Dad Academy

Chapter 2626 Turtles are not shellfish, Liuliu you are a scum

As the sun set, a group of children chased each other on the beach, laughing and shouting.

After playing around for a while, everyone's face was red and their foreheads were covered with dense beads of sweat.

Xi'er showed off the smart phone watch on her wrist and took a photo of it not far away from the coast.

"Sister Xi'er, what are you doing?"

Xiao Xiaobai came closer, panting, and pulled Xi'er curiously. He stood on tiptoes and stretched his neck to try to read the contents on the phone and watch.

Xi'er hiahia smiled and told her that she was filming her sister and godfather.

"Why take pictures of them?" Xiao Xiaobai asked.

"Don't you think my sister is so beautiful?" Xi'er asked.

Xiao Xiaobai nodded.

Xi'er added, "Then don't you think my godfather is so handsome?"

Xiao Xiaobai shook his head decisively, "I don't think so."

Xi'er was dumbfounded and asked, "Then do you think Shi Baobao is handsome?"

"Handsome~ I like playing with Shi Baobao." Xiao Xiaobai said.

After she finished speaking, Liliu, who happened to be walking over, immediately retorted: "Shi Baobao is not handsome at all. He is just average-looking. Among the boys I know, there are many more handsome than him."

Several children were chattering and discussing who was handsome and who was not.

At this time, Meng Guangxin rode a bicycle out of nowhere and rode slowly on the seaside road. On the back seat of the bicycle, his wife sat.

"Cheng Cheng, your mother is so beautiful~"

Xiaobai stared at Cheng Cheng's mother with envy. She saw her long skirt fluttering. Although she was already the mother of the child, she looked like a girl.

Cheng Cheng's eyes were bright and he hummed.

However, such a picturesque scene was invaded by a child.

I saw Xiaobai chasing after him like crazy, followed behind and asked enviously: "Mother Cheng Cheng, can I sit down?"

Xiaobai shouted angrily: "Robin - come back!"

Robin looked back at her, ignored her, and continued to run after the bicycle. He was panting on purpose to show that he was very tired.

Of course, Cheng Cheng's mother immediately gave up her seat and hugged her up.

Robin got his wish and sat on the back of the bicycle, spinning around slowly and laughing.

This laughter attracted Liuliu and Dudu.

With hot eyes, he asked Robin if he could come down and let her sit for a while.

"No, I just sat down." Robin quickly grabbed the bicycle tightly, determined not to give up his seat to Luoliu.

Liuliu then retreated and asked for the next best thing: "Then let's sit together, okay?"

Robin thought for a while and said: "What you think is quite beautiful~"

Liuliu immediately said viciously: "Little guy, you'd better promise me, or I'll eat you in one bite."

Robin shouted: "I'm so scared, I'm really scared~"

When Liuliu saw how confident she was, he immediately became furious and wanted to take action.

Robin immediately shouted: "No, don't touch me, don't touch me, you big bad guy——"

Dudu, who was following Liliu, quickly stopped Liliu, "Xiao Xiaobai will fall, don't touch her."

"Yes! Don't touch me, I will fall!" Robin said loudly, and then praised Dudu: "Sister Dudu, you are awesome~"

Liuliu refused to give up: "Then let me sit down too."

With that said, she climbed directly onto the back seat of the bicycle.

Meng Guangxin was riding slowly, but when he saw Liuliu and Dudu running behind him, he rode even slower, which allowed Liuliu to succeed smoothly.

Robin shouted, and was immediately hugged by Liuliu. He didn't know what he said, but he quickly joined in and started laughing.

"Dudu, Dudu, come up too -"

Liliu yelled.

Dudu also wanted to sit down, so after listening to Liuliu's words, he tried a few times and stepped on.

Suddenly, Robin, who was sitting at the front, shouted: "Ahhhh~~I'm going to be squeezed!"

Liuliu also shouted: "I'm going to be squeezed too!!"

Meng Guangxin also shouted: "It's too heavy, the bicycle is going to fall over."

He wanted to control it, but he couldn't. The bicycle was crooked, and the people in the back row were moving constantly. The bicycle suddenly jumped off the road. When it reached the beach, it was even harder to control the direction. The bicycle was gone. After walking two meters, he staggered and fell down.


"Ah - save me, save me~"

"We're going down!"

"Be careful~~"

The four people yelled, and the three children sitting in the back row fell to the beach.

The bicycle also fell over, and Meng Guangxin almost fell.

At his feet, the three of them fell together.

Xiaoxiaobai was lying in Liuliu's arms. He didn't feel any pain from the fall, but was just startled.

Dudu is okay, the sand is soft and it won’t hurt if he falls.

Meng Guangxin's wife and Xiaobai and others who were following to watch the excitement rushed over and helped Liuliu and others up from lying on the ground.

Robin said with a smile on his face, "It's all my fault, she insists on sitting with me."

Liuliu also said with a fierce face: "It's all Xiao Xiaobai's fault. She told me to sit down, but she didn't."

The two quarreled.

At this time, Xi'er ran over, holding a shell in her hand, and said excitedly: "Look, I picked up a shell at the beach."

Robin was immediately curious like a baby, and moved closer, his eyes almost glued to the shell: "Whose shell is this shell from?"

Xi'er said: "It must be the mermaid's shell."

Liuliu said: "No, it's a turtle shell."

Xiaomi corrected her: "Don't listen to Liuliu, shells are shells of shellfish."

Liuliu said: "Turtles are also shellfish."

Xiaobai couldn't listen anymore and said: "Turtles are not shellfish, Liuliu you are a scum."

Liuli was furious: "Damn Xiaobai! What good will it do you to go against me!"

Xiaobai smiled: "There are many benefits, it can make me happy."

Then she ran away.

Liuli was furious and chased after her, looking like she was going to ravage Xiaobai.

Other children followed suit, laughing and joking.

Seeing these children running closer and closer to the beach, Zhu Xiaojing warned them worriedly: "Don't go into the sea, understand?"

"I know!"

"I don't know~"


Zhu Xiaojing shouted: "Who said I don't know!!!"

No one dared to admit it, but based on Xier's performance, Zhu Xiaojing already knew that it was her eldest daughter.

"Shen Liuliu! If you dare to go into the water, I'll make you look good!" Zhu Xiaojing threatened.

Liuliu followed the large group and ran along the coast. Several people ran with red faces and excited expressions.

Zhu Xiaojing watched for a while and felt that her words were still very useful, so she stopped looking at them. Who would have thought that at the moment of her negligence, Liuliu screamed and fell into the sea water, and now her whole body was wet.

"I was not careful, I fell, and my whole body was wet." Liuliu shouted.

Zhu Xiaojing was very angry.

"Then it's up to you, I don't bother to care about you."

As soon as she said this, the children became more unscrupulous. After Liuliu fell, other children fell one after another, and almost all of them were wet at once.

The reason why I say almost is that Cheng Cheng did not go with the flow, but kept to herself.

However, she was soon wet by others pouring water on her.

In the shallow water area on the coast, several children screamed excitedly and had a lot of fun playing in the water.

Zhao Gongcheng and Sun Dongdong were worried about them and kept watching these people nearby.

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