Dad Academy

Chapter 2731 Good friends should share hardships together

"Tell me about Duck, how did you catch this big black fish?"

During lunch, everyone was shocked. Who would have thought that the weakest Xiaobai would catch a big black fish with his bare hands? It is simply a fantasy, but it is a fact.

When they first heard the news, Xiaobai and others thought it was fake. They all agreed that it was caught by the young man who kept track of the fish, and then transferred to Xiaobai's head. Don’t look at how old Xiao Xiaobai is. Can he catch such a big fish? It wouldn't be easy for her to get out of the water without being dragged into the water by a big fish and how could she be caught ashore? Or with bare hands? Cheng Cheng didn't dare to tell such a mysterious story, and Liuliu didn't dare to brag so without a bottom line.

However, the young man who recorded the fish withstood the coercion and inducement and insisted that it was indeed Xiaobai who caught it with his bare hands! There were many people who testified.

Xiaobai and others had no choice but to believe. They felt that their world view had been subverted. They asked Xiaobai a hundred thousand whys, why could she catch the big black fish? Why does she have so much courage to fish with her fingers? Why did she know there was a big black fish in the water? Wait, the problems are numerous and varied.

Cheng Cheng was particularly careful in asking questions, and he was taking notes while asking questions, which might be used as material for a story in the future.

Little Bai raised his tail reservedly, his little face shining brighter than in the hot summer.

Originally she didn't think it was anything special to catch a big black fish, but being surrounded by everyone asking questions, and everyone was amazed and amazed, as if they had never seen the world, this made Xiao Xiaobai slowly realize that she seemed to have done something. A huge event.

Her life was short, and there were few great events, but when she recalled each event, it made her blood boil and she wanted to jump like a frog.

The most recent time was probably the time when her kindergarten teacher rewarded her with her beloved staring greenworm. The staring greenworm has become her favorite toy.

As the most beloved toy, of course we have to share the joys and sorrows, so the little staring greenworm has experienced baptism. Several times, the little white bug wet the bed, and the staring greenworm was also wet. It was hung together with the bed sheet and quilt cover in the sun to dry. Clamping it up with a clip looks like a public display.

This time, it seems to be a bigger event than getting a staring greenworm!

Even her little aunt was amazed, even Dudu was amazed...

Everyone, whether they are adults or children, or the cockchafers in the grass or the scarabs in the trees, when they see her, they have to ask: "Robin Man, you are really amazing, how did you catch the big black fish?" of?"

At this moment, Xiao Xiaobai was sitting at the dining table, admiring the braised black fish that her grandfather had specially provided for her. She adopted her opinion and retained the complete image of the big black fish.

Before she even ate it, she already felt that this big black fish was so powerful and delicious.

She first accepted everyone's congratulations and compliments, and then at Liuliu's suggestion, she shared the big black fish with everyone to taste.

Everyone praises the deliciousness of snakeheaded fish.

However, after lunch, when the crew was taking a lunch break, Xiao Xiaobai screamed and stood by the pond and cried bitterly.

Everyone asked her what was wrong, and she pointed to the group of black fish larvae swimming around in the pond looking for their mother. They couldn't help but feel sorry for them, because she had eaten their mother.

Everyone sighed after hearing this. Several children who had eaten the big snakehead fish came and stood by the pond, looking down at the baby snakehead fish looking for their mother in the water. They were all silent. Maybe they were repenting, or maybe they were repenting. Some people are reminiscing.

Anyway, they stood depressed by the pond.

If you eat someone else's mother or see someone else's baby, a conscientious child will remain silent, and his conscience will be condemned.

Everyone was worried that they would suffer from heat stroke, so they persuaded them to go back to their room.

Everyone was full, sad, tired, and gradually fell asleep.

The sun at noon was scorching hot, and the sluggard was calling out harder and harder.

The fields and roads were all empty. People had gone home to escape the summer heat. Only a few large buffaloes grazed slowly in the ditch, flicking their short tails from time to time to drive away flies.

After half past two in the afternoon, the crew started to get busy. The director said that filming would start on time at three o'clock.

You must be exposed to the sun, but you can't wait for the sun to go down before filming, then you have to film in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

The props team found a football, and the black and white stripes can still be seen vaguely, indicating that the football is very old, perhaps older than Xiaobai and Liuliu combined.

Football was given to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai looked at the football rolling over, hooked his toes, and the football jumped up, as if it had become spiritual.

This football is an important prop for Xiaobai in the play and is her little friend.

The reason why Xiaobai dared to go on the road alone to find her mother was because she had this football as her companion. This was her source of confidence and her emotional sustenance.

She carried her schoolbag all the way, played football and set off.

On the road, she met a rich girl named Liliu and heard about Xiaobai's plan. She happened to want to run away from home, so she took Xiaobai's company and set off together.

On the road, due to their different personalities and different upbringing environments, the two were always at odds, often bickering and even fighting, but they always miraculously reconciled in the end!

Moreover, after experiencing these twists and turns, their friendship has grown to a higher level.

This is a pair of happy enemies.

That day, when they were passing a bridge, Luoliu accidentally kicked Xiaobai's football into the river. The river was so fast that the football was swept away...

The football drifted further and further away, and it was no longer possible to catch it.

Xiaobai stood on the bridge, holding on to the railings hard, watching his beloved football drift away, and shouted loudly.

But the football still disappeared from her sight without looking back, and Liuliu remained silent. She had realized that she had gotten into a big trouble.

But Liuliu still stood by Xiaobai's side, even holding the corner of her clothes with one hand, fearing that Xiaobai would jump into the river in her eagerness to save the ball.

She was worried and waited for Xiaobai to stop yelling, then she said cautiously: "I'm sorry, Xiaobai, I, I will buy you a new one, don't feel bad."

She saw Xiaobai crying, tears flying.

Xiaobai was silent for a moment, then yelled at her: "The new one is new! It's not mine!..."

Liuliu was as silent as a cicada, not daring to speak.

She didn't know that the football that disappeared into the river was given to her by Xiaobai's mother, and it was of great significance.

Xiaobai doesn't have many things from his mother, and this football is the most important thing.

And now, my beloved football is lost.

My mother hasn’t found it yet, and the football her mother gave me is gone.

Xiaobai felt panicked. She always felt that this was not a good sign. It seemed to be telling her that she could not find her mother this time and she would eventually lose her mother.

Xiaobai cried even more sadly. She couldn't listen to Liuliu's apology. She didn't want to see Liuliu now.

She drove Liliu away.

They will part ways and go their own way.

She said a lot of harsh words, but Luoliu lowered her head and said nothing, walked away silently, and slowly disappeared into the small town ahead.

Xiaobai sat at the end of the bridge, his thoughts running wild, and he stared blankly at the river under the bridge.

Until, a motorcycle passed by. It drove past, but then turned back and stopped next to Xiaobai.

This was a middle-aged man. He stared at Xiaobai sitting on the ground for a while. Seeing that Xiaobai was in a daze all the time without even looking at him, he said aloud: "Hey! Little friend, you are sitting here. What are you doing here? The river below is very deep, you know?"

Xiaobai looked up at him, stood up, and left the bridge.

The man stared at her for a while, always feeling that the little girl was strange, but he had something to do, so he had to leave first.

Xiaobai walked dejectedly towards the small town ahead. Suddenly, a man ran out from a corner...

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai! Look, I picked a watermelon, and I'll treat you to it--"

It was Liliu. It turned out that she had not gone far. Instead, she stole a watermelon from the field on the roadside and ran over to give it to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai didn't want to talk to her and was still angry.

However, at this time, a scolding sound came from behind Xiaobai.

"Hey - that little fat girl!!! Stop! What you stole is my watermelon - don't run - I remember you -"

Xiaobai and Liuliu both looked towards that person and saw a man running from the melon field onto the road towards them!

"Run quickly—Xiaobai, run quickly!!" Luoliu shouted.

Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat as she looked at Liuliu running past her like the wind. She saw that the man whose watermelon was stolen was already chasing him. She didn't know if she would be regarded as Liuliu if she stayed. Partner, probably!

So, she gritted her teeth and hurriedly followed Liliu.

Liuliu couldn't run as fast as her, not to mention that she was holding a watermelon in her arms, so she was quickly caught up and surpassed by Xiaobai.

Seeing this, Liuliu became very anxious. While sweating profusely, he shouted: "Xiaobai! Xiaobai, don't run so fast. Wait for me, wait for me - let me tell you something!"

Xiaobai subconsciously slowed down and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Liuliu passed her with a swish, without waiting for her at all. He only said: "Let's run!"

Xiaobai was furious, shovel shovel! Sure enough, good sisters are made to betray.

Xiaobai's feet were like the wind and he caught up with Liuliu again.

Liuliu moved left and right, blocking Xiaobai's path, preventing her from passing him.

"Get out of the way!"

Xiaobai was furious and saw that the people behind him were getting closer and closer.

Liuliu panted: "Xiaobai, wait for me, don't abandon me!"

Xiaobai was furious: "You should throw away the watermelon, you can run fast like this."

But Liuliu refused decisively: "No! This is what I gave you to eat! It's very sweet!"

Xiaobai was moved for a few seconds, but the emotion disappeared without a trace.

The two of them stood honestly on the roadside, facing the panting man.

Yes, they did not escape in the end and were caught. It is said that they will be called over to identify the scene later.

"Finally I caught you two, you ran so fast, huh huh huh~~"

The man is exhausted.

Xiaobai looked up at him and recognized that this was the man who had talked to her on the bridge before.

This person obviously recognized Xiaobai.

He looked at Liliu and said, "Little fat girl, you stole my watermelon!"

Liuliu bared his teeth and smiled, justifying his behavior: "It's not stealing, it's buying. Let's buy."

The man asked: "What do you want to buy? Do you have money?"

Liuliu smiled flatteringly and said: "We have no money, we are children, poor children, but our adults are rich, please leave me a phone number, and I will ask my mother to call you when you get home to transfer money. for you."

The man in front of him was obviously stunned. Firstly, he didn't expect this chubby girl to be quite capable of quibbles. Secondly, he thought this method seemed quite good.

Seeing him thinking, Liuliu secretly touched Xiaobai and asked Xiaobai to say something nice.

Xiaobai didn't want to say anything, but thinking that he and his wife had been caught, he had to find a way to escape, so he said: "Uncle, we have been walking along the way and found that your watermelon is the biggest and roundest. It must be delicious. You are really a great man. You are so good at growing watermelons."

Liuli's eyes lit up and he quickly agreed: "Yes, you are a big shot who grows watermelons. Don't bother with us kids."

The man was amused by them and no longer cared about stealing watermelons. Instead, he was curious about what they were going to do. They looked dirty and didn't look like they had been out for a day or two. There was no adult around, so he asked: "Where are you from? Where are you going? What are you doing?"

This man is played by Yao Quan.

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