Dad Academy

Chapter 2645 Liuliu sold a giant grouper for 10 yuan

A giant dragon floated out of the water, and everyone lay on the side of the ship to look at it, marveling at it.

The captain said with envy: "Mr. Zhang, you are so lucky. You caught all the giant hairtails and giant dragontails that others would never catch in their lifetimes in one morning."

Wu Qing echoed: "Yes, I grew up by the sea. This is the second time I have seen such a big dragontail, but it is the first time I have seen such a big hairtail. I am so lucky."

"This probably weighs almost two hundred kilograms. It's really a giant." A crew member said enviously.

"If I sell it, if I'm lucky, I might be able to sell it for more than 100,000 yuan."

At this time, the children showed off their smart phone watches one after another and started taking pictures of the dragon in the sea.

"Little aunt, little aunt, help me take a picture."

Xiao Xiaobai excitedly asked her little aunt to help her take pictures, including her and the dragons in the sea.

"Stand still, come closer, and smile."

After Xiaobai took photos of Xiaobai, he also took photos of Liliu and others. Then, they took a group photo and asked Tan Jiner to take it for them.

While they were having fun, Zhang Tan was discussing with everyone how to catch such a big dragonfly. The fishing line couldn't be pulled up, and the net was not that big.

"You can't use a harpoon. It would be a pity to kill such a big dragon. It's best to keep it alive." Shen Limin said.

Meng Guangxin suggested: "How about putting the lifeboat down, and then a few people get out, lift the dragon into the lifeboat, and then use the machine on the ship to pull the lifeboat up."

"This is a good idea." Zhang Tan agreed.

Others also thought this method was good and were about to implement it, when the captain stopped them.

"I'm afraid not. We can't catch this dragon, we have to release it."

"Release? Such a big dragon can be sold for a lot of money, so why should we release it?" Shen Limin said.

Meng Guangxin also said: "Although it is indeed not easy to grow so big, once you catch it, you can't let it go easily."

When Xi'er heard it, she immediately ran over and said, "Let it go. It's better to let it go. It's hard for the big fish to be so big."

Zhang Tan looked at the captain, waiting for his explanation.

The captain said: "This is a wild dragonfly. It is a protected aquatic wild animal. It is a second-level national key protected aquatic wild animal. Therefore, it must be released."

Shen Limin was startled: "What! Nationally protected animals?"

The captain said accurately: "Yes, you can check online. Fishing of wild dragontails is not allowed."

Shen Limin immediately took out his mobile phone to check, and found out that there was such a rule. He couldn't help but feel extremely regretful.

However, Tan Xier's children were laughing.

Zhang Tan was relieved quickly, and saw the kid Tan Xi'er snickering, and couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, no need to think about how to transport this dragon to the deck, just let it go."

Shen Limin was still lamenting what a pity it was.

Liuliu lay on the side of the boat and lamented to the big dragon: "My big fish and duck, my big fish and duck - the duck I caught -"

She was so heartbroken that she could hardly breathe. She could no longer stand still and had to pull on the side of the boat to steady herself.

Her face was full of grief, and she looked at Dalong Zhe as if she were seeing her own child.

"My big dragon duck, is it easy for me to catch you? Why do I have to let you go? If I sell you, I can live a good life duck, Sky Duck! Who will enlighten me duck, I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out. Isn’t this a big fish I caught? How could I let it go without asking if I agree or not? Do you feel sad or not?”

Liuliu lamented, her voice was "soft" enough for everyone to hear, which was just right.

Zhang Tan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and motioned to Xiaobai to go and comfort Liuliu.

Zhu Xiaojing also wanted to "enlighten" Liuliu, but was stopped by Tan Jin'er, who told her not to go yet and just let Xiaobai and the others comfort her.

Xiaobai explains to Liuliu that this is a protected animal and cannot be caught.

Xiaomi also told Liliu seriously that you cannot catch animals to protect them, and you will go to jail if you catch them.

"It was you who caught the big dragon. If you want to catch me and put me in jail, you won't be able to escape, Liuliu."

Luoliu's expression changed. How could she suddenly change from a soon-to-be tycoon to a prisoner?

Suddenly, Luliu felt his thigh being pulled. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was Xiao Xiaobai.

I saw Xiao Xiaobai, a little melon boy, hugging her thigh and shouting: "Liuliu, don't go to jail, we can't live without you!"

Liuliu rolled her eyes, "Let me go, let me go, don't pull me!"

She never expected that she would be played by Xiao Xiaobai!

Although everyone was trying to persuade her to be emotional and rational, Liuliu was still heartbroken.

Cheng Cheng also came to comfort Liuliu. She said a lot of truths, but Liuliu still felt uncomfortable, so she promised to tell her at least three stories every night in the past few days, and Liuliu suddenly came to life.

She quickly changed her face and said with great justice: "Let it go, let it go quickly! It must be let go! Let it go to the sea to continue living, and we have no shortage of fish to eat! Let it go! Did Zhu's father just want to catch it and eat it? Really? It’s too much! It’s too much!”

Shen Limin glanced at her from a distance and was speechless for this daughter.

Xiaobai gave Liuliu a thumbs up: "That's good, Liuliu. We are not short of fish to eat, and we are not short of money. We don't need to sell it to make money."

But Liuliu disagreed: "I'm short of money, I'm short of money!"

She was really short of money. She had been poor since she was a child. She didn’t even have a dime in her pocket. She lived a life not as good as Xier, and was not as good as Xiao Xiaobai at present.

She envied Xiaobai the most. This idiot always had money in his pocket.

Because she had no money, she could only eat and drink for free. It was really not easy for her to live.

Liuliu thought that she had caught this big grouper. If she could sell it, wouldn’t she be rich?

Just now, she heard someone say that it could be sold for 100,000 yuan!

She was so happy.

However, before she could be happy for a while, she heard that the big grouper was going to be released!

She wanted to cry.

However, thinking that the big grouper might die if it was caught, Liuliu let it go.

Compared with making a fortune, she still hoped that this big fish could live. Returning to the sea to continue eating and drinking was the best destination.

Liuliu reluctantly gave up, covering her chest with her hands, and was so heartbroken that she could hardly breathe! She even couldn't stand steadily, thanks to Xiao Xiaobai who was holding her up.

This little fool really understood her.

Xiaobai looked at her sideways, and seeing that she was so sad, he said: "Liuli, I'll buy whatever you want to buy when you play outside these few days, don't be sad anymore."

"Really?" Liuliu instantly became energetic and excited.

Xiaobai said: "Really, you must be very sad to let you release the big fish, this is to make up for it."

Liuli immediately had wild thoughts: "Xiaobai, I want to eat big crabs, lobsters, I also want to eat five bowls of qingbuliang, and two coconuts..."

She talked a lot, Xiaobai listened to her patiently, and then said: "You really miss Liuliu, forget it! I want to take back what I said just now."

"What?!!! Are you kidding me!!"

Liuli was very anxious, the big grouper was going to leave her, she couldn't stand it anymore, and now Xiaobai gave her hope and destroyed it with his own hands, making her disappointed twice, she almost cried.

Xiaobai fumbled in his pocket and took out a bill, handed it to Liuliu and said: "10 yuan for you, do you want it? If you want it, take it and don't be sad anymore. If you don't want it, forget it, just cry by yourself." Liuliu was anxious and said: "But you just said you would treat me to a good meal in the next few days." Xiaobai said: "I regret it, so I'll give you 10 yuan, do you want it?" Liuliu argued: "Just now someone said that my giant grouper can be sold for 100,000 yuan!! Your 10 yuan is too little!" "I only have 10 yuan, do you want it? I'm going to count, 1, 2..." "I want it! I want it!" Xiaobai was stunned: "Huh? Why did you agree when I only counted to 2?" Liuliu was very tactful: "If you count to 3, I will have all my 10 yuan." "No, I plan to count to 100." "... ()*\u0026¥% # % # % # Stop talking! Really! "

Liuliu felt that Xiaobai was deliberately trying to piss her off!

However, she was indeed worried that she would not even receive the 10 yuan, so she quickly agreed.

Although the difference from free food and drinks to only 10 yuan was like the Niagara Falls, Liuliu quickly adjusted her mentality. 10 yuan was also a huge sum of money for her. She had not had 10 yuan in her pocket for many years.

I have to put it away quickly!

Liuliu thought so and quickly put the money away secretly, but she still felt that she was discovered by Zhu's mother, and she always felt uneasy in her heart.

I don't know if Zhu Xiaojing is thinking about her money, but it is certain that someone is thinking about it.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately came to Liuliu's feet and began to act as a dog-headed military advisor, instigating Liuliu to eat big pineapples and big coconuts after getting off the boat...

Liuliu agreed because she thought so too.

At this time, the adults were discussing the release of the giant grouper, and finally decided to send two people down to untie the hook.

Zhang Tan wanted to go down to feel the giant grouper up close, so he was counted as one. The captain called the name of another crew member, saying that the other party was good at swimming and had rich experience, and asked him to go into the water with Zhang Tan.

The two jumped directly from the deck, splashed twice, and both fell into the water.

"Old man - pay attention to safety!" Xiaobai lay on the side of the boat and warned.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaobai also quickly lay beside his aunt, trying to tiptoe and shout: "Uncle - be careful not to be eaten by a big fish."

And little friend Tan Xier was reminding her sister to quickly care about her godfather.

Seeing her sister's silly look, she sighed and said: "ε=(ο`*))) Alas, sister, I don't know what to say to you! You don't care at all."

Tan Jiner: "..."

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