Dad Academy

Chapter 2659 Little Translator

The catwalk started soon. Amidst the rhythmic music, the models walked onto the T stage one after another to show off their new fashionable clothes.

It was the first time for Xiaobai and Xi'er to see this kind of catwalk show. Their eyes were wide open and they couldn't take their eyes off it.

Everything they saw before them was too novel and interesting to them.

There is no girl who is not interested in beautiful clothes.

What bothers them both is that the phone watch keeps getting calls, and the caller ID is either Xiaoxiaobai, Luoliu, or Dudu, mainly the first two. These two Guawazi must have discussed it, Take turns calling.

Xiaobai didn't answer any of them, and told Xi'er not to answer either, so the two people on the other side started sending messages instead.

"Are you playing, little aunt?" This was the voice sent by Xiao Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, where are you?" This was from Luoliu.

"Are you having fun, little aunt?" This is still Xiaobai.

"Xier, where are you? I miss you so much--" This was Luoliu, starting to play the emotional card.

"Little aunt, I miss you so much~" If you want to say that these two people are not colluding, the dogs in Huangjia Village don't believe it.

"Xi'er, Xi'er duck, I can't live without you duck——"

Liuliu began to focus on looking for a breakthrough from Xi'er, probably because she knew that Xiaobai had blocked her and would never pay attention to her.

A show lasts two hours. In addition to seeing beautiful clothes and beauties, there is also good music to listen to.

The music is not played from speakers, but is sung live by a band.

After the show, Tang Yu wanted to say hello to her friend backstage.

"Do you want to go? If you don't want to go, just sit here for a while. I'll be back soon."

Zhang Tan chose to stay here, as did Xiaobai and Xi'er.

Tang Yu went alone. At this time, everyone in the show was dispersing. Soon there were not many people left, and Tang Yu also came back. However, there were several people who appeared with her. One of them It was the model named Huanhuan, several other old foreign men with fashionable clothes, and a middle-aged man and woman.

Tang Yu took the first step, came to the confused Zhang Tan, and explained in a low voice and quickly: "Along with Huanhuan is the chief designer of this time, and the Asia Pacific person in charge of the brand. They heard that you are here, I hope I can meet you. I can’t put it down. You just have to decide. If you don’t want to communicate, just chat and leave. "

Zhang Tan gave her a helpless look, then said with a smile: "We've already arrived, so it's not good to chase them away."

So, he looked at those people with a smile. The middle-aged man opposite him took the lead in reaching out his hand and said in broken Chinese: "Hello, Mr. Zhang ~ Sorry, my Chinese is not very good."

Zhang Tan shook hands with him and said, "Hello, you can speak English, I can understand it."

"OK~good~" The other party breathed a sigh of relief and immediately spoke a bunch of English, mainly introducing himself.

Zhang Tan understood and was about to answer when Xiaobai spoke up and recommended the Xiwa brand translator.

"Let Xiwawa come and translate, old man."

Zhang Tan looked at Xi'er. Xi'er was a little shy and timid when she saw so many outsiders, but she still tried her best to say loudly: "This crooked man said his name is Gibb White and he is the boss."

At this point, Xi'er couldn't help but turned to Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, his name is also White, you are a family."

"The Hammer family~" Xiaobai muttered in a low voice.

Zhang Tan smiled and gave Xi'er a thumbs up. Xi'er's translation was pretty accurate. His name was indeed Gibb White, but he was not the boss, but the president of Asia Pacific.

Zhang Tan decided to use Tan Xier, a temporary translator, to let her use her talents. He usually listened to her talking to herself in English, and thought it was just for fun, but she didn't expect that it would come in handy at a critical moment.

"Xi'er, help me tell White that today's fashion show is great and full of artistic conception."

Xi'er's eyes widened and she didn't move. She asked, "What is the beauty of artistic conception? How do you say it?"

Only then did Zhang Tan realize that this word was indeed difficult to translate, so he changed his words and said, "Today's fashion show is beautiful."

Xi'er smiled happily: "Ah, I know, it's Biu Tefo~"

She turned to Gibb White and said: "Hei~white! Tonight is good, very biu Tefo~"

After listening to her half-baked English, Gibb White understood the meaning and said with a smile: "Thank you~You are lovely~"

The child Tan Xier said happily: "NO three pomelo~", and then sighed: "you are so long~"

"So long?" Gibb White looked confused and didn't understand what he meant.

Xiaobai asked Xi'er in a low voice: "Did you say something wrong? I can't understand you."

Xi'er resolutely said: "No! I didn't say anything wrong. What I said was very good~"

She gestured with her hands and stood on tiptoes at the same time. Only then did the foreigner understand that this meant that he was very tall.

With Xi'er's plastic English gags, the group wouldn't have awkward conversations.

This group of people learned of Zhang Tan's arrival at the scene temporarily, so they came in a hurry. They didn't have any serious talk with Zhang Tan, they just wanted to meet Zhang Tan and become familiar with him.

So we just got to know each other, politely said we would contact each other when we had time, and then we went home.

On the way back, Tang Yu separated from them. When Zhang Tan and others returned to Little Red Horse Academy, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. Little Red Horse Academy was quiet, and parents came to pick up their children one after another. But there was no fuss.

Just as Liliu was about to go home, her mother Zhu Xiaojing came to pick her up. At the door, she met Xiaobai and Xi'er who had just returned.

"666 Ya Xiaobai - you still know how to go home! You don't even go home after playing outside. You are so good." Liuliu came up and preached like an elder. After hearing this, her mother Zhu Xiaojing felt The pomegranate is looking for a fight.

Xiaobai was not someone to be bullied easily, so he replied: "I'll take you to play with me next time, madam."

The word "lady" instantly made Liuliu break her guard. Talking about her acting experience in detail, it can be said that taking on the role of White Snake was the biggest mistake of Liuliu Da Yanyan. She would fall into deep regret every night.

Liuliu counterattacked: "Xiaobai, you are really good at talking. Come on, open your mouth and let me see. Have your front teeth fallen out?"

Xiaobai was furious. Needless to say, he knew that it must have been Xiaobai's big colander who said it.

Moreover, Xiaobai can guess that since Liliu knows about it, then the entire Little Red Horse Academy should know about it, even the callows and cicadas in the woods.

"Come on, come on, don't leave, follow me to the classroom, I'll show you, come on~"

Liuliu was not stupid. She knew that Xiaobai wanted to kill people and silence them, so she didn't go. Instead, relying on her mother's protection, she went home in a big way, and asked Xiaobai to wait for her to come home. I will make a video call, and I will see my front teeth during the video call.

Watching Liliu go away, Xiaobai was so angry that he was itching his teeth: "I'm so angry that I'm boiling with rage~"

Xi'er comforted her and told her not to be angry, "Don't get angry, don't get angry, it's easy to burp early when you're angry~"

Just then, a shout came from upstairs: "Little aunt - are you back?"

It's Xiao Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was immediately overjoyed: "Okay, this Guawazi is still at home. I'll go find her to settle the score."

Xiao Xiaobai is unlucky, the blame for Luliu falls on her.

Xi'er looked at Zhang Tan and said, "I'll go take a look too, what if Xiao Xiaobai starts crying."

With that said, she ran away. Zhang Tan did not rush upstairs. Instead, he chatted with Lao Li in the yard for a while before going upstairs. While he was still in the corridor, he heard someone from the third floor. The sound of running and various shouts came from the corridor. Although the shouts were frightening, they could not hide the excitement in them. They belonged to Xiao Xiaobai at first glance.

Zhang Tan soon saw Robin Bai, who was captured by Xiao Bai and escorted towards him. Robin Bai looked as if he was ready to die, and he was also inexplicably proud.

Seeing Zhang Tan, Robin Bai immediately called for help: "Uncle! My little aunt said she wanted to lock me up and put me in jail. Please save me~"

Xiaobai said: "You are a whistleblower, who will go to jail if you don't go to jail!"

Zhang Tan greeted them home and asked Xiao Xiaobai, "Aren't you going home tonight?"

Robin Bai said matter-of-factly: "I'm sleeping with my little aunt~ Look, I'm wearing beautiful pajamas, and my grandma gave me a bath."

Xi'er reached into her clothes and touched her back and said, "You're sweating!"

Robin didn't care at all: "Then just take another bath. I'll take a bath with you."

Several people entered the house, and Xiaobai began to interrogate Robin, asking her why she betrayed herself.

Only then did Robin Bai know who betrayed her. She was indignant and said that she was threatened by Liuliu.

"Did Liuliang threaten you?" Xiaobai asked.

Robin said angrily: "She said she would plant me in a sandpit and wouldn't let me water it. She would kill me with thirst! ╭(╯^╰)╮!"

"You idiot~" Xiaobai was speechless.

Xi'er asked, "Then why did you plant the pomegranate in the sand pit? She doesn't know that you know about the little white front teeth."

Robin didn't hide anything, he said whatever he had to say, and he was deeply loved by Xi'er.

It turns out that it was Liuliu who used her skills to stir up trouble, saying that Xiaobai didn't take Xiaobai out to play because he didn't like her and was unloyal.

Xiao Xiaobai was also angry after what she said, and couldn't help complaining about her little aunt, and then Luoliu asked her what Xiao Bai was doing recently.

Xiao Xiaobai couldn't help but talk about losing his front teeth.

When Xiaobai heard this, he hated iron for not becoming steel, so he gave Xiaobai a lesson and then gave her some reassurance.

"I love you! Stop thinking about it."

Xiao Xiaobai's brows suddenly lit up with joy, and his little face lit up.

Xi'er brought a wet towel over, spread it on her face, and wiped her face forcefully. The nose, eyebrows, and mouth on her little face were almost squeezed together by the towel, and she wiped the little white one so hard that she pulled it with both hands. He tried to break free, but he was small and weak, so he could only endure it.

At the same time, Xiaobai on the side was not idle either. She took the initiative to call Liliu...

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