Dad Academy

Chapter 2680: Early Market

While eating porridge, Xiaobai asked Dudu who had been calm all the time: "Why didn't I hear you mention it, Dudu."

Dudu said seriously: "What's there to say about fighting? It's not a good thing. Don't learn from me."

Xiao Xiaobai asked her admiringly: "Then why did you fight, Master Dudu."

Dudu was stunned by this master, looked at this little tail, and said: "Because I have to take action, I just saw injustice and shouted, and drew my sword to help."

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes were full of stars, and he shouted that he would also shout when he saw injustice and draw his sword to help bad guys.

Xiao Mi laughed: "You said it the other way around, Robin, you should draw your sword to help good people, and call the police when you meet bad people."

Robin Xia heard this, hiahia laughed, and also thought he was funny.

Liuli was eager to show herself, and threatened that she would teach Xiao Fengzi a lesson when she saw him later.

Xiaobai mocked that she would be beaten to tears by Xiao Fengzi.

"Don't think that if Dudu can beat Xiao Fengzi, you can too! You're wrong, Liuliu!"

Liuliu was very unconvinced and argued, "I can! Dudu is my sister. If my sister can, then of course my sister can too!"

Xiaobai mercilessly poked her sore spot, "You are just delusional. You will only get beaten."

Liuliu said with a gloomy face, "Xiaobai, I will be unhappy if you talk like this. Take it back."

Xiaobai laughed, "I won't, and I can't take it back."

Liuliu said gloomily, "Then I'm going to draw my sword."

Xiaobai: "You draw, you draw hard, I'm waiting to see you draw your sword!"

"I really drew it."

"You draw, you draw quickly."

"I really drew it."

"Don't be impulsive, don't fight, if you fight, face the wall." Xiaomi advised.

Xier added: "Whoever fights can't go to the market."

Liuliu immediately said: "I was just joking, who knew Xiaobai couldn't take a joke so well."

Xiaobai laughed: "Huh? I was joking too, Liuliu, didn't you notice? It seems you're serious!"

The two were too eager to save face and didn't hold back.

Zhang Tan came to urge them to hurry up, otherwise the market would be closed when the sun got too high.

"Boss Zhang, I'm not full yet! Wait for me." Liuliu hurriedly dealt with the sweet potato porridge in the bowl.

Xiao Xiaobai also followed her and tried to eat the porridge.

Zhang Tan said: "Can you still eat noodles at the market after you are full?"

Liuliu was shocked: "Can you still eat noodles at the market?"

"Can you still eat noodles?" Xiao Xiaobai also raised his little face from the bowl and asked in shock.

The two looked like two meerkats.

Zhang Tan said: "Didn't I say I was going to the market to eat noodles? Didn't you hear me?"

Liuliu shook her head and said she didn't hear it.

Xiao Xiaobai also shook her head and said she didn't hear it.

Then they looked at Xiaobai and the others, and Xier said, "I heard it, but I didn't eat it."

Xiaobai laughed, "I heard it too, it was so loud, anyone who wasn't a deaf person could hear it."

Liuliu muttered indignantly, and it was definitely not a good thing to say.

Xiao Xiaobai was crying at the small bowl of sweet potato porridge left in her small bowl. She was almost full, so how could she eat noodles at the market later?

Xiaobai even said to them, "Hurry up and finish the bowl, and then we'll go to the market to eat noodles."

The two were dejected and refused to eat. They touched their stomachs and hated that their stomachs were so full.

Teacher Jiang told them to go to the market to buy some velvet antler mushrooms and sausages.

She gave the task to Xiao Xiaobai, who was at the right age to be used.

Sure enough, Xiao Xiaobai happily accepted the task and vowed to buy it.

"Get in the car." Zhang Tan sat in the driver's seat first. Seeing that Tan Jin'er was still washing the sheets, he asked her if she was going.

"I'm not going. You guys go. I just went last night." Tan Jin'er didn't stop what she was doing.

Xier urged her sister to come quickly, but her sister decided not to go, and she had no choice.

The car started, slowly went down the slope, crossed the small bridge, and saw Bai Feng and others under the big willow tree at the head of the village when it was on the way to Baijia Village.

Xiaobai immediately pressed the window and said loudly: "Xiao Fengzi, you wait--"

Liuliu also hurriedly said fiercely, "You wait for me--I'll come back to deal with you!"

Xiao Xiaobai also quickly poked his head out, with a fierce face and said fiercely: "You wait for me--I'll come back to deal with you--"

Before he finished speaking, Xiaomi covered his mouth, "Girls shouldn't say such things."

Dudu just looked at Bai Feng quietly, without saying anything.

Bai Feng, who was catching cicadas under the big willow tree, was stunned in place. Suddenly, so many people threatened to deal with him! This made him feel very bad.

He was obviously the victim in the morning. He was knocked down by Dudu with three punches and two hits, and never stood up again.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng was very angry. He shouted to the car that was driving away: "If you have the guts, don't run away in the car. Come here - come here - I'm waiting for you under the big willow tree!"

But the car had already driven away, and no one replied.

This made Bai Feng feel heroic, and the idiots around him also praised Brother Fengzi for his boundless magic power.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Oh no, Brother Fengzi, look, the car has stopped!"

Bai Feng, who was feeling proud, was stunned for a moment, and hurried to look. Sure enough, he saw that the car had stopped, and then the car door opened, and Xiaobai jumped out of the car.

"No! Brother Fengzi, it's Xiao Huahua who comes to fight with you."

A paparazzi shouted.

When Bai Feng saw that the limelight was not right, he ran away.

If there were no adults, he would dare to fight Xiaobai, but there was Boss Zhang in the car, and there were a whole bunch of melons, including Dudu, who was extremely powerful.

It's hard for him to fight with two fists, so it's better to run first.

Bai Feng ran away without looking back.

His horsemen followed him in a swarm.

But Xiaobai didn't know this at all. She got out of the car and just went to pick up the staring green bugs on the ground.

"Take it, don't lose it again!"

She returned the staring greenworm to Xiaobai, who accidentally fell on the road just now.

The car started moving again, and on the way they also saw the scarecrow in the melon field they met last night. Looking at the scarecrow during the day, they were not afraid at all, they just thought it was so cute.

Everyone clamored to get off the car and take a photo with the scarecrow.

As soon as the photo was taken, a melon farmer came running from the field ridge and shouted, "What are you doing? Stealing melons???"

"Zui Tuo, we've been discovered, run quickly -" Xiaobai yelled and ran away first.

The others didn't know why, but when they saw Xiaobai running away, they all followed him and ran into the car.

Robin Man was last, but Zhang Tan picked her up, quickly put her into the car, and drove off quickly.

In the car, Robin Man was panting, touching his chest, and said in panic but excitement: "I almost got caught, I ran so fast, hiahia~"

"Little aunt, am I fast?" She dared to ask.

Xiaobai opened his eyes and told lies: "Quickly."

"hiahiahiahia~~~" Xiao Xiaobai laughed proudly.

Xi'er did not save any face for her friend: "You ran the slowest, and you were almost caught by the boss."

Luliu added salt to the wound: "She was caught by Boss Zhang and was carried into the car like this."

He also gave a live demonstration, which made Xiaobai frown and feel very unhappy.

Fortunately, this unhappiness soon disappeared because we arrived at the market.

It was the same town where watermelons were sold yesterday. The scene was different in the morning and evening.

Zhang Tan parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car with the group of children, and walked to the market. There were many stalls on both sides of the road, and pedestrians were coming and going. It was very lively and filled with the smell of fireworks.

Robin Xia followed behind and shouted: "Buy deer antler mushrooms and sausages!"

She must not forget the tasks that her grandmother gave her, and must always keep them in mind.

"I know, I know." Xiaobai said.

"Make some noodles first!" Liuliu was concerned about what he would eat later, "What is this? It smells so delicious."

Xiaobai took a look and said, "This is a sesame ball."

"Is it delicious?" Liuliu asked with concern.

"It's delicious." Xiaobai said.

Xiaomi then said, "I've eaten it before, it's delicious."

"Buy one and eat it!" Liuliu immediately waved his hand and wanted to have a taste.

This guy brought money, paid generously and bought three to try.

Xiao Xiaobai, this little conspicuous person, immediately came over and asked eagerly: "Liuliu, will you give me one to eat?"

"Call sister!"


Xiao Bai successfully got a sesame ball, grabbed it with his little hands and gnawed it, praising how delicious it was.

Zhang Tan turned around and said with a smile: "This is just the beginning, why are you starting to eat? There is a rice noodle shop in front of you, let's go and eat rice noodle first."

However, they encountered a stall selling snacks on the way, but this time no one knew what they were.

"What is this?" Xiaobai asked the stall owner. The stall owner is an aunt.

The aunt said this is called Han Dou, "It's very sweet, you guys have a taste."

When Xi'er heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up as she was not interested at first, and she said happily: "Try it!"

The aunt handed one to her and Xi'er put it in her mouth. It was so sweet that she narrowed her eyes.

"How is it? Is it delicious?" Xiaobai asked.

Xi'er nodded and said it was so sweet and delicious.

Xiaobai immediately asked her old man to come and buy some to take home to eat.

Zhang Tan looked at this kid and thought to himself: You just said last night that you won't spend money on buying things these days, so you should save money.

"Weigh half a catty." Zhang Tan said.

The aunt quickly loaded it up, put it on the scale, and handed it to Xi'er after loading it.

Xi'er immediately shared one piece each, and the children all narrowed their eyes at the sweetness.

Liuliu and Xiaobai had a sesame ball in their left hand and a Chinese bean in their right hand. They had two distinct flavors and ate them with gusto. Don't they dislike the smell?

There is also a vendor selling braised vegetables in front, which is gluten-free and tastes delicious, but also quite spicy. It costs nine yuan a pound.

The boss said he could try it. Xiaobai tasted it and said it was delicious and he had to buy some. So I also weighed nine yuan, which can be used to make rice noodles in the morning.

After walking a few steps, I saw someone selling arrowroot powder and soybean paste pancakes. They cost ten yuan a pound. Zhang Tan bought a pound, cut them up, packed them, and took them home to eat.

The sound of ducks quacking came from the front. When I got closer, I saw that they were selling ducks. Some of them had yellow fur on their bellies but black on their backs, and some had yellow fur all over their bodies.

"Boss, how much does one cost?" Xiaobai's eyes lit up.

"It costs 6 yuan each," the boss said.

Xiaobai looked at Old Man Zhang, and Boss Zhang shook his head.

Xiaobai was discouraged.

Next to the duck sales, there is a brown sugar seller. When asked, it costs five yuan a pound.

Xi'er was eager to try it, but Xiaomi told her that she couldn't buy brown sugar and eat it because there were already Han beans.

"Your sister will confiscate it even if you buy it."

This is what Xiao Xiaobai said, and even she knew this truth.

Next to the brown sugar seller, there are small dried fish and cured fish cubes.

After walking a few steps, I saw snacks, which were printed cakes.

There are also many people buying green-skinned pears. They don't look big, and the skin is green. They don't look good, but many people buy them.

The boss said that you can try them first and buy them if they are delicious.

Zhang Tan sent Xiaobai, but Xiaobai said with a sad face that her teeth were about to fall out and she couldn't bite the pears.

This was immediately laughed at by Liuliu and Xiao Xiaobai.

Xiaomi went to taste the green-skinned pears. They were very sweet and full of water, so Zhang Tan bought five pounds and took them back to eat, and Dudu carried them.

Along the way, there were also people selling pots and pans, watermelons, sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, and pancakes.

Finally, we arrived at the noodle shop and could have breakfast.

Zhang Tan asked for a bowl of mushroom noodles, 12 yuan a bowl.

Some of Xiaobai and her friends ordered pig intestine rice noodle, some ordered braised pork bone rice noodle, etc. Pig intestine rice noodle is 14 yuan a bowl, braised pork bone rice noodle is 15 yuan, and they also bought a tray of steamed dumplings for 7 yuan.

It happened that the gluten I just bought could be eaten with rice noodles.

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