Dad Academy

Chapter 2712 Departure to Shuangtang Village!!

Chapter 2712 Departure - Shuangtang Village!!

The next morning, Dudu was the first to get up again.

Because she had to help Xiaoliu find her mother early this morning, Dudu got up more than ten minutes earlier than yesterday.

As soon as she got up, she turned on the lights in the room, and then woke up her sleeping girlfriends one by one.

Xiaobai woke up with a yawn and sat on the bed in a daze.

Xiaoxiaobai was still sleeping soundly, the kind that couldn't be woken up.

Dudu moved her around, but the little guy was indifferent and could sleep soundly no matter what.

Dudu handed her to Xiaobai, and went to the next room to continue waking up this group of girlfriends.

"If you go too late, they will go to work in the fields, Liuliu - get up quickly -"

Dudu focused on Liuliu and shouted in her ear.

Liuliu was mad and almost wanted to fight with Dudu, but suddenly remembered something and didn't dare to do it.

Tan Jiner knew that the children were going to leave this morning, so she got up early and made breakfast for everyone.

During breakfast, "No-head" and "Unhappy" still looked like they hadn't woken up yet, with sleepy eyes and heavy eyelids.

Xiao Xiaobai was holding a spoon in her hand, digging porridge to drink. She was very sleepy and fell asleep while eating. She almost fell down several times. Finally, when her head almost hit the table, she suddenly woke up. Then, because of the loud noise, she fell off the chair with a thump and lay under the table, crying in pain.

Teacher Jiang hurriedly picked her up and comforted her.

This time, Robin Bai finally drove away the sleepiness completely. She didn't want to doze off anymore, but just kept crying.

And when Liuliu saw her miserable condition, she suddenly woke up, stopped being sleepy, and ate honestly.

After breakfast, Zhang Tan originally planned to drive them to Shuangtang Village, but was rejected. They planned to go there by bicycle by themselves.

Each of them was full of confidence and determination.

They said they would use their abilities to help Xiaoliu find his mother.

Zhang Tan gave them a thumbs up, "Great, then you go ahead, I'll go back and take a nap after dinner."

Tan Jin'er widened her eyes and then snickered, knowing that Zhang Tan was joking.

But Liuliu didn't think so, she immediately despised Boss Zhang.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep! Just sleep! We humans have a lot of things to do besides sleeping. If we do more things, our lives will be more meaningful."

Liuliu also talked about the truth in a set of sets.

Zhang Tan sneered: "This is what I want to say to you."

Xiaobai also mocked: "Liuli, how dare you say that, you are the last one to get up every day, and today is the same! Dudu is qualified to say this, you are not! Don't quibble! Don't talk!"

Liuliu seemed to be angry.

"You, you, you, you, you father and daughter, I really admire you--"

Dudu urged: "Liuli, stop bragging, hurry up, let's pack up and get ready to go, the sun is about to run over our heads."

Xiao Xiaobai immediately ran under the eaves, looked up at the sky, turned back and said loudly to Dudu: "Dudu-the sun is still on the top of the mountain, our big rooster is crowing, let's go quickly."

Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er reminded them to bring good things, such as sun hats and water bottles, and everyone pushed out their own bicycles.

Even Xiao Xiaobai pushed out her own balance bike, and seriously checked the various parts of the balance bike, wiped the seat and handlebars, pressed the tires to check if there was air... It looked quite professional.

Then, she secretly took out the rope and wanted to tie her balance bike to Liuliu's bicycle, but Liuliu found out and took off her rope and threw it away.

It was a long way, and if Liuliu dragged such a burden, she felt that she would be exhausted to death, so she was determined not to compromise.

Xiao Xiaobai snorted coldly, picked up the rope, thought about it, and tied it to her aunt's bicycle.

Her little action was discovered by her aunt, who said: "Robin, don't go, you are too young."

Robin Xia immediately got anxious when he heard it, and said loudly: "I, I, I, I want to go, aunt, I want to go - I want to help Xiaoliu find her mother!"

Xiaobai said: "It's a long way, you can't ride a bicycle, you can't keep up with us, you just wait at home, okay? We will call you and tell you the good news when we find Xiaoliu's mother."

Robin Xia didn't listen and insisted that he had to go by himself.

Xiaomi also persuaded Robin not to go.

Robin cried.

Crying and wiping tears pitifully.

Xiaobai comforted her and said, "Don't cry, I love you, don't cry, don't cry, we are doing this for your own good, the sun is so hot, it will be very hard."

Robin Xia cried and said, "Aunt, I am not afraid of hardship, I also want to help Xiaoliu find her mother~"

Xiaobai was helpless, thought for a while and said, "Forget it, then you go, you tie the rope to my bicycle."

Xiaoxiaobai wiped her tears, burst into laughter, and quickly tied the rope to her aunt's bicycle.

Xiaoliu didn't have a bicycle, so Xiaobai went to find Dunzi and borrowed Dunzi's bicycle.

When Zhang Tan bought a bicycle, he also bought Dunzi the same model.

Zhang Tan planned a route on Xiaobai's phone watch and told them how to go.

Everything was ready, and everyone rode their bicycles out of the yard...

On the riverbank, Bai Feng and other children were herding cattle. When they saw Xiao Bai and her friends riding bicycles across the small bridge, they watched them pass by curiously and asked loudly: "Xiao Bai - what are you going to do -"

Xiao Bai responded loudly: "To Shuangtang Village -"

"Let's go - to Shuangtang Village -"

"Find Shuangtang Village and find Xiao Liu's mother -"

"If you can't find me, I won't come back -"

"Shovel, Robin, do you want to tire your aunt to death -"

"Hiahia, I'll push hard -"

Xiao Xiaobai's feet were like stepping on a hot wheel. He pushed hard on the ground. When he couldn't push anymore, he lifted his feet and let his aunt drag him forward.

When the group left Baijia Village, Bai Guagua didn't show up. The boy was still sleeping at this moment.

After leaving Baijia Village, Xiaobai and his group were in a hurry and high spirits, following the navigation to Shuangtang Village.

It is still early morning. Although the sun has come out, it has not risen yet. The forest in the valley blocks the sunlight and casts a large area of ​​shadows. It is still very comfortable to ride.

Xiaobai called on everyone to ride harder and take advantage of the coolness in the early morning to walk more.

It is about 8 kilometers from Baijia Village to Shuangtang Village.

They set out at 6:30. After passing Baijia Village, they turned into a small road. The small road is not easy to walk. It is a dirt road with potholes, which greatly slows down the speed.

When passing through a village called Dayu Village, Xier led the way. Just after turning a corner, Xiaobai and others were about to catch up, but they saw Xier retreating in a panic and said in panic: "No, no, there are dogs coming, so many dogs——"

Xier was scared. When she turned a corner, she actually met a group of Paw Patrols holding a meeting!

She was almost scared to death.

Xier has always been afraid of dogs. When she met dogs in Huangjia Village, she would take a detour.

What she feared came true. She had just managed to lead the way, but she met so many dogs when she turned a corner.

If it was just one dog, she wouldn't be so scared, but there were seven or eight dogs!

Some dogs were very unkind and bared their teeth.

Woof woof woof——

A dog started barking.

Following closely behind Xier was Xiao Xiaobai.

After Xier ran back, she became the leader.

She was still in high spirits the previous second, but her face changed the next second. She only hated that her feet were not fast enough, so she quickly retreated and hid in the team.

The big team stopped, and a dog head appeared at the corner.

It was a black dog, and a dog head appeared from the corner, staring at the group of human cubs.

Liuliu laughed and said to everyone: "It's a black dog, don't be afraid, it looks cute."

She clicked her tongue and wanted to tame the black dog.

The next second, another dog head appeared at the corner, followed by another, and then another...

In an instant, seven or eight dog heads appeared, staring intently at Liuliu who was making a clicking sound.

Liuliu was already stunned, and didn't dare to make a clicking sound at all.

She was not afraid of one dog, but she was scared to death of seven or eight.

Seeing that the group of human pups did not move, the dogs came out from the corner one by one, blocking the way.

This situation looked like two gangs in Causeway Bay were about to fight.

"Let's go another way." Xiwawa said, and backed off.

Xiaobai encouraged everyone not to be afraid.

She bravely stepped forward and whistled at the group of Paw Patrol.

The Paw Patrol actually wagged their tails, looking flattering.

Xiaobai turned around proudly and said to everyone: "Did you see that? All the dogs are good dogs, they won't bite people, don't be afraid, follow me."

Taming dogs is a skill that Xiaobai has learned since she was a child. No matter how fierce the dog is, it will be docile in front of her.

The Paw Patrol sent Xiaobai and the others out of Dayu Village, and they refused to stop, still following them and walking in the fields.

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