Dad Academy

Chapter 289 A new girl (1/2)

Chapter 289 A new girl (12)

At the class reunion, Su Lan was still the center of attention, and she was the center of the conversation wherever she went.

"Why didn't Zhang Tan come?"

Wang Yu asked while there was no one around Su Lan.

Su Lan felt a little uncomfortable and forced herself to calm down: "I don't know. Wang Junhao is the one who contacted me about the event. I should ask him."

Wang Yu: "I asked, and he said that Zhang Tan only replied that he would not participate, but did not say the reason. Don't you know that too?"

"..." Su Lan, "Of course I don't know. I won't be in Pujiang after filming."

Wang Yu said oh, and Su Lan wanted to ask her how she was so sure that I knew about Zhang Tan, but she held back.

Everyone just graduated this year, and there is not much difference in status. They are all just emerging, so there are quite a lot of people here today, reaching more than 90%. Only a few classmates who are really far away and can't leave are not here.

Zhang Tan is a little transparent, so his absence this time did not attract much attention. Only a few people thought of him and looked around but found nothing, so they occasionally asked about him.

After a short gathering in the morning, we had a dinner together at noon, and then walked around the university campus, reminiscing about our college days, chatting and laughing, singing in the club, and a dinner was prepared for the evening.

However, Su Lan did not participate. She excused herself because of work and went back after visiting the campus.

She used her mobile phone to check the flights to Feipujiang tomorrow. There were two flights in the morning and three in the afternoon. If Zhang Tan left in the morning, he would not have any spare time. After having breakfast and resting, he would basically have to rush to the airport.

She thought about it and booked a flight at 3:55 pm. It would arrive in Pujiang at 6:30 pm, which was about the time when Little Red Horse Academy opened.

After booking the flight, she sent a message to Zhang Tan to tell him the flight information.

Almost immediately, Zhang Tan called, and Su Lan thought it must be to ask about flights.

"Is your party over?" Zhang Tan asked on the phone.

Su Lan: "Yeah."

"Just in time, I came to find you. Where are you now?"

The two spent the afternoon together, and instead of eating out in the evening, they cooked at home.

Zhang Tan bought a lot of vegetables and cooked dinner at Su Lan's house. Zhang Tan was the chef and Su Lan helped her. It was already revealed that she was not good at cooking.

Looking at a table of sumptuous dishes, Su Lan said a little discouraged: "My mother is very good at cooking, but I didn't learn how to cook."

She had never thought that not being able to cook was a big deal before, but after meeting someone she liked, she realized that it would feel really good if she could cook him a delicious meal.

Zhang Tan smiled and said: "It's nothing. It's enough that one of the two can cook."

Su Lan was stunned and spat. Zhang Tan's subtext was that from now on, the two of them would live together and he would cook.

Zhang Tan got up, turned off all the lights at home, then turned on the wall lamp in the dining room, then found a candle from somewhere and put it in a candle tray.

"Okay." Zhang Tan smiled.

The glass on the balcony trembled slightly due to the cold wind, and the home was warm and calm, instantly creating a warm atmosphere.


In Little Red Horse Academy.

Xi'er and Liuliu were laughing and playing in hiahiahia. The two little friends were getting closer and closer and often played together. Both of them are disliked by other children. Xi'er is because he always tells the truth, while Liuliu is a little bad guy who belongs to Erha. He teases and teases a lot, which often annoys the children.

However, they are all big-hearted children. One moment they are being bullied, and the next moment they are laughing and jumping around. If the person who bullied them talked to them, they would not care at all, and they would be as happy as if nothing had happened.

Some of the children are watching TV, some are playing with building blocks, and some are painting...each has his or her own thing. Since the Little Red Horse Academy bought a batch of equipment, two more batches were added later. Every child has their own things to do. You can find something you like to do.

At this time, Aunt Huang brought a little girl in from outside and said to Teacher Xiao Liu: "Let everyone come over and introduce a new friend."

"Kids~~~~Come here quickly, a new friend is here~~~~"


The teachers called all the children over. Liliu and Xi'er immediately ran over hand in hand and looked at the little girl at the feet of the principal's aunt.

This is a very cute little girl with short hair, just as long as her neck, a round face, and a rosy complexion. Her eyes are big and bright, but they are not so cheerful, which makes people think that she is hiding something on her mind. A little girl, however, when she saw Xi'er and Liuliu running over, her smile was so bright, with two beautiful dimples.

"It's a young lady~~~" Luoliu looked at the other party unscrupulously. He was too close and was glared at by the other party, but after listening to her words, he smiled at her.

However, something said by another little one who seemed more polite made her angry.

"Liuliu, this is my sister~~~"

The new girl immediately let go of Liliu and stared at Xi'er instead. Such a little kid actually said that she was her sister! She must not be more than 4 years old, she is obviously half a head taller than her!

Liuliu corrected: "No, she is older than you, she is your sister."

Xi'er was not to be outdone: "She is really my sister. I am already 8 years old. Her name is Little Tanghulu."

The little girl opposite couldn't help it anymore and said: "You are called the little candied haws!!!"

Xi'er: "hiahiahia~~My name is the big candied haws, and you are the little candied haws."

"Humph!" The little girl snorted coldly and ignored the silly child. There were many children in front of her, and she was a little shy.

Liuliu said to Xi'er, "She humiliated you."

Xi'er: "She was not happy to see me."

Aunt Huang clapped her hands, attracted everyone's attention, and said, "Okay, now let me introduce you to a new friend, Xie Ying next to me. She is 7 years old and is the little sister of many of you."

Speaking of this, she took a special look at Xi'er, who was standing at the front.

After Aunt Huang gave everyone a brief introduction, she handed Miss Xie Ying over to Teacher Xiao Liu, and she returned to the office.

Little girl Xie Ying was quickly surrounded by children asking questions.

"how old are you?"

"I'm 7 years old."

"Why aren't you 6 years old?"

"Just now the principal's aunt said she is 7 years old~"

"I like your schoolbag so much."

"Do you have a puppy?"

"Your shoes are very nice."

"My sister~"

Little girl Xie Ying was immediately attracted by the little Douding who called her sister, the same one from before.

She asked: "You little douding, what's your name?"

"hiahia, my name is Xi'er, you are a little candied haws, right?"

"You're such a little fool. I don't call you Sugar-Hawed Luz at all. Do you want to eat Tanghulu?"

Xi'er nodded quickly, she really wanted to eat candied haws.

Little girl Xie Ying said: "I will bring you a bunch tomorrow to eat."

"Little sister, I want to eat too." Liuliu came over.

"Then I'll bring two skewers."

Little girl Xie Ying bought two melon seeds in an instant with two strings of candied haws.

There is one more chapter until early morning

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