Dad Academy

Chapter 2633 This is pure discrimination!

Xiao Xiaobai hugged Cheng Cheng's legs, Liuliu hugged her shoulders, and Dudu stood in front and pushed back. Everyone worked together to persuade Cheng Cheng, who was about to leave with a pillow, to go back.

But Cheng Cheng's request was also met, that is, no storytelling tonight.

Really, so many people always asked her to tell stories, and her throat was about to smoke. As a result, these people asked her to continue telling stories, and she kept telling stories.

"Cheng Cheng, drink my water." Liuliu diligently gave Cheng Cheng her own water bottle and asked Cheng Cheng to drink water to quench her thirst.

Cheng Cheng was indeed thirsty, but she did not drink Liuliu's, but found her own water bottle and drank several sips. Her throat was about to smoke. This was too undignified for a little fairy like her.

"Cheng Cheng, I think your story is very nice." Xiao Xiaobai flattered, but this skill was too superficial, and the traces of flattery were too obvious. She was only at the level of L1. Not to mention catching up with Liuliu, even Dudu couldn't catch up.

"Cheng Cheng, do you usually read a lot of story books?" Dudu asked. Listen, although it was a question, it was actually a euphemism to praise Cheng Cheng for her rich storytelling, and she must read a lot of books.

Cheng Cheng said that she likes reading very much, but now she doesn't read as much as before, because her parents don't let her read for too long, saying that it will make her nearsighted.

"Nearsighted?! I know nearsighted!" Liuliu yelled, scaring Xiao Xiaobai.

"What do you know?!" Xiao Xiaobai was a little resentful.

Liuliu said: "I know about myopia. I almost got it. I did homework and read books at night. If I read too late, I would get myopia."

Dudu asked: "Isn't it because you watch TV?"

Liuli was a little unhappy: "Dudu, look at what you said. I rarely watch TV, okay? I mainly read books now and don't watch TV much."

She saw that Xiao Xiaobai, the silly child, was going to go against her, so she rushed to say: "Even if I watch TV, I'm not watching TV!"

Xiao Xiaobai was confused, and then his eyes lit up: "Then what are you watching? Oh, I know, you are watching the little people on TV!"

Liuli touched her little head and said: "No, I'm not watching TV, I'm actually studying, learning to act."

Dudu asked: "Then why don't you study now?"

Cheng Cheng also looked at Liuliu curiously.

Liuliu said proudly: "Because I found that the people on TV didn't act as well as I did."

Xiao Xiaobai immediately jumped up: "Proud! Proud! Liuliu you are really a proud big rooster!"

Liuli looked unkindly: "What did you say?!"

Xiao Xiaobai was not afraid of power and repeated her rebellious words three times: "You are a proud big rooster! Big rooster!"

She ran away after saying that, but the door was closed. If she opened it, she would definitely be caught by Liuliu, so she could only circle around the room. Soon she was blocked by Liuliu in the corner and was caught back with her hands tied behind her back.

"I won't surrender!" Xiao Xiaobai looked righteous and fierce, and was caught back like a chicken.

Liuli was tough to the end: "I will torture you."

"What is torture?" Xiao Xiaobai didn't understand, and there were question marks all over her head.

Liuli shouted: "It turns out that I caught a stupid roe deer duck!"

Xiao Xiaobai understood this and was laughing at her stupidity.

She immediately became even more unhappy, her face couldn't be gloomier, and she yelled for Dudu to help her.

Dudu was indeed willing to help, and immediately asked Liuliu to let Xiao Xiaobai go.

Liuliu assessed the situation, let Xiao Xiaobai go, and threatened her, "Don't mess with me again. I let you go this time, but I won't let you go next time."

Xiao Xiaobai weighed 30 kilograms, and it was estimated that 31 kilograms were rebellious. She asked with her neck stiff, "Why don't you let me go?"

Liuliu was furious, and she wanted to beat the little guy up just for his tone and expression.

The two started playing the cat and mouse game in the room again. Xiao Xiaobai learned a lesson this time and ran away quickly, making it difficult for Liuliu to catch him.

Seeing the chaos in the room, Cheng Cheng hurriedly said, "Stop playing, stop playing, it's time to go to bed!"

Liuli and Xiao Xiaobai turned a deaf ear to her. Cheng Cheng was anxious and said loudly, "Liuli, don't chase Xiao Xiaobai. She will wet the bed at night if she plays too much."

Liuli braked suddenly, thought about it, and felt that Cheng Cheng's words made sense, so she let Xiao Xiaobai, who had repeatedly provoked her, go.

At this time, Zhu Xiaojing came to check the room. When she opened the door, she saw that none of the four little guys were in bed. They were all standing there in a daze.

Xiao Xiaobai and Liuliu were still breathing heavily, their faces flushed.

"What are you doing? Why haven't you gone to bed yet? Xiaobai and the others have turned off the lights in their room." Zhu Xiaojing said with a bad face.

Liuli didn't say anything and quickly climbed onto the bed, not caring about the other little sisters.

After all, she knew Zhu's mother best, and obedience had almost become instinct.

The second one to climb onto the bed was Dudu, who reacted quickly and moved quickly.

Xiao Xiaobai looked at Liuliu and Dudu on the bed, then looked at Mother Zhu who was blocking the door like a door god, and hurriedly climbed onto the bed with both hands and feet, squeezing in between Liuliu and Dudu, which made the two of them very dissatisfied.

Finally, everyone's eyes fell on Cheng Cheng, who was not in a hurry, and first said to Zhu Xiaojing: "I wanted to sleep in Xiaobai's room, but Liuliu and the others wouldn't let me go, so I'll stay, Xiaobai and the others are already asleep."

Then she got on the bed and lay down on the bed at the edge.

Dudu said: "Chengcheng, you lie inside, I'll lie on the side, I can protect you."

So Chengcheng and her changed positions, letting Dudu lie on the edge.

Four pairs of eyes stared at Zhu Xiaojing.

Zhu Xiaojing looked at them for a moment and said: "Did Boss Zhang invite you to the beach to watch the sunrise tomorrow? Stop playing around and go to bed quickly, especially Liuliu, don't be crazy, I will come to check later, if I see you are still awake, you know the consequences."

Liuli said dissatisfiedly: "You just threaten me."

Zhu Xiaojing was about to teach her a lesson, but heard Liuliu say again: "Good guy, why didn't Boss Zhang call us to the beach to watch the sunrise?"

Zhu Xiaojing asked: "Didn't he call you?"

"No!" Liuliu said.

Suddenly, Dudu whispered: "Boss Zhang called me."

Liuli: →_→

"Why did he call you?"

"I don't know." Dudu said.

Liuli looked at Chengcheng.

Cheng Cheng said calmly: "They called me too, but I didn't want to go. I couldn't get up."

Liuliu quickly looked at Xiao Xiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai got into the air-conditioned quilt, revealing only her forehead and eyes: "My aunt called me, I want to go see the sunrise."

Liuli was very angry, thinking that the Zhang family was the only one who didn't call her, which was an insult to her. She immediately took out the grudge book from the quilt and wrote down everything.

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes widened, and her whole head got into the air-conditioned quilt. Why didn't she find that Liuliu had hidden the grudge book just now?

Then, she was even more surprised. After Liuliu finished writing, she stuffed it into the quilt and hid it.

Xiao Xiaobai quickly got her whole head in, looking for it, but she didn't find any trace of the grudge book. Instead, she smelled a stinky fart. I don't know who let it out!

Xiao Xiaobai got out of the quilt and panted.

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