Dad Academy

Chapter 296 The dust has settled (2/2)

Chapter 296 The dust has settled (22)

Ding Jiamin stayed in the office, while Aunt Huang went out to call Xiaomi over.

Xiaomi had just finished the painting and came over happily with the painting after hearing this. Seeing this, Liuliu also followed with her ghost painting talisman, but was stopped by Aunt Huang and asked her to play by herself.

Liuliu was very dissatisfied, thinking that the principal's aunt was bullying the children and yelled to show her the paintings.

Aunt Huang glanced at it without daring to take a second look, and asked Liuliu to show it to Teacher Xiaoliu. Teacher Xiaoliu is very artistic and can draw, sing, dance, and play the piano.

After hearing this, Liuliu hurriedly took her masterpiece to find Teacher Xiaoliu. Along the way, she met many children and showed them enthusiastically. Except for Xi'er who said it was so ugly, none of the other children understood.

Not to mention Liliu explaining her paintings to the children, after Xiaomi came to the office, she couldn’t wait to give the painting to Ding Jiamin first. This painting was painted for her. There was a policewoman in the painting. There was no doubt that it was her. .

Aunt Huang smiled bitterly when she saw this, but the question still had to be asked.

She asked Xiaomi tactfully that both she and sister Xiaomin wanted her to be part of their family and live together in the future, and who she wanted to be with more.

Xiaomi didn't understand and thought he was just playing, so he stood at Ding Jiamin's feet without hesitation.

Well, Aunt Huang already knows the result.

She gave up her place to Ding Jiamin, who would explain the adoption to Xiaomi.

Aunt Huang came to the first floor. While dealing with various problems of the children, she was also thinking about the two people upstairs.

During this period, Zhang Tan came back and told her that he had chosen two orphanages with good conditions and asked her to choose between them. But he immediately found out that Ding Jiamin was going to adopt Xiaomi.

Before Zhang Tan could digest the news, Aunt Huang said that she also wanted to adopt. Both Huang and Berry had agreed, but they had not competed with Ding Jiamin.

Knowing that Ding Jiamin was having a heart-to-heart talk with Xiaomi, Zhang Tan went home, put away his bag and came down immediately, waiting for the result.

"Director?" Ding Jiamin came down and greeted Aunt Huang, "Zhang Tan is back too."

"How was the discussion?" Zhang Tan asked.

Ding Jiamin whispered: "I have said everything that needs to be said. Xiaomi is crying and very sad."

Zhang Tan and Aunt Huang understood that although they wanted to be adopted by their beloved sister Xiao Min and become a family, if her mother did not abandon her, why would she need to be adopted?

Blood ties cannot be broken. Xiaomi longed that her mother would come back to find her one day, but tonight, this expectation was shattered. Her mother would not come to find her, and she would become someone else's child.

Even if this other person's home is sister Xiao Min's home, it is still a very sad thing for her.

Mother is irreplaceable in every child's heart.

Aunt Huang said to Ding Jiamin: "You will have to work hard from now on. It is really difficult to take care of a child alone."

Ding Jiamin thought about various difficulties before making her decision. Now that she has figured it out, she will no longer hesitate on this issue. She said firmly: "I will try my best to take good care of Xiaomi."

What worries her now is another problem, how to explain this matter to her family. Her parents don't know about Xiaomi yet.

Ding Jiamin and Aunt Huang returned to the office. Zhang Tan did not go in. He just glanced outside and saw Xiaomi sitting on a chair with her feet dangling in the air, wiping tears quietly and choking on tears.

Out of a woman's instinct, Ding Jiamin squatted in front of her and comforted her in a low voice.

But Xiaomi is still losing gold.

Ding Jiamin is good at mediating disputes and even rolling up her sleeves to catch people. However, this was her first time asking her to take care of children, so her movements were unfamiliar and she was even helpless.

In the nearly six months since she was responsible for picking up and dropping off Xiaomi, to be honest, her performance was not very good, at best, it was quite satisfactory. She doesn't know how to take care of children, and she doesn't understand children's hearts.

She has so much to learn.

Fortunately, there was the experienced Aunt Huang beside her, who indicated that she could hold Xiaomi. At this time, hugs and warmth are more effective than words.

Obviously, Xiaomi is extremely insecure now and needs a warm embrace.

Ding Jiamin was stunned. She hugged Xiaomi's little body with unfamiliar, slow, and a little awkward movements, letting her little body lean into her arms to give her helpless body some warmth.

She clearly felt Xiaomi trembling, her little body tensed, and then slowly relaxed.

Two strangers wandering in the metropolis of Pujiang got together due to a wonderful fate and formed a new family. Their relationship is not one of care and being taken care of, but a warm relationship with each other.

Ding Jiamin fell out of love once and never had a boyfriend again. She must have a strong personality, be competitive, know no gentleness, and not know how to act coquettishly. She must be decisive and independent, with clear love, and never rely on anyone. She doesn't cook well, let alone make beautiful snacks. She can't sing or dance, her skin is not white, her hair is not flowing, she never wears makeup, she is always bare-faced.

It's not that she is not beautiful, but the strange thing is that she has no luck with men. She has been single for so many years and has only a handful of people to pursue her.

Xiaomi chose Ding Jiamin, and Ding Jiamin also chose Xiaomi.

Ding Jiamin told her family about this matter, which triggered a huge debate. Her parents tried hard to persuade her, and even wondered whether their daughter had given birth to the child before marriage, and they didn't tell them until now.

The second elder was worried and rushed to Pujiang from his hometown to see Ding Jiamin with his own eyes.

Ding Jiamin is good at mediating neighborhood disputes. After telling the two elders about Xiaomi's life experience and their fate, they fell into silence.

Mother Ding was more concerned about her daughter's marriage and said, "What will you do if you become friends in the future? Are there any boys willing to accept it?"

Ding Jiamin said: "I don't need him to accept me, I just need him to understand me."

Mother Ding sighed and asked again: "You are alone in Pujiang. How will you take care of Xiaomi in the future?"

Ding Jiamin: "Isn't this how I've been here for the past six months?"

The two elders said everything they needed to say, and when they looked at each other, they both knew their daughter's character, and she would never change her decision easily.

In the end they were left with one last request: "We want to see the kid."

Ding Jiamin: "Okay, let's have dinner together tonight."

Dad Ding said: "What kind of food does the child like to eat? We will cook it."

Ding Jiamin was stunned. She didn't know what Xiaomi liked to eat. On the contrary, Xiaomi knew that she liked to eat pineapple and sweet and sour pork.

Mother Ding immediately said: "Look at you, you said that after taking care of the child for half a year, you don't even know what the child likes to eat. You have a lot to learn."

They bought a lot of vegetables and cooked a sumptuous dinner. In the evening, Ding Jiamin came with millet.

The two elders felt very sad when they saw that the little girl was so weak and weak, and I felt pity for her. How could such a cute child have such a hard life?

Eventually they agreed. Ding's mother was worried for the time being. She originally wanted to stay and live in Pujiang for a while to help Ding Jiamin take care of millet.

But Ding Jiamin asked her to go back, because Xiaomi was still in a stage of extreme insecurity, and it would take a process of adaptation to accept her, let alone the sudden appearance of another person.

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