Dad Academy

Chapter 258 If you’re not afraid of bad things, you’re afraid of being boring (1/3)

Chapter 258 If you’re not afraid of bad things, you’re afraid of being boring (13)

Although Xiao Bai added lines privately, he did it very well and it was easy to establish the character, so director Liu Jinlu chose to keep it. This scene was over, which means that Xiao Bai's role in "The Hidden Corner" was over. .

Liu Jinlu praised her a few times and kept looking at her, his eyes shining, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiaobai was very sensitive to danger and immediately ran to Zhang Tan and glared at the director.

Liu Jinlu laughed, a little embarrassed, and said, "Xiao Bai, you're not in a hurry to leave, right? If you're not in a hurry, we can stay for lunch."

Xiaobai did not go home. At Zhang Tan's invitation, he stayed on the set to play. At first, Zhang Tan took her and stood at the scene to watch the filming. She was very interested in Meng Ke's plays and watched them with gusto.

Later, Zhang Tan had something to do and returned to the studio, and Xiaobai followed him. While he was busy working, she sat aside with her tablet computer watching a cartoon. Various sound effects came from the cartoon, but there were no lines, because it was "Windmill and Fake Sophistication".

For Xiaobai, this cartoon never gets tired of watching. Even if the content is repetitive, it can still make her laugh. At this moment, she was laughing so much that she collapsed on the sofa. Zhang Tan was really worried that her belly would be broken by laughter.

Near noon, Meng Ke came to see her. She had finished filming her scenes in the morning and was waiting for the afternoon.

She came to play with Xiaobai.

In this crew, apart from Xiao Bai, she is the only little girl. She finally came here and is very friendly, but she has to leave in the afternoon, which makes her very regretful and nostalgic, so she came over as soon as her scene was finished. Looking for a little sister.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa, huddled together, their little heads together watching "Windmill Car and Fake Sophistication" on the tablet computer. Someone shared happiness, which made them happy twice as much. This was the case for Xiaobai at the moment.

Zhang Tan looked at them frequently. Although he didn't watch the cartoon, he couldn't help but be affected by their appearance and sounds, and he smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Xiaobai saw this, and after watching an episode, he suddenly poked the screen twice, finally letting her hit the pause button, and asked Meng Ke if the little sister could take her out to play.

"Let's go play with Uncle Yan. He can make many props." Meng Ke said.

There are many details in "The Hidden Corner", and these details are all shown by props. Uncle Yan, whom Meng Ke refers to, is the prop master. Because he has many weird gadgets on hand, he is very popular with Meng Ke and Chen Rong. They go to him to play when they have nothing to do, watch him making props, and maybe give them away. Give them some gadgets.

Xiaobai immediately jumped off the sofa and returned the tablet to Zhang Tan. Before leaving, he told Zhang Tan to work hard. If she was not leaving, she would be back later.

Looking at her little appearance, she looks like a little parent who wants to go out and tell the children at home not to be lazy and to work hard on their homework. Maybe she didn't enjoy the filming today and couldn't get out of the scene. Zhang Tan also fell into the scene in a second and nodded. He said seriously: "Okay, go ahead. I won't be lazy. I will finish the work when you come back."

Under Meng Ke's surprised eyes, Xiaobai bid farewell to Zhang Tan and went out with her.

Meng Ke turned around and said to Zhang Tan, who was watching them off, that she would take good care of Xiaobai, please don't worry, Teacher Zhang.

Teacher Zhang is worried. It's already noon, and little Miss Meng Ke hasn't sent back the little boy from his school...

Bad boy, he won’t really do bad things anymore.

At this time, there were footsteps approaching and someone knocked on the door. Zhang Tan thought it was Xiaobai coming back, but it was impossible to hear the footsteps. The footsteps were very heavy and did not belong to that little person Xiaobai.

"Teacher Zhang, lunch has been delivered, can you come in?" A male voice sounded outside the door.

It was the people from the logistics department who brought lunch.

"Come in." After Zhang Tan said that, the door was pushed open. It was a young man about his age. He greeted him politely and put the lunch he brought on the coffee table with two dishes. A soup is the most elegant meal among the crew.

Xiaobai also ate with him. The child's appetite was very small, so Zhang Tan didn't ask the logistics to prepare another portion, and it was enough for him.

How much can Xiaobai eat?

"You haven't eaten yet?" Director Liu Jinlu came, carrying his lunch in his hand, "If you haven't eaten yet, let's go together and make friends."

"Okay." Zhang Tan welcomed him in, took his lunch box, and placed it on the coffee table. Just in time, the two lunches had different dishes, so they could fit into the same table.

Liu Jinlu glanced around the small studio and asked, "Where is Xiaobai? He won't go back, will he?"

"I haven't gone back, but I'm here." Zhang Tan said.

Liu Jinlu walked behind the desk where Zhang Tan kept his computer, bent down and looked down, as if he thought Xiaobai was hiding there.

"Where are the people?"

"She went out to play with Meng Ke. I was about to go look for her. Please wait a moment and I'll be right back."

Liu Jinlu: "That's it. Go ahead and find her. I'll see her if I have something to do."

Zhang Tan walked to the door, stopped when he heard the words, and asked curiously: "Do you have anything to do with Xiaobai?"

Liu Jinlu picked up a big pear that came with lunch, wiped it, sat on the sofa and ate it, saying vaguely: "I'll tell you when Xiaobai comes."

Zhang Tan nodded and went out to find Xiao Bai. After a while, he saw Li Mingkai, who played Yan Liang, and asked him if he had seen Meng Ke.

They often eat together and are inseparable.

"Teacher Zhang, it's over there. You can see it if you go over there."

Li Mingkai pointed not far away. Zhang Tan went over and saw Meng Ke. This little girl was eating and chatting with others, but Xiaobai was not seen beside her. He asked her where Xiaobai was and said that Xiaobai was following her uncle. Went to play.

Alas, Zhang sighed, the little girl is just unreliable. She promised that she would take good care of Xiaobai and bring her back well, but in the end she lost Xiaobai without even saying a word, causing him to look for her everywhere.

Bai Jianping was in charge of food in the logistics department. When Zhang Tan looked over, he found Xiao Bai at his feet.

"Sister Si, can you eat it?"

"Brother Si, it's delicious. Don't be picky about your food."

"Paws, I've already given them to you. You want them even more? You don't have them. Hurry up and crawl away~~"

"Sister Si, you need to eat more, you are okay, you are so thin, you will not behave like this."

Xiaobai's little milky voice kept ringing. She was helping to distribute lunch. She was very busy, and she was surrounded by staff who came to receive lunch.

He is really capable. At such a young age, he never forgets his skills no matter where he goes.

Xiaobai is not the only one handing out lunch, but her business here is the best, more than double that of the people next to her.

From their words, Zhang Tan discovered that these people received the meal secondly, and the most important thing was to see their little friends. Everyone was surprised, how could the tall and thick old Bai have such a cute and grown-up little niece?

This little girl is not only cute, but she is also a little pepper, so cute and adorable. Anyone who dares to tease her will be scolded by her immediately, just like Luo Zikang. Everyone didn't take it seriously, but felt proud of it, laughing as if they had won a big prize. Some people even asked if they understood Trump, and even asked what this sentence meant.

This scene made Zhang Tan think, isn't that what falling in love is like? Girls are not afraid that the boy will be bad, but they are afraid that he will be boring.

How interesting this little guy from Lao Bai’s family is.

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