Dad Academy

Chapter 2543 Liuliu, you are really unreliable

After the dinner party, everyone came to the premiere.

It was already six o'clock in the evening, and many people had come to the premiere. Fans and media had been waiting outside early. The red carpet had been laid, but no stars had come to walk.

Although it was just a movie premiere, Zhang Tan and others took it very seriously and laid a big show. Not only was there a red carpet, but many stars were also invited to attend. Some of the media were also invited by the company, such as some official media and self-media with large traffic.

"I don't have to go, right?" Director Chen Bin said with some embarrassment.

Xie Ou smiled and said, "Director Chen, you are here, how can you not go? We all rely on you to lead the team, you are the captain."

Yao Quan and others echoed.

As the director of "The Matrix", Chen Bin originally planned to accompany the main creators to walk the red carpet, but at the critical moment, Director Chen backed out.

Chen Bin looked at Zhang Tan, who was indifferent to the matter, and said, "Why didn't you arrange for Mr. Zhang to go with us? Let him lead the team, they are all young people."

Zhang Tan said, "I'm stage fright."

Chen Bin blew his beard and glared, and said unhappily, "You are stage fright? Then we are all introverts and can't stand being seen."

Zhang Tan said again, "There are a bunch of children coming to my house, I have to pick them up."

Chen Bin smiled and said, "Oh, are Xiaobai and Liuliu coming?"

"They are all coming, and they have invited many classmates and friends to come."

Jiang Rong on the side smiled and said, "I haven't seen them filming for a long time. Now it's summer vacation, can we find two supporting roles for them to come out?"

Zhang Tan said, "Then ask the great screenwriter Jiang to write two likable characters."

Jiang Rong rolled her eyes at him, who was she calling the great screenwriter Jiang. If others called her that, she would think it was a respectful title, but Zhang Tan called her that, which made her feel that it was a tease.

Chen Bin was eventually taken away by everyone. Zhang Tan chatted with General Yu and Kucheng for a while. After receiving Xiaobai's call, he rushed to the underground parking lot of the Grand Theater to pick up people.

Tan Jiner came with a car full of children, and one car couldn't fit them. Zhao Gongcheng and Ding Jiamin also drove one each, but the people who got off their cars were Sun Dongdong, Meng Guangxin and others, and there were no children.

The children were all in Tan Jiner's car, chirping, one after another. When Zhang Tan thought there were no more, more little ones got off, as if it was a magical gourd with infinite space inside, filled with countless idiots.

These children seemed to be here for sightseeing. They all had red ribbons tied on their foreheads. They chatted and chatted, and they were all very excited. When they saw Zhang Tan standing by the car to pick them up, they all greeted him politely, calling him "Boss Zhang" or "Dad Xiaobai".

"Why do you all have red ribbons tied on your foreheads?" Zhang Tan asked.

Xier told him that this was given to them by Dudu, and everyone had to wear it.

And everyone's red ribbon slogan was different, some were:

"A must-see movie in a lifetime!"

"Another masterpiece of Boss Zhang!"


"A science fiction masterpiece!"


"Where's Liuliu?" Zhang sighed that he didn't see Liuliu. Such a big occasion couldn't be without Liuliu, and he was counting on her to show his support.

At this time, another car came, this time it was driven by Zhu Xiaojing, and some children led by Liuliu finally got off the car.

Liuliu was the first to get off the car, followed by Dudu, Xiao Xiaobai, Xiaodu and Wang Xiaoyu! ...

"Is my car easy to sit in?" Liuliu asked everyone.

Xiao Xiaobai couldn't help but say, "I'm about to be squeezed flat."

She still liked to sit in her aunt's car, where she could lie down and roll around.

Liuliu said, "I was asking about the car, not you."

"What a nice car." Dudu praised. It was unknown whether she was flattering. However, Zhang Tan saw the red ribbon tied on her forehead. It was the usual one with a very familiar slogan: Good-looking! Wonderful!

Seeing Dudu praise first, Xiaodu also praised, "The deputy monitor is not only good at studying, but also has a good car."

Liuliu was overjoyed and laughed. Then her face changed and she stared at Xiaodu and said, "Squad monitor, thank you."

This face changed suddenly.

Wang Xiaoyu learned from Xiaodu's experience and said, "Squad monitor Liuliu, your car is very good to sit in and has good stability. It drives very steadily all the way. The car is good, and your mother drives even better."

Not only Liuliu was happy, but Zhu Xiaojing was also happy.

Liuliu was overjoyed and looked at Xiaoxiaobai. With that look, Xiaoxiaobai had to ask her for the fare if she didn't praise him.

Xiao Xiaobai said seriously: "It's a good car. I want to ride it again after sitting in it."

Liuli touched her little head and praised: "My good child."

"Liuli--come quickly."

It was Zhang Tan who was shouting in the distance.

"Can you take care of all the children with Xiaobai?"

Liuli was surprised and said: "Let me take care of it?"

"You can say that." Zhang Tan said.

"No problem, no problem for me, Boss Zhang, I'm OK." Liuliu was overjoyed. She could adapt to the feeling of being a monitor in advance.

Xiaobai shouted: "Liuli, you come, you have to help me well, understand?"

Liuli's face sank instantly. How could she be the deputy monitor? She was not convinced.

"Okay, you have to help me well." Liuliu turned black and white.

Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and was almost confused by her, "You help me."

Liuli spoke with her eyes open: "Yes, you help me."

"You! Help, me! I am the boss, you are the second." Xiaobai corrected word by word.

Luoliu was unconvinced, "Why? Why??? My academic performance is better than yours! Why are you the boss and me the second child??"

Xiaobai secretly said: "Because you are the white lady, you turned into the second child. If you are not the second child, who is the second child?"

Luoliu was so angry that he immediately said he wanted to go home and stop playing.

Then she was stopped by her best friend Dudu, and Xier hugged her waist from behind. However, this little fool seemed to forget about serious matters in an instant, and even said: "Liuliu, you have a good waist." Thick, soft, and fat.”

Liliu: "...I almost feel emo when you say that."

She wanted to cry.

At this time, Zhu Xiaojing got out of the car. Seeing the noisy scene, she said: "Forget it, don't let Luoliu do the work, just ask Xiaobai and Xiaomi to take care of the children, and Luoliu can concentrate on playing."

Luoliu's face changed: "Good guy! Good guy Ya Zhu's mother, you are a fat rabbit, and you still call me a bastard!"

Zhu Xiaojing said angrily: "I want you to play in peace."

Liuliu muttered, "Go play with peace of mind? Go die with peace of mind?" No matter how you heard it, you felt that Zhu's mother was still scolding her, but she had no evidence.

"Let's go, let's go, little friends, follow me, line up, don't make a mess."

Xiaobai greeted the children, and Xiaomi and Dudu also followed to help. Xiao Xiaobai was also busy catching the little friends who were running around. As soon as he caught Tian Xiaoya, she was caught by her little aunt. She pushed her into the team and warned: "Don't run around either." , stand still and let’s go together.”

"Liuliu, Liuliu—" Xiaobai shouted, calling Liuliu over, "You stand at the front and lead the way."

Liuliu thought about it and felt that this job was more in line with her status.

She stood at the front of the team, put her hands in her pockets, and looked back at everyone. She felt that these were all her little brothers, and she had no opponent!

After Zhang Tan greeted the adults and once again asked Tan Jin'er to help her take care of everyone, he hurried to the theater to receive other guests.

Tan Jin'er, Zhu Xiaojing and others who were following behind suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Eh? Did the children go the wrong way? Liuliu——" Zhu Xiaojing shouted, "Where are you taking everyone to play?"

When she asked, Xiaobai and Xiaomi also noticed something was wrong. Isn't this the way to the premiere? It seems to be going to the bathroom? There are signs on the road!

But Liuliu said calmly: "I want to go to the toilet, but I can't even go to the toilet?"

Zhu Xiaojing said angrily: "Then you go alone, how can you lead everyone to the toilet?"

Liuliu still didn't know what was wrong: "I was doing it by myself, and everyone was following me. What can I do? There's nothing I can do."

Zhu Xiaojing nodded her head and said, "You are really unreliable."

Then he turned around and took the children back.

Unexpectedly, the children kept saying "I want to go to the toilet too", "Go to the toilet with Liliu", "I want to pee my pants~"...

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