Dad Academy

Chapter 2552: Mr. Xiaobai, please activate bullet time!

"Which chicken do you want? Choose quickly."

"The feathers on that one are not good-looking, I want that one."

Xiaobai pointed at a big hen and finally made a choice. She was dazzled by the hens and didn't know which one to choose.

"Then choose that one, and don't regret it again." Xiaobai reminded.

Xiao Xiaobai had already chosen three of them just now, but he regretted all of them.

Fortunately, the boss looked at them with a smile and was not impatient. "My chickens are all good chickens. They have never eaten feed. They were raised in the mountains. The meat quality is very good, and the stew soup is a great supplement." "

Xiao Xiaobai said: "It's delicious. I'll buy it from your house next time."

The boss smiled and said: "Okay, my stall is here, remember to come next time. Your little aunt grew up eating my chicken, and you are eating it now. It won't take long for you to grow up as happy as your little aunt." In good health and very smart.”

Xiaobai laughed loudly and said proudly: "At that time, I often brought Xibao to buy chickens. You see, Xibao has grown so big now. I am really happy."

Xi'er hiahia smiled, but something didn't feel right. Did Xiaobai's words mean something else? But she was simple-minded and couldn't figure it out.

When Xiao Xiaobai heard that the boss had known his aunt and sister Xi'er since childhood, he looked at her a few times and immediately showed his phone watch and said to the boss: "Boss, boss, what's your phone number? I save one.”

The boss was so funny that he reported his mobile phone number. Xiaobai punched the phone on his watch and suddenly asked his aunt: "How do I save my phone number?"

"You don't know that you still pressed it for a long time, really!"

Xiaobai helped her enter the number, put the phone watch on her, and told her not to drop it.

At this time, the boss had tied up the big hen chosen by Xiaobai and handed it to Xiaobai.

Other chicken buyers asked him why the chicken was tied differently than theirs.

The boss explained: "This is Mr. Bai's preference. She likes to lead chickens home. If you also want to lead chickens, I will re-tie them for you. You don't need to tie them all up, just tie a pair of wings."

The person who asked the question said forget it. She thought it was because there was something special about it, so she left with the chicken tied up with five flowers.

"Xiwawa, pay the boss."

Xiaobai said that today's wallet is in charge of Xiwawa. Relatively speaking, Xiwawa is more stable and will not spend money lavishly. He is more reliable than the aunt and nephew beside him.

Xi'er counted the money out of her satchel, gave it to the boss, thanked him, and then left.

"Xiao Xiaobai, I'll hold the chicken for you."

Xiaobai handed the rope to Xiaobai. The big hen on the other end of the rope was walking all over the ground. Xiaobai was excited and a little scared, but the novelty was even stronger.

She held the rope, her face shining with excitement.

Xiaobai and Xi'er took out the notes and discussed again what ingredients to buy for the next dish. Suddenly, they heard an exclamation, and saw that Xiao Bai did not hold on to the rope tightly, but let go, and the big hen ran away in a flash.

"Spade shovel - chase quickly -" Xiaobai shouted and hurriedly chased away.

"No, our chicken ran away~" Xi'er shouted and chased after him.

Xiao Xiaobai was stunned, then quickly picked up his pants and chased after him.

When the big hen saw someone chasing her, she was frightened and ran faster. Fortunately, its wings were tied and it couldn't fly. It was just a free-roaming chicken, with its power reduced by half.

However, as the three children purred, the market suddenly became more lively. A chicken was running around with three children. Many people knew Xiaobai and Xi'er, and some gave them Come on, some even asked them some weird questions, such as:

"Xiaobai, please start bullet time!"

"Xiaobai, your father can dodge bullets, how come you can't catch a chicken?"

"This chicken is definitely not simple! Is it the villain BOSS?"

Xiaobai and Xi'er were both confused. They just thought, are these people stupid? Yes or no? ? ?

Fortunately, there were more normal people in the vegetable market, and many people took action to help them, but they were still run away by the big hen.

Until a big man selling pork had quick eyesight and quick hands. He reached out and grabbed the rope behind the big hen and returned the big hen to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai was very happy and was about to thank the other person, but when he saw that the other person was the vicious butcher selling uncle, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But the big hen is in his hands.

Xiao Xiaobai was even more timid, standing far away and not daring to get close.

Xi'er was not afraid of this man at all. She ran over panting and took the initiative to thank the uncle.

"Catch it carefully. Don't lose it again. It's not safe to run around in the vegetable market." The uncle who sold the meat warned.

"I know, thank you uncle who sells meat - what kind of meat are you selling?" Xi'er asked curiously, since we have already talked, why not talk a little more.

"This is pork," the big man said.

"Oh, pork, I've seen live pigs. Do you have any live pigs at home?" Xi'er asked.

"My family doesn't raise pigs, I only slaughter pigs and sell the meat."

"Is this also pork?"


"what about this?"


"What's the difference between them?"

"One is front leg meat and the other is plum meat. They are different."

Xier was just a curious baby. She asked many questions. The butcher looked serious, but he was not impatient. He answered her one by one, and finally asked: "Do you want to buy some? It's delicious whether it's fried meat or stewed soup."

His tone was full of expectation. After all, he asked so many questions. Why would he ask so many questions if he didn't want to buy?

However, Xier answered him very straightforwardly: "hiahiahia no, there is no pork on our note."

She took out the note and unfolded it to show him to prove that she was not lying and not giving him face.

The butcher didn't want to talk anymore. If he didn't want to buy, why did you ask so many questions! !

"Do you come here to sell meat every day?" Xier asked again.

The man thought about it and answered: "Every day."

He thought this was the last question, and he would not answer any more questions.

He turned around and picked up an oversized thermos cup on the ground, unscrewed the lid, and gulped down a few gulps of water, but then he heard the child in front of him say: "Uncle, you are not drinking tea, why don't you drink tea? Li Baibai likes to drink tea very much. I will go home and get you some tea later. Do you want it?"

The butcher was stunned and looked at her in surprise, as if to confirm that this question was really asked to him? However, what he saw was a pair of clear eyes, and it was him in the reflection.

"Thank you, I have tea, look, isn't it? I'm just too lazy to make it."

Xier wanted to continue talking, but was pulled away by Xiaobai who was waiting impatiently.

"Thank you, uncle." Xiaobai thanked the butcher and walked away quickly with Xier.

"We don't have time, there are still a lot of vegetables to buy." Xiaobai looked at his watch, and there were only a dozen minutes left before the time agreed with grandma.

She first educated Xiao Xiaobai, and Xiao Xiaobai accepted it humbly, asking her aunt and sister Xier to give her another chance, and she would definitely lead the chicken well.

"If I let the big hen run away again, I will not be a human being." Xiao Xiaobai swore.

Xiaobai then gave her the rope again.

Fortunately, Xiao Xiaobai was very strong this time. Although there was some chaos, he did not let go from beginning to end and persisted until he met up with his grandmother.

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