Dad Academy

Chapter 2589: Visit

Zhang Hui was surrounded by a group of children and returned home. He was very proud and arrogant.

Qin Huifang saw this and said, "I heard that you were playing football. I was just going to call you home for dinner."

Xiao Bai said, "We're done, grandma."

Qin Huifang asked, "How was the game? Did you win?"

Xiao Bai said, "I won. I scored two goals! Hohohoho~~~"

"Haha, awesome, my Xiao Bai is really awesome." Qin Huifang praised.

Zhang Hui saw that he had no chance to speak, so he took the opportunity to interrupt and said, "Did Xiao Bai just go to play football? Who did he play with?"

At this time, Xiao Xiao Bai started to answer: "It was the baby fish! And Liu Changjiang, Jiao Dashuai and others, I also participated~"

Xier smiled hiahia and said, "You are responsible for cheering~"

Xiao Xiao Bai did not get angry because of being exposed, but laughed hiahia. The baby can take it and let it go, unlike some children who will get angry after bragging is exposed.

"Grandpa, the giant salamander is so bad at playing football, he..."

Xiao Xiaobai seemed to have forgotten her aunt's words in an instant, and she had specially warned her.

Fortunately, Xiaobai had been on guard against her. Seeing that she was at risk of being exposed, he immediately covered her mouth and dragged her away.

Zhang Hui smiled and said, "What's wrong? Don't let people talk? Xiaobai, don't cover Xiao Xiaobai's mouth, she will have difficulty breathing."

Xiaobai, who was walking away, immediately let go of Xiao Xiaobai's mouth, and Xiao Xiaobai immediately said, "I won't have difficulty breathing, I'm fine~"

The little guy is still very sensible.

After walking away, she was scolded by her aunt and came back dejected.

In the kitchen, Zhang Mingxue was responsible for cutting vegetables. After cutting, she asked Qin Huifang to cook.

Seeing this scene, Xiaobai and others were relieved. They didn't want to eat the dark food at noon again.

Zhang Mingxue noticed the expressions of these little guys and said unhappily: "What are your expressions? One by one!"

It's not that she is observant, but these little guys are too obvious. She is not blind, how can she not see it?

The four people just laughed and didn't respond.

Of course Zhang Mingxue knew what they meant. They just disliked the bad food she cooked. They really didn't give her any face. In front of her parents, I don't ask you to praise her, but at least don't show such a disgusted expression!

"What did you do? Look at your bodies, you are all dirty, especially Xiaobai and Wang Xiaoyu. Did you roll on the grass? It's so dirty."

Xiaobai and Wang Xiaoyu looked at each other. Indeed, they were dirty.

Xiao Xiaobai quickly moved away from them, and then asked for credit and said: "Auntie, look at me, I'm so clean, you look quickly."

Zhang Mingxue touched her little head and said: "Silly child, you are really clean."

Xiao Xiaobai was complacent, silly and headless.

Qin Huifang told Zhang Mingxue to take them to take a shower and change clothes, while she went to the kitchen to cook, and Zhang Hui followed to help.

When it was completely dark, the family sat at the dining table to prepare for dinner, and footsteps were heard in the yard. It was Zhang Tan who came.

He came to have dinner. The three children in the family were all here. He was worried if he didn't come to take a look. It was not enough to ask about the day over the phone. He had to see it with his own eyes.

Isn't it a coincidence that they caught up with dinner.

So Zhang Tan also sat down to eat.

The children tonight were like honey in their mouths, constantly praising Qin Huifang's delicious food. It was so delicious that Qin Huifang smiled and kept picking up food for them.

Xiaobai and Wang Xiaoyu ate two large bowls of rice in one breath, and Xiao Xiaobai and Xier also ate a large bowl.

After dinner, Zhang Hui watched the news broadcast in the living room, and Zhang Mingxue and Qin Huifang went to the kitchen to clean up the dishes. Zhang Tan wanted to go with them, but was driven out by Qin Huifang and asked to talk to Zhang Hui.

Some of the children were watching tablets, but there was a special little friend who sat next to Zhang Hui and watched the news attentively.

Zhang Hui didn't care at first, thinking that the child was just curious and would run away after watching for a while, but he didn't expect that the little one would sit there motionless and watch with special attention.

If this alone is not enough to show that this little friend is watching the news seriously.

"Too much, too much, how can you hit a child! Humph! I'm so angry (╬◣д◢)"

Zhang Hui looked down at this little friend in surprise. Could she understand it?

"What is the news about?" Zhang Hui asked.

Xiao Xiaobai widened his eyes and said, "There is a war, Grandpa, so you weren't watching, were you daydreaming?"

Zhang Hui smiled and said, "Grandpa was distracted just now and didn't notice it."

Xiao Xiaobai nodded, which was considered to be an approval of his excuse, and reminded him, "Then you have to be more serious."

Zhang Hui felt curious: "Okay, I will be serious. Xiao Xiaobai, why do you like watching the news?"

Xiao Xiaobai's eyes were glued to the TV, and he said without turning his head, "I like it, I watch it often."

Zhang Hui thought it was very funny and continued to ask, "Can you understand it?"

Xiao Xiaobai was dissatisfied, "Do you look down on the baby?"

"No! I just admire you very much. When I was as young as you, I couldn't understand it at all." Zhang Hui said.

Xiao Xiaobai loved to hear these words. She was very happy and smiled. She even glanced at her aunt and sister Xier, hoping that they could hear them too.

At this moment, the doorbell rang at home and someone knocked on the door.

Zhang Hui was about to get up to open the door, but Zhang Tan had already gone there first. He walked through the yard and saw the people outside through the camera before opening the door.

Standing at the door was a young man and a gray-haired old man. The old man looked very energetic.

The other party was stunned when he saw Zhang Tan, and then asked in surprise: "Zhang Tan?"

Zhang Tan thought about it and didn't expect who was in front of him, so he smiled and said: "I am Zhang Tan, are you looking for my uncle?"

The old man certainly saw that Zhang Tan didn't recognize him, but he didn't mind, but said: "Sorry, I'm bothering you, is Secretary Zhang at home?"

Zhang Tan made way and said: "At home, please come in."

Although he didn't recognize who was in front of him, there would be no strangers in the compound of the Municipal Party Committee, so he didn't worry at all that the other party was taking advantage of the situation.

The old man walked in with the boy in front of him and said to Zhang Tan: "This is my grandson, Yu Yu, 13 years old this year."

Zhang Tan smiled at the boy and didn't care, thinking that the other party was just introducing him out of politeness.

At this time, Zhang Hui had already come out and stood in the yard facing this side.

Seeing this, the old man said in a loud voice: "Secretary Zhang, I brought my grandson to your house to sit for a while."

Immediately, he saw three little girls appear at Secretary Zhang's feet and smiled: "Wow, so many little girls. Secretary Zhang, your house is really lively."

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