Dad Academy

Chapter 2714 I'll go and scold you and then I'll be back

"Could it be there?"

Dudu pointed to the melon field not far away, where someone was busy, vaguely visible as a man and a woman.

Xiaobai took a look and said, "It's probably there."

Robin Bai also nodded and said, "It's probably there."

Dudu said, "Then let's go now."

Robin Bai immediately responded, "Let's go~"

Xiaomi looked at Xiaoliu and said, "Xiaoliu, let's go and take a look."

Xiaoliu hummed softly, nodded, and took the big black bag she had been carrying with her from the bicycle.

Everyone put the bicycle under the big camphor tree and walked over.

Xiwawa clucked and turned into a pony, and went over to find out the situation first.

Robin Bai also followed suit, shouting slogans, clucking and turning into a naughty pony, and followed.

Suddenly, the pony disappeared from everyone's sight.

Xiaobai ran over and picked up Robin Bai who had fallen into the ditch. Fortunately, there was no water in the ditch, otherwise the little guy would have become a drowned chicken.

"I told you not to run, why didn't you listen?"

Robin Bai frowned, looking serious.

She didn't know why she had been having trouble recently, either falling into a pit or falling on the ground. She was so unstable.

"Don't cry, I will look down on you." Xiaobai reminded.

Robin Bai, who wanted to cry, immediately held back the grievance in her heart and said firmly: "I won't cry."

"Good job, I will reward you with a bottle of Little Bear Drink." Xiaobai is already very good at using the reward and punishment mechanism.

Robin Bai really didn't want to cry this time, everything was for Little Bear.

At this moment, Xiwawa had already rushed to the melon field, where a man and a woman were busy.

The happy doll said something to the other party, and soon ran back, shouting excitedly: "Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu - that's your mother! That's your mother - we found it!"

Robin Bai said to his aunt excitedly: "We found it."

Xiao Bai was also very happy: "Found it, come on, follow me."

"Okay, clack clack~"

Robin Bai continued to transform into a cheerful and unyielding pony, following closely behind.

"Sister Xiao Liu, your mother is there -" Robin Bai said loudly, pointing to the melon field.

Xiao Liu was now both excited and confused. She was almost swept away by everyone's crowd.

A man and a woman in the melon field also stopped their work and looked at them.

Until the woman noticed Xiao Liu who was surrounded by everyone, her face changed. She said something to the man next to her, then wiped her hands and took the initiative to come forward.

"Xiao Liu?" The woman stared at Xiao Liu and said.

Xiao Liu looked at her without speaking, as if immersed in joy and forgot to speak.

Xiaobai said happily: "Xiaoliu, it's your mother! She's here to see you."

Liuli said to the woman eagerly: "She is Xiaoliu, she is Xiaoliu, she came from Changping Town, come and give her a hug from her mother."

Xiaomi had a smile on her face that she couldn't hide. She leaned close to Xiaoliu and whispered: "Your mother is talking to you."

Xiaoliu then whispered "Mom".

The woman asked curiously: "Why are you here? How did you get here? Who are they?"

Xiaoliu looked up at her mother bravely and said: "They are my good friends, they came with me."

Robin Bai said proudly: "We are good friends of Xiaoliu's sister! We met a dog on the road and a bad woman, but we are not afraid, we are brave children..."

She kept talking, and then her aunt covered her mouth and told her to stop talking.

"Really? Have you eaten?" Xiaoliu's mother asked Xiaoliu.

Xiao Liu said, "I ate it."

When she saw her mother, she didn't know what to say. They hadn't seen each other for almost a year, and there seemed to be an extra layer of distance between them, and they couldn't talk about everything.

Xiao Liu remembered something, and hurriedly took the black bag she had brought with her and said, "Here, it's new from our tree. Grandpa and grandma said they would send some for you to taste. It's as sweet as before."

"What is it?"

The woman asked in confusion, opened the mouth of the black bag and looked inside.

At the same time, Liuliu and Robin Bai also came over and looked inside eagerly.

They have been very interested in the contents of the black bag since yesterday, but Xiao Liu was watching it very closely, so they had no chance to get close. It was useless to ask, and Xiao Liu wouldn't tell them.

"It's bayberry! Such big bayberry." Liuliu said loudly.

Robin Bai quickly took a sip of saliva. She wasn't greedy, but she felt the bayberry was sour. She was afraid of the sour bayberry bought by her aunt.

Xiaoliu's mother put away the bag and asked, "Xiaoliu, did you come all the way to bring me the bayberries?"

Xiaoliu nodded, "Yes, my grandparents said you like them very much, so they asked me to bring them... All the bayberries have been washed, so you can eat them directly."

Xiaoliu's mother had a complicated expression, and tried to smile and said, "Okay, thank my grandparents for me."

"Oh, okay." Xiaoliu said, lowered his head and thought for a while, and smiled, "I've delivered the bayberries, so I'm leaving now, bye~~"

After that, she turned and left.

Xiaobai and the others hadn't reacted yet, why did she leave, but seeing Xiaoliu didn't even turn around, they followed her, wanting to ask what was going on, why didn't she talk to her mother more, why didn't she go home to sit down? Why did she leave?

All the children followed her.

Xiaoliu's mother stood there, with a complicated look on her face, watching them leave, and never caught up with them.

Xiaoliu walked very fast, and everyone couldn't keep up.

Xier giggled and ran after her, took a look, and turned back and said, "Xiaoliu is crying."

Everyone rushed over, all running to catch up, surrounding Xiaoliu, with doubts and sadness.

Everyone met under the big camphor tree on the roadside, talking to Xiaoliu, mainly asking her why she didn't say a few more words and why she left.

Only Xiaomi stayed with Xiaoliu with a sad look on her face, without saying a word.

Xiaoliu wiped her tears and said, "It's good that the things have been delivered. Let's go back."

Liuliu looked back at the melon field not far away and saw that Xiaoliu's mother had never come. She couldn't help but get angry: "Really, really, where can there be such a mother who doesn't care about Xiaoliu at all? Next time we don't come, you might as well give me the bayberries to eat. I will say thank you after eating them. Really, really, I'm so angry——"

Xiaoxiaobai's face was tense. Although she didn't understand what was going on, she was also angry for no reason when she saw that everyone was so angry. She wanted to pick up a stone and throw it into the melon field to smash two watermelons.

A group of children were indignant, but no one tried to persuade Xiaoliu anymore. Instead, they accompanied her and rode their bicycles home.

Xiaoliu rode her bicycle very fast and took the lead.

"Xiaoliu, slow down, wait for us~" Xiaobai said loudly.

Everyone rode their bicycles to catch up, leaving Liuliu and Robin Bai behind again.

"Come on, Liuliu, come on~~" Robin Bai shouted loudly.

Her short legs were kicking so hard that they were about to smoke and catch fire, but Liuliu couldn't ride anymore.

There was still a rope between them, but it was Robin Bai who was pulling Liuliu forward.

Liuliu was panting and pedaling hard, mumbling indignantly: "Really, really, if I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have come. She didn't even invite us to drink water or eat. Really, I've never seen such a mother. My mother Zhu is not so cruel!..."

Obviously, she was very angry.

"Liuli, hurry up——"

Robin Bai stopped and shouted at Liuliu.

She asked to untie the rope, thinking that Liuliu was dragging her down.

But Liuliu refused, and educated Robin with a plausible argument: "Child, you have grown up, you have to be filial to me, hurry up, I can't ride anymore, you try harder, pull me along."

Robin Bai was almost using all his strength.

Fortunately, the people running in the front finally stopped and stood by a small forest to rest.

Liuliu and Robin caught up with them panting. As soon as Robin stopped the car, she complained that Liuliu exploited child labor and almost exhausted her.

Liuliu disagreed with this and argued with Robin.

If it were normal, everyone would definitely judge for them, but now, no one wanted to talk, their faces were solemn, their faces were tense, and their mood was very low.

"I can't stand it anymore--"

Suddenly, Xiaobai shouted, and then said to everyone: "You just wait for me here, don't run around, I'll be back soon."

"Xiaobai, where are you going?" Xiaomi asked.

But Xiaobai didn't answer, but rode his bicycle and returned like the wind.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaobai wanted to go with them, but Liuliu stopped her and said, "Your aunt told us not to run around and wait for her here. You are not allowed to go."

Xiao Xiaobai watched her aunt walk farther and farther away, and disappeared after turning a corner. She said anxiously, "I, I, my aunt is gone. What is she doing?"

Liuliu said, "Don't worry about her. She is a big child. Don't worry."

Xiao Xiaobai was anxious, but Liuliu didn't let her go. Moreover, Liuliu seemed to know what her aunt was going to do.

Only Xiaomi told everyone to stand here and not move, and told Dudu to take good care of everyone. Then she chased Xiaobai, leaving only one sentence: "I'll go see Xiaobai, don't worry."

Xiaomi rode a bicycle to chase, and soon saw Xiaobai under the big camphor tree.

At this moment, Xiaobai was standing under the big camphor tree, jumping up and down, shouting at the two busy figures in the melon field not far away: "Shovel shovel - I'm so angry - you two are black ass!!!..."

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