Dad Academy

Chapter 2600

"Old man, do you want to write a song?" Xiaobai tilted his head and asked his old man curiously.

"Write a song about our country's history." Zhang Tan said. After listening to the song "History of the World", he found that this form was very effective in educating children about national history and was more interesting than reading history books.

"Old man, you are so awesome. Do you have any inspiration for writing songs?" Xiaobai asked with some admiration. She had played with Wang Dashan before when she was at Little Red Horse Music Company and saw Wang Dashan writing songs. It was so painful that his hair was about to be pulled off.

She also saw Xie Xiaoxu writing songs, which was also painful as it scratched his scalp and made him feel bad all over.

As for my old man, he said that writing songs is as easy as drinking water.

In the past, when she was little, she would only take this as a matter of course. Now that she has grown up and become sensible, she has met the ordinary talents Shan Dawang and Xie Xiaoxu, and then she understands that her old man is really powerful.

Zhang Tan's expression was indifferent, but deep down he really enjoyed his daughter's admiration. He wished he could write eight or ten poems for her on the spot to deepen the little girl's admiration.

Xiaobai quickly ran over and pushed the movable back chair that she usually sat in, and sat down next to Zhang Tan's executive chair, waiting eagerly to watch her old man write songs on a live broadcast.

She even took out her phone watch and said she wanted to record the old man's video and send it to Xie Xiaoxu and Shan Dawang.

Zhang Tan warned: "We don't need to be so high-profile, be low-key and humble."

Xiao Bai disagreed: "This is your strong point. You must let everyone know your strong point. You can't hide it if you poke it in secret!"

She wanted to tell everyone about her strengths so that everyone around her would know how powerful she was and that she would not be bullied.

The same goes for Liliu. This guy even likes to bluff, deceive, and brag.

Zhang Tan doesn't force it. Currently, he has a very tall image as an old man in his daughter's heart.

Zhang Tan opened the document and started writing immediately.

Just how long does it take to copy a song?

In Xiaobai's shocked eyes, she filled up the document with a few snaps, added the notes, and a song was ready.

"It's written." Zhang Tan immediately clicked print, and the printer next to him spit out a piece of A4 paper.

Xiaobai got up excitedly and took it, staring at the notes and lyrics on it, and read: "Modern History", 1839 Lin Zexu, burning cigarettes in Humen and growing ambition, selling more than 2 million kilograms of cigarettes, the descendants of the national hero, During the Opium War in 1840, Qishan negotiated with the British, the national hero was investigated and punished, and the terms were signed in 1842..."

Xiaobai read it through and found that except for a few words she didn't recognize, she could recognize the rest, which really impressed her old man.

"Old man, I know Lin Zexu, our national hero, burned a lot of opium! The enemy, as we say here, more than 2 million kilograms. Old man, I reduced the Old Summer Palace to ashes, destroyed the city, and defeated the army. What does it mean?"

Zhang Tan explained to her the history of the burning of the Old Summer Palace. Xiaobai was so angry that he clenched his little fists.

She pointed to a line in the lyrics and asked: "What are you doing? What does this mean, old man?"

Zhang Tan looked along her little finger and saw that she was referring to the sentence - Tsarist Russia took advantage of the opportunity to have evil intentions and Ai Hui signed the treaty.

So he told Xiaobai the history of signing the Aihun Treaty. Xiaobai's angry tears welled up in his eyes and said angrily: "Why do these people bully us like this? We didn't offend them!"

Zhang Tan said: "You have to remember one thing, whether others bully us or not, it will never be because we don't offend them, but because we fall behind. If we fall behind, we will be beaten, and if we are weak, we will be bullied."

Xiaobai thought for a while and nodded: "Well, so we need to have more strengths, and we need to be more fierce to let others know that we are not so easy to mess with!"

Xiaobai feels the same way about this. She did this when she was a child. In order to prevent others from bullying her, she would become more aggressive and make herself difficult to mess with, so that others would not mess with her.

Suddenly, she saw the old man still typing in front of the computer. She leaned over and looked at it curiously, and asked: "Old man, why are you still writing? What are you writing?"

Zhang Tan replied: "I haven't finished writing the modern history just now. I will write another one, divided into two parts."

When Xiaobai heard it, she immediately urged him to write it quickly. She couldn't wait to read it.

Zhang Tan quickly wrote the song "Modern History (Part 2)", and Xiaobai once again ran to the printer diligently, eagerly waiting for the A4 paper to be printed out, and couldn't wait to read the historical stories on it.

Yes, in her eyes, this is no longer a song, but historical stories.

"Learning skills from barbarians for thirty years, self-improvement and prosperity, building many factories...%¥#%#%Li¥#¥ and Zhang, industrial navy and school..."

Zhang Tan almost laughed out loud when he heard her read out a bunch of garbled characters. Although he endured it, Xiaobai still noticed it. She pointed to the unfamiliar words and asked, "How do you pronounce it here, old man?"

Zhang Tan read: "It's Yizeng Li and Zuo Zhang, here refers to a few people..."

It took a long time to explain these two songs to Xiaobai. One of them spoke seriously and the other listened intently. When he found that the time was already eleven o'clock, Zhang Tan urged Xiaobai to go to bed quickly.

It's just that the child is in a state of excitement and doesn't want to sleep at all.

Zhang Tan then said that in her bedroom, the bedtime story he told her tonight was one of the stories in the lyrics.

Xiaobai then lay down on the bed and slowly fell asleep.

However, when Xiaobai was sleeping at night, she couldn't help but talk in her sleep. She didn't say anything else in her sleep, just "Die Die Die Die Die~".

But she didn't know that she talked in her sleep. The next morning, Xiaobai was running in the yard with the old man. Suddenly, Xier and Xiao Xiaobai came to the door. They were laughing and waving at her enthusiastically.

Xiaobai ran to open the door and took the opportunity to run away.

As soon as Xier came in, she told Xiaobai a piece of news, that is, Xiao Xiaobai wet the bed again last night.

Xiao Xiaobai smiled hiahia, not ashamed, and was very calm.

This time, Xiao Xiaobai really didn't need to be embarrassed, because in fact there were many children who wet the bed that night, Xiao Youyou, Tian Xiaoya, Xiao Xiao and others all wet the bed.

They played too crazy last night, and ended up wetting the bed all night.

"Did you have breakfast?" Zhang Tan asked them after he finished running.

The two little ones shook their heads, so Zhang Tan called them home, had breakfast, and then went to the company together.

While Zhang Tan was busy working in the office, Xiaobai and the others were taken to the music company by Wang Dashan. They needed to practice the two songs "Modern History" they wrote last night.

Xiaobai knew the historical stories of these two songs and was very interested in them. He studied them very seriously and told Xier and Xiaoxiaobai the historical stories.

PS: The song "Modern History" is Jason

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