Dad Academy

Chapter 2614 Three Rules

In the evening, at Xiao Xiao Bai's house.

Bai Zhiqiang was busy cooking dinner in the kitchen, and Bai Jianping also came. He was sitting in the living room watching TV news.

On TV, the news of foreign wars was being analyzed.

This was what Bai Jianping was most interested in. He could listen to it with relish every time, even listening to the same news many times, and he could analyze it into a mess every time after listening.

However, at this moment, his mind was not on the TV, but he looked straight ahead and pricked up his ears to listen to his daughter-in-law scolding Xiao Xiao Bai!

Yang Yi, who was originally cooking in the kitchen, came out of the kitchen at this moment and replaced Bai Zhiqiang in.

And she came out mainly to scold and educate Xiao Xiao Bai, because she heard that the little guy came home wearing a new set of clothes, brand new, colorful, with a straw hat on his head, sunglasses on his face, colorful clothes, and a pair of slippers on his feet, laughing and laughing, not serious!

Yang Yi got angry when she saw her like this. She asked her where the things came from. When she learned that she borrowed money from her aunt and Xier to buy them, she was immediately furious and mocked: "You are so amazing. You can borrow money at such a young age. Will you pay it back?"

Xiao Xiaobai had come home happily and was about to show off, but she was scolded by her mother. She immediately frowned, lowered her head, and looked stubborn.

At this moment, after hearing her mother's question, she said confidently: "I will pay it back! I still have to take care of my aunt and sister Xier until they die."

Yang Yi said bluntly: "You are so shameless. Where did you get the money to pay back your aunt? You just don't want to pay it back. You just want others to buy things for you."

Xiao Xiaobai was so angry that she was panting.

Yang Yi continued to stimulate her: "What's wrong? Are you still not convinced? Am I wrong?"

Xiao Xiaobai said in a baby voice: "I, I, this is what I wore when I went to the beach~"

Yang Yi said: "Go to your diary and write it down. How much money did you borrow from your aunt? How much money did you borrow from your sister Xier? You must write it down clearly, and also write when you plan to pay it back."


Xiao Xiaobai immediately ran back to her little room, found a small notebook, and began to write the account while lying on her stomach. However, after writing a few words, she ran out excitedly and found that her mother was no longer in the living room, so she found her grandfather.

"Grandpa, Grandpa~ How do you write these words? Teach me."

Bai Jianping asked her what words.

Xiao Xiaobai handed over the notebook and pen and said: "I borrowed 100 yuan from my aunt, and I will pay her back in a year."

Bai Jianping asked again: "You can't write any of these words? Let me write them all?"

Xiao Xiaobai laughed awkwardly, and was actually a little embarrassed.

Bai Jianping had no choice but to write the IOU in a few strokes and return the notebook and pen to Xiao Xiaobai.

Xiao Xiaobai held it happily, "Mom, Mom~~", and ran to her mother to ask for credit.

In the kitchen, Yang Yi really praised her and taught the child not to ask others to buy things for her without her parents' permission.

Xiao Xiaobai promised solemnly, came out of the kitchen, passed through the living room, and slipped back to her room to continue writing in her diary.

Under the IOU that Bai Jianping had just written, she wrote a line of words: Grandpa wrote.

If Bai Jianping saw this, he would spit blood and call me my big son--

After dinner, Yang Yi and Bai Zhiqiang discussed what to prepare for going out to play, especially for children, who have a lot of things. When they go out, this pair of new parents are always worried that she will lack this and that.

They also caught Xiao Xiaobai, and whenever they encounter arguments, they ask this little guy.

Xiao Xiaobai was very interested at first, but later she found that no matter what she chose, one of her parents would be unhappy, so she quickly asked to leave and said she wanted to go to the Little Red Horse to play.

Coincidentally, Bai Jianping was also planning to leave, so he volunteered to take Xiao Xiaobai to the Little Red Horse Academy.

Xiao Xiaobai quickly took her grandfather's hand and left, and called Xier to go with him.

At this moment, in the Little Red Horse Academy, Liuliu was wandering around, and when she saw the children, she would ask, "Did you wet the bed last night?"

She recorded it in a small notebook, and seven or eight children had foolishly admitted it.

"Hahahaha 666 duck, you guys are laughing to death - laughing to death!" Liuliu laughed loudly. She just used a little trick to subdue these idiots. Look, so many children wet the bed.

Liuliu might have been too proud of herself. After asking a circle of children, she saw Dudu and ran to ask Dudu if he wet the bed last night.

This made Dudu very unhappy, and he looked angry and didn't treat Liuliu well the whole time.

What a joke! Dudu stopped wetting the bed when he was one or two years old.

Dudu ignored her, so Liuliu went to ask Xiaobai, but the result was even worse. She was almost beaten to shit by Xiaobai.

"Damn it! I'm going to beat you up next time I catch you--" Xiaobai didn't chase her, but stood there and said something fierce.

After Liuliu ran away, she felt safe and dared to challenge Xiaobai.

"You are so fierce! You are so fierce all day long! Xiaobai, you won't be able to get married when you grow up--"

Liuliu's words are always mean, which makes people very angry.

Xiaobai is...

Xiaobai originally planned to let Liuliu go, but this guy got worse, so she was chased by Xiaobai all over the yard, and was finally caught. She looked miserable and pitiful. But if you know her previous behavior, you won't have sympathy for her.

After being punished, Liuliu became much more honest, but she continued to collect the list of children who wet the bed. Until she saw Xiaoxiaobai appear, she immediately ran to congratulate Xiaoxiaobai.

"Huh? What are you congratulating me for?" Xiaoxiaobai asked. She was a little silly, but not a little fool.

Just after praising her like this, she collapsed in the next second. As soon as this child was asked by Liuliu, she couldn't wait to confess her bedwetting. She really deserves to be a girl who can generously admit that she wet the bed in front of the whole network live broadcast——

"Come on, come on——Liuli——Dudu——"

On the balcony on the third floor, Xiaobai shouted, calling the girlfriends to come up quickly to discuss important matters.

"Let's go." Xier was the first to run to support Xiaobai.

Dudu looked at Liuliu, and hurriedly ran after him, urging him, "Liuli, hurry up, don't dawdle."

Liuliu was unmoved, and watched Dudu run away, then she said, "How could I dawdle? You're the one who dawdled~"

But she still followed him upstairs.

At home, Xiaobai looked around and found that everyone was there, so he started to talk about business.

"The day after tomorrow we're going out to play, and we have to make three rules."

Xiaomi and Chengcheng nodded in agreement, and Xiao Xiaobai was confused, and he couldn't even recognize the four words "three rules".

I almost dozed off and finished this chapter.

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