Dad Academy

Chapter 2630: Visiting the Night Market

"Hurry and catch Xiao Xiaobai."

"Don't catch her, let her dance."

The former sentence was said by Xiaomi, and the latter sentence was said by Xiaobai.

Since Xiao Xiaobai wants to be a little conspicuous bag, her little aunt will make it happen.

As expected, Xiao Xiaobai foolishly got together with the singing woman and twisted her butt, making the people at the food stall burst into laughter.

Xiaomi's face turned red. If it were her, she would definitely not be able to do this, dancing like this in public, with so many strangers around.

But it seems that Xiao Xiaobai is enjoying it, and Xiao Bai and others don't think it's a big deal. They all have experience.

After singing "Spring in the North Country", the other party knelt down to interview Xiao Xiaobai, asking her how old she was, what her name was, and who she came here with.

Xiao Xiaobai was not frightened at all, she answered questions fluently, and enthusiastically introduced her little aunt and others to everyone, "This is sister Xi'er, this is my little aunt, this is sister Dudu, this is Liuliu Dayanyan..." …

The woman who sang "Spring in the North Country" felt more and more familiar the more she looked at it. Finally, it dawned on her and she said in surprise: "Are you that one? Xiaobai, Liuliu? You both sing and act, right?"

Liuliu's face seemed to be immediately plated with a layer of gold, sparkling and golden, transforming into Maitreya Buddha.

"Hey~~~You are right!"

Luoliu couldn't hide her irritation and took over Xiaoxiaobai's right to speak. From now on, she is in control of McCrazy, and Xiaoxiaobai's performance time has come.

"You are Liliu, I know you!"

Liuliu laughed loudly: "There are many people who know me. You are one. Nice to meet you. Who are you?"

The woman introduced herself, saying her name was Luo Yi, that she was a high school music teacher, and so on.

Luo Yi was very happy. He didn't expect that he would meet a group of little stars while traveling and eating. Her eyes swept over Liuliu, Xiaobai, Xi'er and others. Among them, Liuliu and Xiaobai were the most impressive and well-known ones to her. Xi'er looked familiar to her. She must have seen them on TV. , several others are.

Her eyes fell on a few more adults. Meng Guangxin, Zhu Xiaojing, Zhao Gongcheng... she didn't recognize them until she saw Zhang Tan.

I didn't recognize him at first, thinking he was a parent like Shen Limin and others, not a celebrity.

Her eyes had already moved away, but the next second, she suddenly remembered something and returned to Zhang Tan's face, staring at him carefully.

Zhang Tan doesn't have many opportunities to appear in public. For the general public, it is difficult to recognize him, but for someone like her who likes to sing, Zhang Tan must be known to him.

"Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Tan was recognized, but fortunately there was no commotion at the scene. After all, Zhang Tan was not a serious star and no one followed him.

It was just that this high school teacher named Luo Yi and the middle-aged man who sang before, both of whom were teachers at the school, greeted Zhang Tan with a smile and asked for a photo.

However, Liliu and others were very popular, and everyone rushed to take photos with them.

Liuliu took the opportunity to show off her singing voice and sang several famous songs. Only when there were many people and audiences did she have the desire to sing. Otherwise, like in the car, there were just a few people, all familiar acquaintances, but she was too lazy to sing, and gave the opportunity to "no brain". The little guy urgently needs to increase his experience points.

After dinner, a group of people walked in the small county town and saw a store selling cold and refreshing food. Xiaobai was greedy and wanted to eat it, so her aunt bought her a portion with her own money.

The eye-catching bag "Liuliu" appeared, so Xiaobai bought one for all his girlfriends.

Xiaomi said she didn’t want it, but she ate it carefully.

Xi'er also said she didn't want it. She really didn't want it. She didn't want to eat it when she was full. When Xiao Xiaobai said that it was refreshing and sweet, she immediately took back what she had just said.

While having a refreshing meal, I strolled on the street.

This small seaside town is very lively, but it is very small. When we walk to the edge of the city, it is completely dark with no lights. It seems like it is isolated overseas.

When passing a small bridge, a group of bats were flying in the night sky and wandering around the bridge, attracting many tourists to stop.

There are also various stalls on the roadside selling various small things, some of which are games, such as playing balloons with air guns, ring sets with prizes, etc.

Liuliu and Xiaobai were excited to play with balloons, but Xiaobai didn't care. For such a big man, Liuliu only got one shot out of ten, which made Xiaobai and Xier laugh.

Xiaobai's smile was somewhat intentional, but Xi'er's smile meant that the thing itself was really funny.

The boss was a chubby middle-aged man, tall and thick. He smiled and asked if he wanted to drink some more.

Liuliu refuses to admit defeat, of course she wants to regain her face, but she has no money. Looking at Xiaobai, Xiaobai spread his hands towards her. He was not printing money, so how could he have so much money.

Luliu had no choice but to take action on Xiao Xiaobai.

Everyone has ten shots, Luliu has finished shooting long ago, but Xiao Xiaobai still has five shots!

Every shot is carefully aimed, but also very carefully missed.

Luliu coaxed and deceived, trying to get Xiaoxiaobai to give her the gun, and she would be responsible for hitting the target.

Or she was "brainless". Her little aunt didn't pay attention, so she was deceived and handed the air gun to Luliu. Her little aunt was so angry that she scolded her for being a little fool, Baoli Baoqi. .

Xiaobai was really tired. He had to keep an eye on Xiwawa before. After all, Xiwawa had grown up and was not so easy to fool. But now he had to keep an eye on Xiaoxiaobai.

Xiaobai wanted to get the air gun back from Liuliu, but Liuliu fired five shots in a row and finished them in one breath, not giving Xiaobai any chance at all.

"You missed the first shot, I'm so angry that I want to give you two claws!" Xiaobai stared at Liuliu fiercely, really wanting to pounce on her and bite her twice.

Even Xiaoxiaobai had a fierce face and looked really angry. With this shooting skill, it's better to do it yourself!

Liuliu didn't dare to look at the two of them. She muttered something in her mouth.

"Boss, why are your balloons so wide?" Xiaobai stared at the boss. It's not like she hasn't played this before. She played it with Dudu and others in Pujiang. At that time, the balloons were placed densely on a board, unlike here, where one balloon is very wide from another. It's normal for a rookie like Liuliu to miss.

The boss said with a smile: "It's like this. It's actually very easy to hit. Do you want to try again? Look, the other kids around you haven't played yet."

Xiao Xiaobai pointed at the big doll at the boss's feet and said, "Auntie, I want that big doll."

The boss looked down and said with a smile: "This is not for sale, but a prize. You can get this big doll if you hit ten balloons at once."

Xiao Bai said: "You can only hit ten times at a time, does that mean you have to hit all of them?"

The boss said: "Yes, you have to hit all of them, it's not that easy, so you see my doll, I only have two, and no one has done it tonight."

Xiao Bai nodded and said: "Boss, this is what you said."

The boss smiled: "I said, I said, do you want to play again? Try a few more times, maybe you will hit it, this doll of mine is not available on the market."

"I'll play again." Xiao Bai said as he found ten yuan from his small bag and handed it to the boss, then took the air gun from the boss.

Xiaomi clenched her fist and cheered for Xiaobai together with Xier.

"Come on, Xiaobai!"

Xiaobai laughed at her, and Cheng Cheng knew that Xiaobai had a solution.

"Dudu, Dudu - come here!"

Xiaobai shouted to Dudu who was squatting by the goldfish pond in the distance and watching a three-year-old child feeding goldfish.

The sharpshooter is here, can the rag doll be far behind?

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