Dad Academy

Chapter 2664 Baiguagua, you idiot

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!"

"Stop fighting!"

"Dunzi, Brother Feng, stop fighting!"

In the early morning, on the hillside next to Baijia Village, several little boys were herding cows. The cows were thrown aside. They gathered together to play. Dunzi and Baifeng got into a fight over some trivial matters. They struggled with each other and were inseparable.

But Bai Feng is one year older than Dunzi, and Dunzi is too honest. Although he is stronger, he never acts cruelly, so he is often the one who suffers.

It's the same this time.

Dunzi obviously knocked Bai Feng to the ground and suppressed him, but he only suppressed Bai Feng for a while and then let go of Bai Feng.

But Bai Feng became angry and didn't appreciate it. He just felt that he had lost face in front of his friends, so as soon as he got up, he pressed Dunzi to the ground while Dunzi wasn't paying attention.

Dunzi struggled for a few times and was about to knock off Baifeng from his body. Baifeng was very anxious. If Dunzi could make a comeback, how could he have any face in front of the Guawazi in Baijia Village in the future.

So he reached out and scratched Dunzi's creaking nest. Dunzi's creaking nest was his vitality. He couldn't stand it when he scratched it. He laughed non-stop, feeling weak and unable to exert any energy.

He was pressed down by Bai Feng and couldn't move.

It wasn't until his companions tried to persuade him that Bai Feng let go of him triumphantly and asked proudly: "Dunzi, are you convinced?"

Dunzi's head and body were covered with grass clippings, but he didn't care. He raised his hand and wiped his face and said, "I don't accept it."

Bai Feng said with a dark face: "If you don't accept it, I will beat you! Let you know how powerful I am!"

As he was about to take action again, the companion beside him said: "Brother Feng, Brother Feng, don't fight with Dunzi anymore."

"Yeah, Brother Feng, stop fighting."

Some people also advised Dunzi to persuade him quickly.

But Dunzi just didn't say anything, he was really harder than a stone.

When Bai Feng saw this, he snorted coldly, but did not dare to take action again.

Because he knows that if there is a fight, he is no match for Dunzi, and he can only bully Dunzi to be honest.

Dunzi remained silent, tidied up his clothes, went to look for his cow, and never joined the others again.

At 7:30 in the morning, Dunzi drove the cattle down the mountain and prepared to go home for dinner.

As soon as he reached the ridge of the field, he saw his hometown in sight. His eyes first fell on Xiaobai's house. The house and yard were there, but the doors were closed, and it looked deserted and uninhabited.

Suddenly, he saw a little head popping up in the yard and looking towards him. Then the man climbed up the big stone in the yard of Xiaobai's house and stood on it and looked at him.

Dunzi recognized it as Bai Guagua at a glance.

Dunzi stood still and stared at Bai Guagua.

Bai Guagua ran down the stone like flying, ran on the field ridge, and ran towards Dunzi. When he got close, he asked: "Dunzi, it's summer vacation. When will Xiaobai come back?"

Dunzi thought for a moment and said, "I'll be back today."

"Today?" Bai Guagua said in surprise, her voice rising several decibels.

"Yeah, it's today." Dunzi said, continuing to drive the cattle home, "You give way and let my cattle pass."

Bai Guagua looked timidly at Dunzi's big buffalo. Compared with this big buffalo, he, Bai Guagua, was just a little kid.

Bai Guagua followed Dunzi, and Balabala kept asking questions.

Until Dunzi returned home, he tied the cow in the yard and asked him: "Do you want to have breakfast at my house?"

"No, my breakfast is also ready."

Bai Guagua made his way back home and met Bai Feng and his party. They were also driving cattle down the mountain. Their hair was wet from the morning fog.

"Do you know? Do you know?"

Bai Guagua asked mysteriously.

Everyone was confused, "What do you know?"

Bai Guagua said excitedly: "Xiao Bai is coming back."


"What noob! There are so many noobs in the village!"

"Where did Xiaobai come back from?"

"who is that?"

Everyone asked questions one after another, but no one thought about Mr. Xiaobai.

Bai Guagua said excitedly: "It's Xiaobai - Xiaobai! Xiaohuahua!"

Speaking of Xiao Huahua, everyone suddenly understood.

"Is Little Huahua coming back?"

"Little Huahua hasn't been back for a long time!"

"Xiao Huahua is in Pujiang, right?"

"Guagua, who did you listen to?"

Bai Guagua said arrogantly: "Dunzi just told me!"

"Ah, little Huahua is really coming back!"

"When will little Huahua come back?"

"Yes, when will little Huahua come back?"

Everyone looked at Bai Guagua.

Bai Guagua said it would be today.

Everyone was very excited. Xiao Huahua was a legend in Baijia Village. They had all seen her, but not much. They only heard about it from adults and saw it on TV.

Now, Xiao Huahua is going back to Baijia Village for her summer vacation, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Suddenly, someone looked at Bai Feng without saying a word, but just looked at him with worried eyes.

Bai Feng touched his face and asked, "What are you doing?"

The man said: "Brother Feng, you were beaten just now. Xiao Huahua is back. Will you be beaten by Xiao Huahua?"

"Ah, yes, Xiao Huahua will avenge Dunzi! Brother Feng, what will you do?"

Everyone looked at Bai Feng, fearing for his life.

Bai Feng was stunned for a moment, then said forcefully: "What are you afraid of! I won't be afraid if Little Huahua comes back! Let her come!"

Although he said that, his eyes were obviously a little flustered.

Bai Guagua asked curiously: "Brother Feng, did you hit Dunzi again?"

Bai Feng did not respond to him.

So, Bai Guagua continued: "Sister Huahua is back, I'll tell her, anyway you are not afraid."

After that, he ran away.

Bai Feng was stunned, and quickly shouted at him: "Guagua, you idiot - if you dare to complain, I will not let you go!"

The dog-headed military advisor came over and whispered in Bai Feng's left ear: "Brother Feng, why don't you go to Dunzi to apologize."

Another dog-headed military advisor also came over and said in Bai Feng's right ear: "Yes, Brother Feng, apologize, what if Sister Huahua really comes to settle accounts with you?"

Although Bai Feng wanted to apologize, he felt that face was more important, so he finally refused firmly and drove the cattle home.

This morning in Baijia Village, every household knew that Xiao Huahua's family was coming back for summer vacation, and it would arrive today.

Of course, the private detective Bai Guagua contributed a lot to this. He spread the news everywhere and approached people and said, "Do you know?"

For this reason, the village chief went to Bai Guagua's house in the morning to confirm the news. Hearing that it was Dunzi who said it, the village chief rushed to Dunzi's house again, confirmed the reliability of the news, and found out the flight time, and then happily went home to prepare.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, two cars slowly drove into Baijia Village.

The village chief and his people waited under the big tree at the entrance of the village, and also pulled up a banner. At the same time, the village radio sounded, playing the song "Go Home Often to Visit", and the melody was very catchy.

It was really a lively scene.

Zhang Tan and others saw this and had to get off the car.

Zhang Tan and Teacher Jiang were in the lead, and the village chief immediately came up to greet them.

In another car, Xiao Xiaobai stretched her neck to look outside. Seeing the bustle outside, she excitedly shouted, "Take me down quickly."

Her aunt said, "You are not allowed to get down. You stay in the car."

Then, she got off the car, and Xier followed her.

"Xiao Huahua--you are back!"

People around kept greeting Xiaobai enthusiastically, and Xiaobai responded with a smile, constantly replying "Yes, I am back", "I have been staying for many days", "It's summer vacation"...

Suddenly, she saw Liuliu also got off the car, and brought Xiao Xiaobai down with her.

Da Yanyan was enthusiastic and was greeting the villagers, saying "Yes, I just got off the plane", "You can't make phone calls on the plane", "Don't greet me, don't greet me", "You should go back quickly, the sun is so strong"...

Xiaobai didn't have time to care about this conspicuous bag. She was scanning the crowd, but she didn't find Dunzi.

She was wondering, Dunzi would always be the first to appear at the entrance of the village to wait for her.

Many other children from the village came, gathered together, with shy smiles on their faces, and did not dare to come over.

At this time, Xiaobai saw a little boy, his face lit up, and waved: "Guagua, come here~ I have something to ask you."

Bai Guagua wiped his nose and immediately went over.

The little boys gathered on the side saw this, and their hearts skipped a beat, and they all looked at Brother Feng.

Feng Ge was panicked by everyone's gaze, and pretended to be calm and said: "Why are you all looking at me!"

A little brother said worriedly: "Brother Feng, Guagua will tell on me."

Feng Ge was panicked, but he had to pretend on his face, and asked back: "Will he?"

Everyone nodded, and no one said no.

It seems that everyone's understanding of Bai Guagua is surprisingly consistent.

Feng Ge immediately ran over with ten thousand cows in his heart, really! No one comforted him!

"I'm going to pee."

After saying that, Feng Ge ran away.

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