Dad Academy

Chapter 2670

Dudu caught a little hedgehog eating watermelon in the melon field.

This hedgehog was too small, still a baby.

This made the people who were originally planning to beat it up couldn't bear to do it. After discussing it, they decided to let it go.

"This watermelon can't be eaten either. Pick it and give it to the little hedgehog." Xier said.

This watermelon has been drilled with a hole by the little hedgehog. Just now, it was stuck in the watermelon with its butt exposed outside, and then it was caught.

"Give it to the little hedgehog." Xiao Xiaobai agreed. She thought the little hedgehog was so cute. Now, the little hedgehog was pulled out of the watermelon by Dudu and was curled up on the ground. It looked like a small meat ball covered with thorns.

Everyone unanimously decided to give the watermelon to the little hedgehog.

Xiaobai brought a bamboo basket, and then Dudu gently pushed the little hedgehog into the bamboo basket with his feet. She picked up the big watermelon with a hole drilled in it, picked it up, and went to the forest on the edge of the melon field with Xiaobai.

The two put the watermelon and the hedgehog in the bushes and let it go home by itself. Then they returned and continued to pick watermelons.

Although it was summer in Baijia Village in the valley, the mountain breeze was still very cool, but the sun gradually reached the top of the head and it was a little hot.

After the hedgehog stole the watermelon at the beginning, it went smoothly afterwards. The children picked watermelons and laughed, and the melon field was very lively.

Dunzi's mother and father took good care of everyone. Seeing that everyone had been working for a while, they invited them to rest under the shade of the tree and opened a big watermelon for everyone to eat.

Xiaobai looked around the melon field and sighed: "There are still many watermelons that have not been picked."

Liuliu also looked around and exclaimed: "It will take a long time to eat."

Xiaobai said unhappily: "Not all of them are for me to eat, most of them are to be sold."

Liuliu argued: "Selling them is also for others to eat."

Xiaobai muttered a few words and ignored her.

Liuliu was feeling proud. Suddenly, Xiao Xiaobai came to her feet and said, "Liuli, you always go against my aunt. What good will it do you?!"

Liuli said nothing, but stared at Xiao Xiaobai, intending to scare the little guy with her cannibalistic eyes.

But the little guy was not afraid of her at all. Instead, he stared at her and mocked, "Your eyes are not as big as mine."

Liuli was furious and intended to eat this little friend, but she didn't expect this little friend to take the initiative and pinched her leg with her little hand and ran away.


Liuli screamed and chased Xiao Xiaobai.

Although it might be a little painful, Dayanyan was definitely acting.

Xiao Xiaobai was like a little rabbit, circling around the big tree for shade, and Liuliu was walking like a dog.

Liuliu chased for two rounds, then stopped, panting, waving her hands and saying, "I am a generous person, I will let you go."

Immediately, she praised Xiao Xiaobai: "You run really fast, you must run faster than your aunt, faster than Shi Baobao."

Xiao Xiaobai couldn't stand the praise, and immediately put her hands on her waist and laughed, very proud.

"I have been running fast since I was a child." Xiao Xiaobai boasted.

Liuli nodded: "Try running again."


Xiao Xiaobai ran away, circling around the tree, and then she was caught by Liuliu.

Liuli laughed: "This is called waiting for the rabbit by the tree, hahaha~~~ big fool!"

"Let me go, let me go, Liuliu, you are cheating little friends——"

Xiao Xiaobai struggled, but couldn't get away. After being caught by Liuliu, she pinched her face twice before letting her go.

Xiao Xiao Baihu rubbed her face. She felt that her IQ was trampled by Liuliu, which was what made her saddest.

"Eat watermelon--" Dunzi shouted.

"Eat watermelon!"

Liuliu came over enthusiastically and took a piece of watermelon from Xier. Suddenly, she said, "Why was my watermelon bitten?"

Xier laughed and said, "Because this is my watermelon, not yours."

Liuliu was stunned. If it's not mine, why did you give it to me?

Liuliu returned the watermelon to Xier, took a piece from the tree, sat on the ground, next to Dudu.

Dudu quickly moved away, "You are so hot, Liuliu."

Liuliu said, "If it's not hot, wouldn't it be dead?"

Dudu was speechless and took a piece of watermelon for her to eat.

An old man came down from the mountain, driving a cow and carrying a load of firewood. He slowly passed the small bridge and came to the shade of the tree.

Seeing Xiaobai and the other children, the old man stopped, looked at them curiously, and said with a smile: "It's Xiaohuahua~ When did you come back?"

Xiaobai grinned at him, but didn't recognize who he was.

"I just came back yesterday."

"How long have you lived in Baijia Village?"

"Half a month."

"Half a month, good, you have to come back often, the city is not necessarily better than our countryside."

"It's fun here."

"Did these children come back with you?"

"They are all my good friends."


At the same time, Dunzi's mother on the side also interrupted and started chatting.

The old man seemed to be very talkative, he could talk about anything, and he had a strong curiosity about these children.

Xier saw that he had been carrying firewood and had not put it down, so she reminded the old man to put the firewood down.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm not tired, I'll go back after chatting for a while." The old man said.

But what he meant by chatting for a while was actually chatting for quite a while. Five minutes passed, and he still hadn’t left, and he hadn’t put down the firewood on his shoulders.

Ten minutes passed and he was still carrying firewood and talking to them.

Xiaobai advised him to put down the firewood on his shoulders first, but he still said, "There is nothing to do but nothing to do~".

This old man is really stubborn.

Dunzi's mother invited him to sit down and eat a piece of watermelon. The old man waved his hand and said that he would not eat. Suddenly he realized that it was getting late, so he picked up firewood and drove the cows home.

After he left, Xiaobai curiously asked Dunzi who this was.

After chatting for a long time, she still didn't recognize who he was.

Dunzi said that this was Bai Feng's grandfather.

"Xiao Fengzi's grandfather? Oh, I remembered it." Xiao Bai suddenly realized.

"Lao Fengzi?" Liuliu said, but was immediately told by Xiaomi and Xiaobai that his words were too impolite.

Dunzi's mother called Dunzi's father to rest under the big tree, but Dunzi's father waved his hand and said he was not tired, and continued to work in the sun.

Dudu praised: "Dunzi's father is so awesome, I want to learn from him."

With that said, she rolled up her sleeves and was about to continue working in the fields, but was stopped by Xiaobai and Xiaomi.

"Have a good rest, don't go now, go later."

In sharp contrast to Dudu, is classmate Xiao Xiaobai.

The little girl ate a piece of watermelon, and her belly was bulging. She was lying under the tree and was about to fall asleep. It seemed that she was really exhausted from carrying the watermelon just now.

Everyone was enjoying the cool air, eating watermelon and chatting under the big tree. Suddenly, a small truck drove up from a distance and parked slowly at the edge of the melon field.

A young man got out of the minivan. Dunzi's father handed him a piece of watermelon and started chatting with him.

Xiaobai watched from a distance, and after asking Dunzi, he found out that this small truck was here to load watermelons and was to be taken to the town to sell.

Dunzi's father and the young man driving the pickup truck walked toward the tree while chatting.

As soon as the young man approached, he waved and greeted Xiaobai enthusiastically.

Xiaobai didn't recognize the other party either, so he looked at Dunzi in confusion. Dunzi didn’t know either, but it was Dunzi’s mother who told Xiaobai that he was from the next village and worked in a tea factory.

Xiaobai suddenly realized, no wonder he knew her.

Dunzi's father brought a loudspeaker over and said he wanted to record the sound so he could take the watermelons to town to sell them at noon.

He recorded it several times into the loudspeaker, each time with different words, and each time he was dissatisfied.

Dunzi’s mother asked Xiaobai and the others to give it a try.

Dunzi's father gave the trumpet to Xiaobai, and Liuliu and others immediately gathered around, and everyone discussed what to say.

In the end, everyone decided to record two different cries. One was Liliu's limerick, "Big Watermelon."

The other one is very simple, the whole process is "guaguaguaguaguaguaguaguaguaguaguaguaguagua..."

I don’t know who came up with the idea. The children were laughing and joking, and they all rushed to record the song "Gua Gua Gua". In the end, everyone successfully recorded the song "Gua Gua Gua" with one line.

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