Dad Academy

Chapter 2616: Airport Episode

Xiaobai took Xiaobai to the supermarket to buy soy sauce, chicken essence and other kitchen supplies. She was afraid that her grandma would not have a good life during the days when she was not at home, so she bought all the missing things that she could buy, one by one. Put it in place, and nagged it.

At night, Xiaobai slept with grandma, and early the next morning, everyone was going to set off.

Xiwawa and Xiaoxiaobai set out from home together and came to the Little Red Horse Academy to meet everyone.

Tan Jiner, Yang Yi, and Bai Zhiqiang were also there, each dragging a suitcase.

Xier also dragged a mini suitcase and carried a backpack.

Xiao Xiaobai also carried a backpack and dragged his suitcase. Zhang Tan and Xiao Bai were also waiting in the yard. Teacher Jiang saw them off and told Xiao Bai to listen to his father when he was outside.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Xiaobai hugged his grandma with red eyes and buried his head on her body.

Teacher Jiang touched her little head and encouraged her to be brave with a smile.

Xiaobai nodded heavily and cheered up.

Xi'er followed Xiaobai's lead and hugged Teacher Jiang.

Xiao Xiaobai followed their example and hugged Teacher Jiang's leg. Before Teacher Jiang could give her a few words, she ran away in a hurry, fearing that everyone would leave and leave her here without them. Go play.

Then she would be at a big loss.

Zhang Tan drove a group of people out. Fortunately, the modified car was large and could hold so much luggage and so many people.

In the car, Xiaobai was educating Xiaoxiaobai, a little person, accusing her of not being sincere at all in saying goodbye to her grandma just now. She was so perfunctory and looked like a slut!

Xiao Xiaobai lowered his head and had a sullen face, accepting the criticism humbly, but his face looked very dissatisfied.

This caused her little aunt to involuntarily accentuate her tone, saying she did not believe in the training and would not accept the little one.

Xi'er was helping on the side. To be precise, she was helping on both sides. Sometimes she would say a few words to Xiaobai, and sometimes she would help Xiaobai educate Xiaobai. This made Xiaobai confused and didn't understand what she was doing. Which side is it from?

"Huh? Where's Dudu?" Xiao Xiaobai suddenly raised his little face and looked left and right in confusion, looking at the car.

But her little aunt didn't accept this.

Xiao Xiaobai's acting skills were obviously not good enough. Her technique of changing the subject was too awkward. She tried her best to tighten her face, but her eyes were panicked and her eyes were moving around. She didn't dare to look directly at her little aunt, which led to her being beaten by her little aunt. At a glance, it was obvious that he had not obtained the true biography of Liuliu.

"Don't change the subject, just listen to me. Just say, does my little aunt make sense?"

Xiaobai lectured with a stern face.

"I find you have a big problem."

Xiaobai feels that her niece's problem is very serious. Her aunt is educating her, but she still wants to change the subject. Shouldn't she just call her aunt Yingming? She is awesome. Everything she said is right. I love you. The little aunt... was like a porridge lying on the ground shouting conquest after eating the flower-inserted feet.

Robin muttered something vaguely, "Why do you look like a teacher?"

But she didn't dare to speak loudly or clearly, for fear that her little aunt would be even more unhappy if she heard it.

Robin's parents looked at each other and remained silent. Robin's aunt has always been better than them in educating this little person, because this little person may not listen to his parents, but he will definitely listen to his aunt. if. Her little aunt called her to go to the toilet, and she would go for a walk if she had nothing to do.

Tan Jin'er leaned against the car window and looked outside. She saw high-rise buildings and busy traffic. Thinking of her upcoming trip, she could put aside her work for the time being. She couldn't help but relax physically and mentally. The wind blew her hair up, and she raised her little face. High spirits.

The car quickly arrived at the airport. Cheng Cheng's father, Meng Guangxin, had already sent a message to Zhang Tan, saying that they had passed the security check and were waiting in the lobby. Xiaomi and Dudu's family were also there, but Liuliu's family hadn't arrived yet.

"Should we wait for Liliu?" Xi'er asked. Wherever she went, her heart was always caring for others.

Zhang Tan told her that she could go through the security check first, "We can just go inside and wait for them. Don't worry, there's still time before the plane gets off. Liuliu and the others won't be late."

Xi'er nodded and asked, "Did Liuli sleep in and couldn't get up?"

Robin answered quickly: "Yes! That's what Liliu is like. She said yesterday that she would sleep until 9 o'clock before getting up."

Xi'er was surprised: "9 o'clock? The plane has already left."

She obviously didn't believe what Robin Bai said, but Robin Bai said seriously: "It's true, it's true, that's what Liliu said. Xi'er, I lied to you, I'm just a puppy."

Xiaobai caught up from behind, touched her little head and said, "You have wanted to become a Paw Patrolman for a long time. Do you think I don't know?"

Robin tensed up for a while, but finally failed, and hiahia burst into laughter.

At this time, Tan Jin'er called them to follow them quickly and they had to go through the security check.

The adults let the children pass first, and they stood behind them. Xiaobai passed first. She set a good example for Xi'er and Robin Bai.

However, when Xi'er and Robin Bai stood together to be searched, the alarm started ringing.

The two children were startled. It was two young ladies who searched them. They seemed not to be surprised. They touched their pockets and said helplessly: "Are there drinks in the pockets?"

Sure enough, the two took out small bottles of Bear drinks from their pockets.

Zhang Tan and Tan Jin'er, who were standing behind them, were speechless.

"You can't bring this in," the young lady said.

"What should we do?" Xier asked.

The little sister said: "Leave it to me, or drink it now."

Robin Bai hurriedly said: "Drink it, let's drink it."

After that, she unscrewed the bottle cap skillfully, gulped down a few mouthfuls and finished it, and burped, burp~

Seeing this, Xier also did the same and finished the bear drink.

The two of them passed the security check smoothly.

Xiaobai was waiting for them in front, and the first question was: "Where did you get the drink?"

Robin Bai turned into a little partridge with its head shrunk, and didn't say anything.

Xier didn't let her go, poked her little arm with her little finger and said: "Xiao Xiaobai gave it to me."

"How could I not know?" Xiaobai said dissatisfiedly.

Xier confessed everything: "Xiao Xiaobai didn't let me tell you."

Robin Bai heard this and took a few quick breaths. Sister Xier is really as good as her reputation. She tells you everything. What secrets can I tell her in the future? ?

"Why are you unhappy with me?" Xiaobai was unhappy and questioned her niece.

The niece had a gloomy face and lowered her head in silence, as if she knew she had made a mistake but would make it again next time.

"You have a big problem, you are done Robin, you have a big problem now." Xiaobai said.

Fortunately, at this time, Zhang Tan and the others had also passed the security check, so Xiaobai let Robin Bai go first.

Robin Bai followed Xiaobai dejectedly, and quietly glanced at Xier with dissatisfaction. Xier seemed to know what she wanted to say and took the initiative to explain: "Xiaobai came to ask me."

Robin Bai muttered, just thinking why her sister Xier was a little silly.

Suddenly, Robin Bai caught up with Xiaobai and asked with a bright smile: "Auntie, you sit on my suitcase."

She pushed the mini suitcase and saw an adult with a child behind her. Their children were sliding on the suitcase like this, so she had an idea and ran to show her courtesy to her aunt.

Xiaobai looked back, then looked at Robin's mini suitcase, and felt that he would sit on Robin's mini suitcase to death.

"Do you want to sit? Come on up." Xiaobai asked Xiaoxiaobai instead.

Xiaoxiaobai was reserved for a moment, but still couldn't hold on, and happily climbed onto the suitcase, and was pushed forward by Xiaobai and Xier.

They soon reunited with Dudu and Chengcheng, and now only Liuliu's family was left.

Dudu called Liuliu, and the first sentence was: "Liuliu, did you oversleep? Why haven't you come yet?"

Liuliu on the other end of the phone was immediately unhappy, and the indignant tone floated out of Dudu's phone, and people from a long distance could feel it.

"Dudu, you've had enough!!! You've had enough!!! You have the guts to say me, you have the guts to say Zhu's mother duck - you have the guts to say Zhu's father duck - it's Zhu's mother who wants to put on makeup\u0026\u0026%%¥ # ¥% # %¥ # "

The rest of the words could not be said, because Liuliu's mouth had been covered by her Zhu's mother.

"Hello? Hello--Liuli, what's wrong with you? What are you talking about? Mother Zhu, let me go? I won't say anything, you are so pretty..."

Dudu was translating online on the phone. Although Liuliu spoke garbled words, she was familiar with them. She was an expert in garbled words. What kind of baby language could she not understand?

Liuli nodded repeatedly on the other end, but could not make a sound. She just felt that Dudu was worthy of being her good sister. She could understand everything she said.

Zhu Xiaojing was surprised. Dudu could understand Liuliu's hesitant words? She didn't understand a single word.

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