Dad Academy

Chapter 2693 Lively

The new car Zhang Tan bought was discovered by a group of children before it arrived home.

When these newbies saw the new car, they immediately stood on the roadside and looked at it curiously. They didn't realize it was Zhang Tan driving at first, until Dudu opened the window and waved to the children on the roadside: "Children! I bought a new car with Boss Zhang!"

The group of melon boys all recognized Dudu, and they all ran behind the car excitedly, especially Bai Guagua, who ran at the front like the wind. Judging from his energy, he wanted to run home first to inform little Bai Chunhua. .

But he definitely couldn't outrun the car and was left behind.

Just when Bai Guagua was frustrated, the car stopped and Dudu stuck his head out of the car window and shouted to Bai Guagua: "Guagua - go and tell Xiaobai that we are driving back."

Bai Guagua was overjoyed and responded: "Okay!"

He immediately increased his power, turned into a pony, clattered in front of the car, and ran away in a flash.

In the car, Dudu specially warned Zhang Tan: "Drive slowly, let Guagua run in front, and wait until he is far away before we leave."

Zhang Tan was speechless and said, "Wouldn't it be better to let him get in the car and send him there?"

This is what he suggested just now, but Dudu didn't agree, saying that he must let Guagua run over.

"He will be happier if he runs away." Dudu said.

Well, Zhang Tan could only say in his heart, you guys are really good at playing.

When the car drove to the small bridge, Xiaobai had already led her friends and stood at the edge of the yard to greet them.

Teacher Jiang and Tan Jiner are also there.

Bai Guagua also appeared in the crowd, with a red face and still panting. Xiao Xiaobai appeared at his feet. After he breathed evenly, he immediately offered a piece of watermelon with both hands, taking good care of it.

"I'm back... We're back to buy a car!!! Look at this car, isn't it beautiful!!"

Dudu stuck his head out of the car window and shouted loudly to his friends.

Along the way, she behaved like a young lady. Only then did she reveal the truth that she was just a child.

"What a big car!"

"It's so big!"

"Like a hill."

"It will cost a lot of money."

The children were talking a lot.

Teacher Jiang and Tan Jiner called the children aside and made way for cars to drive in.

At the same time, firecrackers sounded in the yard.

The sound of firecrackers frightened Xiaobai, Liuliu and Xiaobai who were close to each other and jumped on the spot, their movements surprisingly consistent.

The three of them turned back and glared at the village chief and Dunzi's father who were setting off firecrackers.

The two adults were a little embarrassed to be looked at by children like this. They really didn't mean to scare people.

Zhang Tan parked the car, and Dudu immediately opened the car door and stretched out his hand to pull Liuliu and others up to take a look at the car.

"Pull me up, pull me up!" Xiao Xiaobai jumped on the spot anxiously. The car was too high and she couldn't climb up.

The children all crowded into the car like a swarm and looked around inside. Dudu was explaining to everyone. She had heard the salesperson explain it in detail before at the car dealership, and she remembered it all.

Zhang Tan got out of the car and chatted with the village chief and Dunzi's father.

It turned out that after the village chief heard that Zhang Tan planned to live stream melon sales, he immediately rushed over to discuss with him to see if he could be of any help. If Dunzi's watermelon live broadcast sells well, it can be expanded to the whole village.

Suddenly, Zhang Tan saw that Xiaobai and others had climbed into the carriage and were lifting the mountain bike. He hurried over and said, "Don't move. I'll move it. You guys get down first."

He carried out the mountain bike he bought, and the village chief and Dunzi's father stood under the car to pick it up.

As soon as the mountain bike landed, it was ridden away by Xiaobai and the others. They didn't even need to be taught, they knew how to ride it.

"hiahia~ Where is my car? Where is mine?"

Xiao Xiaobai looked at the young ladies riding beautiful mountain bikes in the yard with envy. He was so envious that he wanted to explode on the spot.

Fortunately, Zhang Tan did not forget her share, and the last bicycle moved out of the carriage was hers.

Xiao Xiaobai was very excited. As soon as he got on the bike, he found that his bike seemed different from those of the girls.

right! It’s just different!

Her bike has no pedals!

It is done by pushing on the ground with both feet.

Luoliu braked suddenly, flicked his tail beautifully, and stopped next to Xiaobai. He laughed loudly and said, "This is a balance bike! It's not a bicycle. You have to pedal! Hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard!"

When Xiao Xiaobai heard this, his face was filled with displeasure.

Dudu also made a beautiful flick, drifted and turned around, stopping on the other side of Xiaobai, and said: "Xiaoxiabai, don't be upset, this is the car that Boss Zhang and I specially picked for you. It's our car." It’s all with your feet! Isn’t it yours?”

Hearing this, Xiao Xiaobai felt much better. He rolled his eyes at Liuliu, snorted arrogantly, and said, "Whose car doesn't rely on pedals?"

Liuliu laughed loudly and ran away on her bicycle. With a flick of her tail, she stopped in front of Zhang Tan and asked where her spicy noodles were.

Zhang Tan said: "Dudu took it, you can find Dudu."

Luoliuhuo went to Dudu in a hurry to ask for spicy strips, but was told that she had hidden them. He couldn't eat them now and would take them out when he could eat them.

Luliu's face turned dark immediately, Dudu actually wanted to touch her!

But no matter how eloquent she was, Dudu just refused to take it out to her to eat now.

Finally, seeing that Liuliu was really going to get angry, Dudu said in a coaxing tone: "Liuli, your mouth is stung by a bee and it's still swollen! You can't eat spicy strips, your mouth will hurt more. I'll take it out when your mouth is healed."

Liuli realized her girlfriend's intentions and stopped nagging about it. Instead, she rode bicycles with Xiaobai and the others, forming gangs and riding towards Baijia Village like the wind.

"Aunt, wait for me! Wait for me..."

Xiao Xiaobai was so anxious that she turned around and around, her feet were smoking on the ground, but she couldn't catch up with the little sisters and was getting farther and farther away.

She looked so pitiful.

Zhang Tan discussed the live broadcast with the village chief, Dunzi's father, and Tan Jiner at home.

"Several college students have returned to the village during the summer vacation. Do you want to call them to help? It's also good to help." The village chief said.

Zhang Tan naturally agreed. He had never live broadcasted before, but he had seen many live broadcasts of Internet celebrities on his own software, and the live broadcast rooms were all very lively.

The village chief immediately called, and soon, several college students came. Xiaobai and others rode bicycles to escort them.

There were both male and female college students in the village, and the oldest was already a junior.

When they saw Zhang Tan, they were very restrained.

Zhang Tan smiled and asked, "Where are you studying?"

Two of them said they were studying in Chengdu, two in other provinces, one was from a 985 university, two were from a 211 university, and one was from a second-tier university.

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