Dad Academy

Chapter 2726 The mysterious man has arrived

"Eat a banana?"

"Want to eat watermelon?"

"Do you want to eat grapes?"

“There are delicious little plums here!”

"Hey - um, little one! Come here and get two little plums to eat!"

During the intermission of the performance, Liliu heard the shouts of the crew and immediately called people over. Da Yanyan wanted to eat some fruit to moisten her throat so that she could better play the role.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately ran over with the cart and grabbed two plums for Duoliu, showing his attentiveness.

"You have some watermelon duck here? Let me have a piece!" Liuliu saw the watermelon. It was a hot day and she couldn't help but want to eat a piece. No one noticed her anyway.

At this time, Xiaobai's scenes were being filmed, and Liuliu was able to rest.

At this time, Robin Bai had been recruited and was assigned to work for Dudu, responsible for delivering fruits to everyone to see who wanted to eat them.

Robin Bai happily accepted the job and had a great time pushing the trolley around the set.

"Are the little plums delicious?" Robin Bai stared at Liuliu's mouth carefully and saw that she was eating with gusto, so he swallowed and asked.

She was still very dedicated and had so much fruit on hand to eat, but she didn't take a bite.

Of course, it may be that you are not familiar with the business yet and haven’t dared to start yet.

What Robin Bai didn't know was that since everyone chose her to do this job, they were actually prepared for her to eat it secretly. However, she is such a little one, how much can she eat in her little belly! Just think of it as natural wear and tear.

"It's sour and sweet. Little Plum wants to eat it after eating it, hahaha~~~" What Liuliu was thinking about was the Little Plum in Little Red Pony Academy, the little Plum who was always against her.

"I'll have another slice of watermelon."

Luliu couldn't help but take another piece of watermelon. When the assistant director called her to go filming, Luliu could hardly eat anymore.

The assistant director looked down and, my dear, he couldn't help but ask: "Liuliu, how many pieces of watermelon have you eaten?"

Liuliu didn't answer, but asked: "What's wrong?"

The assistant director pointed at her belly without even looking at it, "Look at your belly. It's bulging. Can you take it back?"

Liuliu looked down, quickly sucked it in, and took it back.

"No problem, I took it back, look!"

"That's good, that's good!"

The assistant director breathed a sigh of relief, handed the durian to Zhang Tan and left quickly.

Liuliu said to him from behind: "Assistant director, why are you running? I said it's okay."

The assistant director acted as if he hadn't heard anything and hurriedly left. Sure enough, before he had gone far, he heard the director's voice coming from the loudspeaker.

"Liuliu—how did you do this! Look at your belly! It's so bulging that you can't do it!"

Everyone in the crew looked at Luoliu. Luoliu quickly tightened his belly, but he didn't hold on for a while before it popped back.

She knew she was in the wrong, but she didn't dare to quibble.

She found that Boss Zhang was usually very kind, but when it came to filming, he always liked to train people!

"You go back and have a rest first, and then come to me after your stomach is gone." Zhang Tan said helplessly.

Liuliu left with a sullen face, and saw Robin Bai coming back with a trolley, and asked her if she wanted to eat peaches. The fresh peaches were freshly washed by Dudu.

"Go away, go away, don't let me see you again, or I'll beat you every time I see you!" Liuliu said harshly.

Robin Bai immediately grimaced and was very unhappy.

Liuliu began to fast for an hour, not even drinking water. After her belly became less obvious, she immediately ran to Zhang Tan to report.

Zhang Tan saw that her corrective attitude was quite good, so he didn't say anything more to her.

It was too hot at noon. The main actors were Xiaobai and Liuliu, and we had to consider them, so we took a break at noon and the crew had time to take a lunch break. The filming didn't start until 3:30 in the afternoon.

Zhang Tan used this time to start calling people.

"Lao Zhang, are you free? I came to Sichuan to film. You are not asked to be the leading actor. Yes, supporting roles, purely supporting roles, guest roles, just one scene, the shot does not exceed three seconds. Let me tell you in advance, if you are not paid, you will only get a round-trip air ticket. I’m reporting this to you because I’m complimenting your goddaughter, so I’m just asking you if you want to act.”

Zhang Tan's first phone call was to Zhang Yuyan and invited him to play the second husband of Xiaobai's mother in the play.

In the play, Liuliu accompanied Xiaobai to find her mother, but from a distance, they saw that Xiaobai's mother had her own family, a handsome husband, and lovely children.

As for the role of the child, Zhang Tan and Xiaobai discussed it, and Xiaobai decided on the candidate.

She called Robin Bai, who was sorting the trolley, and asked her to play the role of Xiao Bai's half-sister.

Standing next to each other, the aunt and nephew look very similar. They are related at first glance. Robin Bai could not have played this role better.

Robin was confused and just accepted it.

Zhang Tan then called Xie Miao and invited him to play the role of the good driver in the play.

Xie Miao became famous for his ability in "Northeast Police Story".

This time, he played the role of a kind-hearted driver, which was very different from his previous roles. He was very interested and readily accepted the role.

There is also no remuneration, only round-trip air tickets are reimbursed.

Next, Zhang Tan wanted to find candidates for the two motorcycle gang characters in the play. He thought about it a lot. In order to increase the comedy effect, he called Yao Quan and Wan Kun and invited these two brothers to play the roles.

Yao Quan and Wan Kun are the protagonists of "The Matrix". They are also the kind of people with strong fighting power. They are cool and good at fighting. They play the kind and humorous motorcycle gang. The effect is very contrasting. I believe it will leave a deep impression on people and double the comedy effect.

But I don't know if they can put down the labels on their bodies and lower their bodies to play this subversive role.

However, after listening to Zhang Tan's introduction, Yao Quan and Wan Kun both agreed readily.

The assistant director was called over by Zhang Tan and asked him to arrange people to connect with these people and send them to the crew.

When the assistant director heard the names, he exclaimed, "Wow, Mr. Zhang invited many stars to promote his daughter and Liuliu. This is to make an all-star lineup. Any character who passed by on the road is a well-known person.

That's right, the character who passed by was Zhang Tan himself, and there was not even a second of the shot.

The assistant director immediately arranged someone to do it. When passing by Robin Bai, he saw the child jumping like a frog on the spot. He didn't know what happened to the child.

Robin Bai was slow to realize it. After being reminded by Assistant Xi, she realized that she was going to film and play a supporting role. She was so excited that she could not control herself and shared the good news with everyone she met.

The assistant director was about to leave when he found that her thigh was hugged.

Robin Bai shared the good news with him, and the assistant director tried to smile and gave her a thumbs up, so he was let go.

In the evening, all the scenes in Baijia Village were shot. After having dinner here in the evening, everyone will go back to the county town and live in the county town. The scenes tomorrow will also be shot in the area of ​​the scene, and they will not go back to Baijia Village.

Xiaobai and her friends were also tired after filming. They had been in the sun for a whole day. Although they tried their best to take sun protection measures, it was still very hard. Adults felt tired, let alone children.

"There are many delicious dishes for dinner."

Zhang Tan used food to encourage the children. The children cried one by one, and even Robin Bai, who had been playing all day, followed suit.

Dinner was prepared by the crew's logistics. The sun had not yet set, but dinner had already begun, and many people were queuing up to get food.

The crew prepared a room specifically for the children, and the staff brought the dishes to the table one after another.

The dishes were very rich, including chestnut roast chicken, chicken with sticks, and roast pork with pigeon eggs...

The children's appetite was greatly stimulated.

When the last dish was served, Xiaobai accidentally glanced at the person serving the dishes and was stunned.

"Huh? Huh! Huh?!!! Uncle--why are you here?"

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