Dad Academy

Chapter 292 What is it like to suddenly have a 4-year-old sister (2/2)

Chapter 292 What is it like to suddenly have a 4-year-old sister (22)

After coming out of Aunt Huang's office, Zhang Tan came to the first floor again and saw Xiaomi, Xi'er and Liuliu listening to Cheng Cheng's stories, laughing from time to time, looking innocent and romantic.

He walked around in a circle, but no child paid attention to him, so he returned home. After a while, there was a knock on the door, and a child came. When he opened the door, he burst into laughter, and his smile was particularly bright.

"Boss Zhang, I'm here to see you~~~"

"Come in, what are you holding?"

"hiahiahia~~~It's Huahua~~~" Xi'er laughed loudly and handed a rose in her hand to Zhang Tan, "It's for you."

"Give it to me?" Zhang Tan said in surprise. It was the first time he received a rose from a girl in this world, and the other person was a little boy.

"Here it is for you~~~My sister and I gave it to you together. Thank you Boss Zhang~~~"

"Thank you thank you~~"

Zhang Tan felt even happier because it was not only Xiao Douding who sent flowers, but also Xiao Douding's sister, Little Beauty.

He smelled it. The flower was so beautiful and fragrant. It was the best flower in the world.

He welcomed Xi'er who had brought flowers, handed her small slippers, and invited her to sit in the room.

"Why are you here alone? Where's Liliu? Where's Cheng Cheng? Where's Xiaomi? Aren't they coming?"

Xi'er nodded and said, "If they don't come, they are afraid of you."

Zhang Tan was stunned for a moment and asked: "Afraid of me? I'm not fierce. Speaking of which, Xi'er, you are so brave. If you dare to come, I will reward you with a bottle of bear drink."

Unexpectedly, Xi'er said that she came to see him because she listened to Xiaobai's words.

"..." Zhang Tan asked, "Xiaobai asked you to come? Didn't Xiaobai leave long ago?"

Xi'er said that before Xiaobai left, he asked them to come to Boss Zhang's house to sit and talk with him because he was so boring alone.

Zhang Tan suddenly missed Gua Wazi who was far away in the mountains of Sichuan. She was the one who understood him best.

He turned on the TV and played "Tom and Jerry", then took out a bottle of Little Bear drink from the refrigerator, opened it, inserted a straw, and placed it in front of Xi'er.

"Last time you wanted to drink a bear, I happened to not have any here. Now I bought some for you."

However, Xi'er held her little hands behind her back and shook her head no.

"What's wrong? Don't you like drinking bears?"

There are no children who don’t like to drink Bear drinks. If there are, then one bottle is not enough and two bottles are needed.

After hearing his question, Xi'er actually smiled a little embarrassedly: "Boss Zhang, I wet the bed, hiahiahia~~~"

When it came to bedwetting, she couldn't help it any longer, and hiahia burst out laughing.

Zhang Tan couldn't laugh or cry, what's so funny about this.

"Little Bear will wet the bed if I drink it. I dare not drink it because my sister will become angry." Xi'er said.

The little bear actually has this kind of hidden function. Didn't Xiaobai often wet the bed before?

Bear drinks sell 500 million bottles a year. If the bottles are connected, they can circle the earth. Then there are at least 100 million children in the world who wet the bed, which will drive the diaper industry, the bed sheet industry, and the dryer industry...

Zhang Tan comforted Xi'er: "You won't wet the bed. The bedwetting is not because you drank the bear drink, but because you drank too much water and dreamed about peeing, and that's why you wet the bed."

Xi'er thought for a while, hiahia smiled and said, "Bedwetting is fun."


Xi'er was finally convinced by Zhang Tan and happily drank the bear drink.

Let him just say that no child can resist the temptation of the bear drink.

Zhang Tan was sitting on the sofa, watching TV and chatting with Xi'er. There had been no children in the room for a while, so it was a lot deserted. Now that Xi'er was here, the air felt much sweeter. The little cantaloupe Cheng was coming. If so, maybe the green plants on the windowsill will bloom.

Zhang Tan put the roses in a glass vase, placed them on the coffee table, and asked Xi'er, "Why are you thinking of giving me roses?"

Xi'er Balabala, the general idea is that she and her sister thanked Boss Zhang for the big red envelope. They used the big red envelope to buy a lot of books. Her sister also bought her a pair of pants, a pair of shoes, a small dress, and a small hat. hat.

She grabbed the little red hat she was wearing and handed it to Zhang Tan happily. This was what her sister bought for her.

"It is indeed a beautiful little red riding hood. Your sister is really good at picking it out." Zhang Tan praised.

"hiahiahia~~" Xi'er was delighted, put on her hat again, and said proudly that it was so warm, and she would never get sick again.

"Have you heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood?" Seeing her Little Red Riding Hood, Zhang Tan remembered the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

Xi'er shook her head. Her sister had never told her, and neither had Cheng Cheng.

"Then do you want to listen?"

Xi'er nodded eagerly.

Zhang Tan told her the story of Little Red Riding Hood. The child was stunned for a moment, then suddenly put down the bear drink and ran out.

Zhang Tan didn't know why, so he took her back.

Xi'er yelled, "Don't eat her. She doesn't taste good. She's small and skinny, and has no flesh. So I'd better eat Luo Zikang."

She listened to the story of Little Red Riding Hood and took on the role of the Big Bad Wolf. She also took Zhang Tan into the role of the Big Bad Wolf.


At half past ten in the evening, Aunt Huang left the office, took off her coat from the hanger, put it on, turned off the lights and closed the door. She went to the children's dormitories on the second floor and had a look. Everything was normal. She gave a few words to Teacher Xiaoman, went downstairs and went back. Home.

It was late December, and the temperature was very low at night, bitingly cold. There were only dimly lit lights in the alleys of Huangjiacun, and no one was there.

Aunt Huang quickened her pace and walked halfway, when suddenly there were footsteps from the opposite direction, and a figure appeared in the field of vision. At first glance, it was Old Huang.

"It's so late, where are you going?" Aunt Huang stepped forward and asked.

Under the street lamp, Uncle Huang exhaled white air: "Where else can we go? You haven't come back so late. Let me come and take a look."

"What do you want to see? It's still early in the academy."

The two of them returned home together. The lights were on in the living room and the TV was still on, but there was no one. Huang Liangliang had already gone back to her room to sleep.

"News came from the police station today. Xiaomi's aunt does not plan to adopt her. This little girl will probably be sent to an orphanage." Aunt Huang said to Uncle Huang.

Ever since she heard the news, she felt panicked and wanted to find someone to talk to. Lao Huang was undoubtedly the best candidate. He had always been her tree hole and was very competent.

"Xiaomi? Let me think about which one it is." After all, Uncle Huang does not work at Xiaohongma. Unlike Aunt Huang who meets the children every day, he is not very familiar with the children, but he has heard of Xiaomi. After thinking about it, he remembered Yes, isn't it the one where Xia Tian's mother ran away?

At that time, he and Aunt Huang argued and even quarreled about this matter.

He accused the mother of being irresponsible, and Aunt Huang accused the man of being even more irresponsible.

Anyway, what they said makes sense. These two parents are incompetent. They left a baby and ran away, just like a kitten or puppy.

"In total, it's been almost half a year, and Xiaomi's mother hasn't been here once?"

Aunt Huang said: "Look what you said, if her mother still comes here, can she be sent to an orphanage? Can she be adopted by her aunt?"

"So there's no news at all? Where have you gone?"

"There is no news at all. What a poor child. I heard from Xiaoliu that Xiaomi often sheds tears thinking about her mother at night."

"This woman is so cruel~~~" Uncle Huang sighed, and suddenly realized something was wrong, and quickly continued: "This woman, once her heart is hurt by a man, she is so cruel, both to herself and others. , but the more cruel one is that man, bah!"

This bah was very good and sublimated the artistic conception. Aunt Huang was very satisfied with it, so she did not pursue his position.

"By the way, what do Zhang Tan think?" Uncle Huang asked.

"What do you think?"

"Should I send him to an orphanage? Is there any other way?"

"What else can you do, unless someone adopts her? Do you expect Zhang Tan to adopt her?"

"I didn't think so. How could I think so? Zhang Tan does not meet the requirements for adoption, and it is inconvenient for a single young man to adopt a child."

The two chatted for a while and went to bed. Aunt Huang was tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. Uncle Huang said, "Do you have something to say? This tossing and turning makes me unable to sleep either."

"Oh, I'm thinking about something."

"Of course I know what you are thinking about. What is it? Tell me and I will give you a reference."

"Old Huang~"


"How is your heart lately? Is there nothing wrong with you?"

"You want to hear my heartbeat?"

"What do you think, we adopt Xiaomi?"


"say something."

"It's okay for me to be a grandfather, but a father? It's a bit embarrassing in the village~"

"Is your face more important, or is this little girl's happiness in life more important?"

"Are you serious?"

"I never give you a lie."

"How about I call Berry and ask her what it's like to suddenly have a 4-year-old sister. If she agrees, then I'll admit it."

Please subscribe. Don’t worry, everyone, our book will definitely not be a tragedy for the sake of tragedy. It says on the title page that this is a story about the pursuit of happiness.

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