Dad Academy

Chapter 2703 Tell your story now

"Stop crying, stop crying, what's the use of crying? I'll buy you this to eat, do you want to eat it?"

In order to comfort Xiao Xiaobai who was still crying and wiping her tears, Xiao Bai went to a street stall and bought some bayberries for her.

Xiao Xiaobai asked curiously what this was. She had never eaten bayberries, nor had she seen them.

There was nothing she could do. She was young and ignorant, so she could be called a little fool.

Dudu came over and asked, "Is it sour?"

The aunt who bought the bayberries had a loud voice and said enthusiastically that it was not sour at all. She picked a big and red bayberry and handed it to Dudu, asking her to try it. If it was not sweet, she would not pay for it.

Dudu put it in her mouth and tasted it. It had a little sour taste, but more sweetness, and it was very moist and juicy. It was delicious.

"So sweet~"

When Xiaobai heard this, he said generously: "Then buy more, buy five catties, and take them back for Xiwawa to eat."

Three children were picking bayberries in a bamboo basket. In fact, only Dudu was picking. The other aunt and nephew stupidly put all of them into the bag without any intention of picking.

In the end, they bought a big bag. After weighing it, it was nearly six catties. Xiaobai did not plan to take some out, but added a little to make up six catties to take home.

On the way home, Xiaobai took a bayberry to her grandmother like offering a treasure.

Of course, you have to give grandma the first thing you buy.

Teacher Jiang thanked her, tasted it, and praised the bayberry for being really sweet and not very sour.

There are bayberry trees growing on the nearby mountains. Some people also grow bayberry trees at home. The bayberries sold in the town are generally planted in the mountains.

Xiao Xiaobai also grabbed a bayberry and gave it to Zhang Tan, who was driving. Zhang Tan took it in his hand in a hurry, and threw it into his mouth without even looking at it. The expected sweetness was not there, but a sour taste that stimulated the soul rushed into his mouth, and the sourness made his nose, eyes and eyebrows all wrinkled together.


"What's wrong? Is it not delicious?" Xiaobai heard him gasping for air and asked curiously.

Zhang Tan resisted, opened the car window, spit out the bayberry in his mouth, and said: "It's delicious. I spit out the core, you can try it too."

Xiaobai was a little proud when she heard the old man praise the bayberry she bought for being delicious. She grabbed one to try herself, and suddenly gasped.

"Aunt, what's wrong with you? Is it not delicious?" Xiao Xiaobai asked with concern, her eyes almost sticking to Xiaobai's face.

Xiaobai pushed her face away and said: "It tastes good, you can try it too."

As she said that, she grabbed a bayberry and stuffed it into Xiao Xiaobai's mouth.

Xiao Xiaobai's happiness didn't last for two seconds before she burst into tears and drooled from the corners of her mouth.

"So so so sour, so sour - I won't eat it anymore!"

She quickly spit out the bayberry, and it was so sour that she cried.

Xiaobai hiahia laughed and urged Dudu to eat one too.

"You must not have picked the good ones. Look, you should pick the dark red ones. Don't eat the green ones." Dudu said, and picked a dark red bayberry. It was still very sweet and not sour at all.

Xiaobai and Xiaoxiaobai were drinking water to dilute the sour taste in their mouths.

The car soon arrived at Baijia Village, and soon after, they arrived home.

Xier ran out with a bowl in her hand and stood under the eaves waiting for them.

"Are you back?"

"I'm back, I'm back~"

"Hiahia, it's fun to go to the market, Xier, look, I have new shoes, hiahia~~"

Xiaoxiaobai showed off her new shoes as soon as she got off the car.

"It's really nice~"

Xier praised, and then she saw her godfather dressed like a street urchin, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

"Sister, come and see godfather, he doesn't look like a good person--"

Xier shouted into the house, and soon, several children ran out to watch Zhang Tan.

Liuli was clicking her tongue while surrounding Zhang Tan, touching here and there, and admiring his flowered shirt.

"I know you are envious, but don't be envious yet."

Zhang Tan said, carrying the vegetables in the truck to the kitchen. Tan Jiner, who was busy in the kitchen, saw him coming, took a look, and then was stunned. Obviously, she was also surprised by Zhang Tan's flowered shirt, but only for a moment.

"How is it? Teacher Jiang bought it for me." Zhang Tan said, with a little pride in his tone.

Tan Jiner looked at it openly and said with a smile: "It fits well and looks good, but it's a little flowery."

Zhang Tan didn't mind at all and said with a smile: "Teacher Jiang said that only I can wear this kind of flowered shirt, no one else can."

Tan Jiner suppressed her laughter and said: "Yes, yes, it suits you. What vegetables did you buy?"

She changed the subject.

Zhang Tan said: "Here is a part, I will get some more, all in the car."

He went to the yard and took out all the vegetables in the car, and saw Xiaobai giving bayberries to his friends.

"Delicious bayberries, come on, everyone has a share, Liuliu, I'll give you a big one, delicious, not sour at all, Xiwawa, come here, sweet bayberries..."

Zhang Tan took a look and saw that Liuliu took a really big bayberry, but the color was a little green, which looked very sour.

He didn't remind him, after all, life is sweet and sour, and you have to taste every flavor.

Especially Liuliu, who has lived such a sweet life since childhood, it's time to taste other flavors.

So Zhang Tan gave her a look that told her to go ahead bravely, and left silently.

As soon as I walked to the living room, I heard the screams of Liuliu killing a pig coming from the yard.

When he walked to the kitchen door, Xiaobai suddenly jumped beside him, and then Liuliu chased him.

"I'll fight with you, little Huahua—" Luoliu shouted.

When Zhang Tan walked into the kitchen, Xiaobai and Liuliu had already run to the backyard, where they were shouting and killing.

Xiwawa, Dudu, Xiaobai and others also rushed through the kitchen and rushed to the backyard.

After struggling for a while, the group finally stopped.

Zhang Tan stayed in the kitchen, helping Tan Jin'er and Teacher Jiang pack the vegetables and prepare for lunch.

"It's not good, it's not good, Boss Zhang, it's not good -" Luoliufengfenghuohuo ran over and said in a panic.

Zhang Tan put down the kitchen knife in his hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Liuliu glanced at the kitchen knife in his hand with fear and said, "The village chief came with his men and the guy on his back - did you do something bad and let everyone find out?"

Zhang Tan said angrily: "Can't you think of something good? Why must it be me who did the bad thing? Can't it be you? I think it's you!"

After saying that, he walked out of the kitchen and came to the yard. Sure enough, he saw the village chief and a group of people, carrying hoes, hammers and other things, passing the small bridge and were about to arrive home.

Zhang Tan saw Luoliu behind him and followed him with a fire stick, and said helplessly: "Are you still trying to steal the guy? Return the fire stick. It's not a fight, it's the village chief who came to help our yard."

"Repairing the yard?" Liuliu asked.

"Yes, didn't you say that last night? Don't you remember?" Zhang Tan said.

"Remember, remember! I remembered, it was to repair the yard. Hey, you are doing a good deed. Why didn't you tell me earlier? I don't even know how to scold you when you do this!"

After shirking the responsibility, Liliu ran back home, returned the fire stick, and then came with a washbasin. Behind her, Xiaobai followed, also holding an aluminum washbasin.

The two of them beat the washbasin loudly, and said warmly to the village chief who walked into the yard: "Welcome, welcome! Warm welcome!!!"

Xiaobai carried a camera and took pictures of the village chief and his group.

Dudu, Xi'er and others served tea and poured water.

This scene was full of enthusiasm, and the village chief was flattered. He did not expect that there would be a welcome ceremony, and the welcome ceremony would be so grand.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, no need to take a picture, no need to take a picture, it doesn't look good, hahaha~~~" the village chief said reservedly.

"Then I won't take pictures~" Xiaobai followed suit and really stopped taking pictures.

The village chief was actually a little disappointed, and he couldn't figure out why he felt like this.

The villagers brought the guys to work. In the distance, a small truck was driving over, transporting materials such as bricks and cement.

Zhang Tan was busy discussing with everyone how to build the wall, while the children were wandering around, extremely curious. Bai Feng led his younger brothers and came over. As for Bai Guagua, he came here after hearing the news early. .

The yard is bustling, but at home, Cheng Cheng doesn't like too much excitement. She prefers a quiet environment, so she stays alone in her room, writing and drawing in her notebook.

Xiao Xiaobai sat next to her and was playing games on her tablet. As an obligation, she needed to answer Cheng Cheng's questions.

"One of your shoes fell off this morning, and then you lost the other one, right?" Cheng Cheng asked.

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes were fixed on the tablet computer and he replied: "Yes, we searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Then my aunt said, Xiao Xiaobai, you almost lost your other little shoe. That way whoever finds the shoes can make a pair and wear them..."

Cheng Cheng's eyes lit up and he wrote quickly in his notebook.

Not long after, she wrote a short story, walked out of the room, came to the yard, found Xiaobai who was handing out bayberries to Bai Feng and others, and said: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, come here quickly~"

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