the time. A good regular school was transformed into a late-night school, which led to a subsidized operation.

"How much money is left on the account?" Zhang Tan asked.

Aunt Huang handed him the account book and said, "100,000."

Seeing Zhang Tan carefully checking the account books, he paused for a moment and had to continue: "We can probably keep the school running for half a year."

Zhang Tan nodded, returned the account book, picked up the teacup and drank the tea in one gulp, stood up and left, saying before going out: "Don't worry, the money will be credited to the account when the time comes."

Zhang Tan went upstairs, returned to his room, sat at his desk, opened the window, turned on his computer, and browsed the recruitment website.

He has no money. He may have had money before, but it was all squandered. His bank card was checked and he only had less than 10,000 left.

What he said just now was just to comfort Aunt Huang, he had to find a job as soon as possible.

On the train from Peiping to Pujiang, he had a detailed understanding of the world. Everything was specious, such as the entertainment industry. He was a screenwriter in his previous life, and he paid most attention to this aspect. None of the movies and TV series he knew existed in this world!

He clicked on a recruitment website and searched for screenwriter positions.

The film and television industry is in deep water, and you don’t have to be talented to get ahead. Just like him, he was shortlisted for Best Screenwriter three times in a row, all as a sidekick. You would not believe it if there were no factors other than strength.

He can rewrite a script he has written before, or copy a masterpiece.

However, even if he writes a book "Infernal Affairs" now and sends it to a big director, or directly publishes it on a forum website, he hopes that someone will come to his door.

This is an idiot's dream. Judging from Zhang Tan's many years of experience in the film and television industry, this is like finding a needle in a haystack, with slim chances.

A recruitment message appeared on the computer's web page.

"Pujiang Film Studio is looking for 2 screenwriters, and the salary will be favorable..."

When Zhang Tan saw the words "Pujiang Film Studio", his grandmother's cattail leaf fan naturally came to mind. He sat on a small bench and watched the mecha warrior transform, and his grandmother sat next to him and fanned him to drive away mosquitoes. He watched cartoons produced by Pujiang Film Studio, and his grandmother looked at him with fondness in her eyes.

In Pujiang, the boss of the film and television companies is none other than Pujiang Film Studio. It is a century-old brand and countless people have grown up watching their cartoons.

Looking at the country, Pujiang Film Studio is also ranked among the top three.

"When submitting your resume, please attach a copy of the script, including a story outline." reads the recruitment information.

“Which script should I write?”

Zhang Tan looked at the mulberry trees outside the window and thought.

The most advantageous and core business of Pujiang Film Studio is animation. It has produced many popular cartoons and won numerous international and domestic awards.

The safest way is, of course, to write an animation story script. Although Zhang Tan worked in live-action film and television in his previous life and has never been involved in animation, the script writing routine remains the same. Moreover, he usually watches animation. , at least have some impression, such as... "This brave man is obviously very strong but too cautious" which was a popular movie before his time travel.

He has analyzed this anime and found that the core and most creative thing is the contradictory setting of "very strong and overly cautious". The two opposing characters create a very dramatic story tension.

Zhang Tan can't remember the specific plot of this anime. His memory is not that good, but it doesn't matter. He has his own way of expanding the storyline. He just needs to grasp this creative setting.

For him, all it takes is the idea.

Capture the idea and he can write a beautiful script.

Creativity is the most valuable thing.

He first listed the eight elements of the story on the computer, namely: characters, desires, actions, core issues, resistance, results, positive values, and negative values.

Then, according to the basic formula of "starting, inheriting, turning and combining", 10 sequences are listed, and each sequence is written according to eight elements.

This is a routine. You don’t have to follow the script when writing, but it can be used many times.

The sun went from hanging in front of the window to setting behind him, and the afterglow shone on Zhang Tan's back. He finally wrote a 10,000-word outline of the story of the brave man, and sent it to the recruitment mailbox of Pujiang Film Studio together with his resume.

After doing this, Zhang Tan hesitated, changed his clothes, and went out.

Lao Li, the guard at the entrance of the courtyard, said hello: "Master Zhang, are you going out?"

Zhang Tan: "Go to the cemetery to visit grandpa and grandma."

Old Li said solemnly: "Oh, that's what it should be."

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