Dad Academy

Chapter 2577 Stepping into a Puddle


"Hey, what kind of cutie are you?"

"I'm Robin~"

"Robin? Hahaha, you still have an English name. Hahaha, you made me laugh so hard. It's so cute!"

When Zhang Mingxue caught Robin Bai, she wanted the little face of her relatives.

Robin Bai had a frown on his face, but he had no choice but to let the kiss go. He was in a very bad mood.

"Auntie, look, my little glaring greenworm is so cute."

Xiao Xiaobai took out the glaring little green insect he brought over and showed it off, hoping to divert his aunt's attention.

Sure enough, Zhang Mingxue was indeed attracted by the glaring green insect. When she pressed it, a pair of eyes popped out.

"It's quite fun." Zhang Mingxue said.

Xiao Xiaobai felt proud, "This is the reward given to me by my teacher in the final exam, hiahiahia~~~~"

"It's amazing Robin, you can get a reward at such a young age, much better than your little aunt. Why do you smile like Xi'er?" Zhang Mingxue reacted.

"hiahiahia, sister Xi'er and I are good friends."

Zhang Mingxue called Xi'er over, while Xiaobai dragged Xi'er and Xiaobai's suitcases to his room, and the three of them slept together at night.

"What should you call me?" Zhang Mingxue asked Xi'er.

Xi'er said obediently: "Little aunt~"

"Hahaha, you are getting cuter and cuter, but why are you still so thin?" Zhang Mingxue touched Tan Xier's little friend's face. Her chin was still pointed and smooth.

Xi'er said: "I have grown a lot taller."

Marshal Jiao, who followed from the side, also said: "Xi'er has grown a little taller."

Zhang Mingxue greeted her and said, "Come with me and show you my baby."

When Xi'er heard this, her eyes widened, and she already knew what the treasure Zhang Mingxue was talking about was.

Robin on the side looked like a curious baby and asked, "What kind of baby is it?"

"Are you coming?" Zhang Mingxue asked.

Robin thought for a while, nodded and said he wanted to see it.

Children are so curious.

Zhang Mingxue took the two of them to his bedroom, and took out a thick souvenir book from the bedside table. When he opened it, he saw that it was full of candy wrappers of various colors, which were shiny and eye-catching.

Xi'er's eyes lit up with golden light at that time, she took it from Zhang Mingxue's hand and looked through the pages with envy.

Robin also moved closer, his little head next to Xi'er, his eyes almost glued to the souvenir book. The two of them kept making various exclamations of admiration.

Qin Huifang originally took a few days off to take care of these children at home, but she received a call from her work unit in the morning and there was something urgent that needed to be dealt with, so she entrusted the children to Zhang Mingxue to take care of, and she left in a hurry .

There was a thunderstorm in the morning, and the thunder roared. Xiaobai and others stayed at home and did not go out. Fortunately, there were many people at home, so it was not boring at all.

Liu Changjiang, Marshal Jiao and others are all here. With this group of middle-aged teenagers, there is no way to be bored.

However, children are restless. As soon as the rain stops, they clamor to go out for a walk instead of staying at home.

Zhang Mingxue takes care of her in a laissez-faire way. Since the children want to go out to play, let them go and play. He just tells them to go home for lunch at 11 o'clock.

"Is 11 o'clock too early?" Xiaobai asked.

Zhang Mingxue said: "No, it's not early at all. Come home at 11 o'clock and cook with me."

Only then did Xiaobai realize that he had asked them to come back to help with cooking.

"Well, I really can't do anything about you." Xiaobai sighed like a grown-up, and ran out with Xi'er and Xiaobai.

Marshal Jiao said: "Let's go to the lake. There are many lotus flowers blooming there. They are so beautiful. They are even more beautiful when it rains."

The group of people ran towards the lake. When they passed the puddle, everyone ran around it, but Robin couldn't resist the temptation of the puddle and jumped in with a bound, causing mud and water to splash everywhere.

The little one laughed loudly, jumped up and down happily, and then ran away, chasing her little aunt and the others.

After a while, he saw another puddle. This one was much bigger than the one before. Robin jumped into it without hesitation, splashing muddy water and giggling.

Xiaobai noticed her, stopped and asked with a straight face: "Where do you live?"

Robin pointed to the puddle under his feet and said: "Little aunt, jump in and have fun, hahaha~~~"

As she said that, she bounced a few times, and her pants were completely wet. Fortunately, the shoes she wore were sandals. It didn't matter if they got wet or dirty, just rinse them off.

"Come out quickly! I don't even know how to yell at you!" Xiaobai ordered Xiaobai to come up quickly with a straight face.

Xi'er also told her to hurry up and not to get her clothes dirty.

Seeing her little aunt's angry look, Robin hurried up and laughed awkwardly.

"Look at your pants." Xiaobai scolded.

Robin looked down at his pants, and there were mud spots on them, so he volunteered, "Auntie, I'll wash them myself later."

Xiaobai didn't want to be fooled, "You still want to play in the water?"

Robin quickly waved his hand and said that he didn't want to play, definitely not.

"Is the water here deep?" Xi'er suddenly said to herself, and then stepped into the puddle. The water was not deep, just reaching her ankles.

"It's not deep, Xiaobai, it's so cool."

Xiaobai was speechless.

Robin echoed with surprise, "It's not deep, not deep at all, it's fun, sister Xier, you jump."

Xier really jumped obediently, splashing mud and water, and everyone quickly scattered. Only Robin stood there and laughed. Taking the opportunity when her aunt let her go, she strolled back into the pit and jumped in the puddle next to Xier.

"Stupid boy - come up quickly!!!" Xiaobai was furious.

But Xiao Xiaobai had Xier as a companion, so she was much bolder. This time, she didn't obey and go ashore, but continued to jump in the puddle, laughing and having fun.

Until she was caught by Xier and went ashore, and was scolded by her aunt. She lowered her head, puffed up her little face, and apologized.


At Xiaohongma Film and Television Company, Zhang Tan went directly to the company after sending Xier and Xiao Xiaobai away, and locked himself in the office to write a book.

He had already written the script for "The Wandering Earth" and handed it over to the screenwriter team to enrich and improve the details. What he is going to write now is the novel version of this story.

This is a masterpiece by the science fiction god Liu Cixin in his previous life. It is very famous, the story is very exciting, the scenes are grand, the theme is magnificent, and it is very imposing.

This is a novella with only 23,000 words. It was once included in the collection of Chinese science fiction novels of that year.

Zhang Tan started writing it yesterday and finished it in another morning today.

He checked it once, checked for omissions, corrected typos, and after he felt that there was no problem, he planned to send it to Qiao Rong by email.

Qiao Rong is an editor of Pujiang International Publishing House. He has been working with him one-on-one. Qiao Rong helped publish his previous novels.

However, Zhang Tan soon thought that the number of words in "The Wandering Earth" was too small, and it might not be published as a single volume.

So he held back and called Qiao Rong.

The call was quickly connected, and Qiao Rong's voice came from the other end.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. I haven't heard from you about your new book for a long time. Do you have any new works?"

Zhang Tan said, "I've been very busy and have no time to write books. I just found time to write a novel recently."

Qiao Rong quickly answered, "Mr. Zhang, where is the novel? Have you finished it? Send it to me as soon as you finish it, and I will arrange for its publication and printing."

Several of Zhang Tan's novels were big sellers. Because he was Zhang Tan's editor, his status in the company also rose several levels.

Zhang Tan said, "Don't worry. This is a novella with only more than 20,000 words. The number of words for publication and printing is too small. I plan to send it to a magazine. I called to ask if you have any familiar editors."

Qiao Rong was disappointed, but quickly adjusted his mentality and asked, "Mr. Zhang, what type of novel is yours?"

"It's science fiction." Zhang Tan said.

Qiao Rong recommended, "The best science fiction magazine in China is Science Fiction World. I know a senior editor of theirs. You can contact him."

I can't write anymore

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