Dad Academy

Chapter 2651 Three obedient dogs

Xiaobai and the other three walked home leisurely. Although the sun was hot, the three of them didn't seem to feel hot at all, mainly because they had ice cream in their hands. They ate and strolled around, just like the three of them.

"Xiao Bai - I haven't seen you for a few days. Have you just come back from traveling?"

A street shop owner saw them and enthusiastically stood at the door and asked.

Xiaobai responded: "Yes, I just came back——"

When the owner of another small shop nearby heard the sound, he stood at the door and looked towards the street, and greeted warmly: "Xiaobai - come and sit in the shop, it's so hot outside."

Xiaobai waved his hand and said, "I won't sit down anymore. I have to go home. My old man is waiting at home."

People kept saying hello along the way, and the three of them kept responding. Suddenly, they heard a voice coming from behind. They thought it was a boss chasing after them. However, the more they heard, the more familiar they felt. When they looked back, they were startled.

It was Malanhua who was chasing me.

Malanhua saw the clothes in Xiaobai's hand at a glance, took two steps forward, opened her big hand, and snatched the clothes from Xiaobai's hand, and said angrily: "Guawazi! You still want to take back what you gave me! You are You want your butt to blossom!"

Xiaobai was startled. Xiaobai was much smarter this time and immediately ran behind Xi'er and asked Xiaoxi God for blessing.

She knew that following her little aunt at this time would only lead to disaster and death.

It's better to be farther away from my little aunt.

Xiaobai opened his mouth, never expecting that his aunt would catch up because his clothes were missing.

I've never seen such a person before.


Just as Xiaobai was about to say something, his aunt slapped him on the butt. He immediately jumped up and ran away, running home.

This thing cannot be explained. She is not a pomegranate. She can make things out of nothing, confuse right and wrong, and rake up everything.

So it’s better to run quickly.

Malanhua's roar sounded behind her, but she didn't catch up.

Xiaobai ran away, but Xi'er and Xiaobai were left behind. The two children just wanted to run but it was too late, and they didn't dare to run anymore. They could only stay where they were, smiling silly at Malanhua.

Malanhua was still angry: "Are you accomplices?"

The two little ones quickly shook their heads in denial.

Malanhua continued to ask: "Then do you know?"

Xiaoxiaobai shook his head, but Xi'er nodded, so Xiaoxiaobai suffered a disaster and was scolded by Ma Lanhua, saying that she didn't learn all the good things but learned the bad things.

Xiao Xiaobai lowered his head and said nothing, looking depressed.

Malanhua said: "Next time something like this happens, you must report it to me as soon as possible, you know?"

Xiao Xiaobai did not answer immediately, but looked at Xi'er first. When Xi'er nodded, she dared to nod.

She was confused and couldn't tell whether to shake her head or nod.

Malanhua didn't want to embarrass the two little Kalami. She had wielded the big stick just now, and now it was time to give the jujubes to them. She asked them: "What do you want to eat at night? Auntie will cook it for you."

Xiao Xiaobai didn't dare to answer first, but looked at Xi'er.

Xi'er thought for a moment and said, "I want to eat Bang Bang Chicken."

Malanhua said she had written it down, and then looked at Xiaoxiaobai, who quickly said: "Auntie, I want to eat Bobo Chicken."

Malanhua said hello and told them to go back quickly, and then she turned back.

Xiao Xiaobai and Xi'er did not dare to leave immediately, but looked at Malanhua and kept waving, like two lucky cats.

They didn't dare to take a step until Malanhua turned a corner and disappeared.

Xiao Xiaobai walked cheerfully and hummed: "Bobo Chicken, Bobo Chicken, Bobo Chicken for one dollar..."

When the two returned to Little Red Horse Academy, Lao Li opened the iron door and let them in, asking them why they were not with Xiao Bai, who came back first.

The two of them were quite dissatisfied with Malanhua. Lao Li listened with a smile and told them to go home quickly. Looking at the sweat on their foreheads, their faces were red from the sun.

He went to the sentry box, while Xi'er took Xiaobai back home. After finishing the ice cream, he began to feel hot. When he walked under the tree, he suddenly heard a sound coming from the tree.

"I'm not going to work today."

The two stopped and looked up, only to see the parrot hanging on the treetop. It was the parrot that had spoken just now.

The two looked at each other, exchanged their thoughts in a tacit understanding, and then...

Lao Li was blowing the air conditioner in the room when he suddenly heard the cry of a parrot outside. When he came out, he saw Xi'er and Xiao Xiaobai holding a stick together to pick out the parrot cage. The parrot was jumping. yelled.

"What are you doing?" Lao Li asked.

Xi'er and Xiaoxiaobai looked back and laughed awkwardly.

"Bye bye Li, we want to take the parrot down from the tree." Xi'er said.

"I'll get it. Don't poke it randomly. What if you hurt the parrot?" Lao Li said.

Xi'er was full of confidence: "I will treat the parrot."

Lao Li remained silent, thinking that it would be strange if you knew how to do it. He took the stick from Xi'er, took down the parrot cage, carried it to the sentry box, and told Xi'er and Xiaobai to go home quickly.

The two watched the parrot being carried by Lao Li. Xiao Xiaobai said regretfully: "We almost caught the big parrot."

Xi'er was also quite regretful: "I knew it a long time ago and called Xiaobai here."

Xiao Xiaobai said: "I'm so angry. The big parrot is scolding us."

Xi'er took her home and comforted her: "The dog bit you, will you bite the dog back?"

Xiao Xiaobai said decisively: "I can!"

Xier hiahia smiled, speechless.

When they got home, Xiaobai was not there. They asked Zhang Tan and found out that Xiaobai was at her grandmother's house.

The two ran to find Xiaobai, and they saw Xiaobai, who was sitting at the dining table leisurely, drinking ice mung bean soup.

"It looks delicious, hiahia~"

Xiao Xiaobai eagerly approached, grabbed the edge of the dining table with both hands, stood on tiptoe, stretched her neck, and tried to look into her aunt's bowl, but still couldn't see the whole picture. She could only guess and judge by observing her aunt's expression while eating.

Xiaobai fed her a mouthful with a spoon, and the little one exclaimed happily: "It tastes good, so sweet."

Xier, who was not interested in ice mung bean soup, turned her head suddenly and stared at the small bowl in front of Xiaobai when she heard this.

At this time, Teacher Jiang also came out and found them, and said with a smile: "You have it too, sit here, I will serve it for you."

Xiao Xiaobai quickly climbed onto the chair happily and sat next to her aunt.

And Xier followed Teacher Jiang into the kitchen, saying that she wanted to help.

Soon, Xier followed and put her portion of ice mung bean soup on the dining table. The three of them sat side by side, drinking ice mung bean soup and talking.

Xiao Xiaobai talked about her aunt chasing them halfway, and Teacher Jiang smiled but said nothing. She had just heard Xiaobai complain.

Xiaobai finished drinking first and said to her grandmother: "Grandma, I'll serve another bowl and give it to Li Baibai to drink to cool him down."

"Okay." Teacher Jiang went to the kitchen and served another large bowl, and gave it to Xiaobai to take downstairs to Lao Li.

When she came back, Xiaobai asked Xier and Xiaoxiaobai: "Did you want to steal the bird just now?"

Xiaoxiaobai quickly denied: "No! That's not the case!"

Xier also said: "We just wanted to touch the beautiful feathers of the big parrot."

"Yes, we just wanted to touch it. How could Li Baibai be that kind of person? He complained! Too much~"

Xiaoxiaobai was furious, completely forgetting that she was also complaining about Malanhua just now.

Xiaobai warned them not to think about the parrot, otherwise they would suffer the consequences.

Xiaoxiaobai asked stupidly what kind of fruit it was, she didn't understand what this meant at all.

In the afternoon, the three of them had a full nap at Teacher Jiang's place. As soon as they woke up, Malanhua called and asked them to help cook dinner and not to play all day.

The three of them didn't dare to neglect it, and hurried over without saying a word. They were scolded like obedient dogs at noon.

On the way, Xiaobai called Liuliu and told her to come and have a meal, now, immediately, right away! It would be gone if she was late.

Then, Xier and the others heard a series of crackling sounds from the other end of the phone, as if a series of things fell to the ground...

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