Dad Academy

Chapter 2531 Noisy

When the host called Xiaobai and Liuliu, many of the audience did not know who they were. However, when the host said that one of them was Xu Xian and the other was Bai Niangzi, there was an exclamation at the scene, and many people recognized Xiaobai. Bai and Liuliu, and Xi'er beside them.

The host took the opportunity to grandly introduce Xiaobai and others to the audience, and the atmosphere at the scene became much more lively.

This time, the children were invited to the stage to let them experience the plot of "Zootopia".

"Are you Xu Xian?"

A little boy standing next to Xiaobai raised his head and looked at her with admiration.

Xiaobai nodded and said, "It's me, what? Do you like it?"

The little boy probably didn't expect Xiaobai to ask this, but he seemed very enthusiastic, so he said excitedly: "I like it, I like it very much. I have watched your performance many times."

"Hahaha, it looks good."

"Yeah, it looks good. I like it very much. Is that Xiao Qing?"

The little boy pointed at Xi'er who was standing not far away.

"It's her, she is Xiaoqing."

The little boy looked about four or five years old and praised: "Xiao Qing is so cute, she looks like a little sister."

Xiaobai introduced: "Her name is Xi'er."

"Xi'er? I like Xi'er."

"Do you know her then?"

Xiaobai pointed at Liuliu who was standing next to Xier.

The little boy thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I don't remember. Who is she?"

"Hoo ho ho, she is the white lady."


The little boy looked shocked, which made Xiaobai gloat.

"She is really the White Snake. Her name is Liliu. She is a great actress. She is very good at acting." Xiaobai saved some face for Liliu.

The little boy seemed to be impressed by Liliu, "She is so awesome, you are all so awesome."

"What's your name?" Xiaobai asked.

"My name is Town."

"A small town? Is your family from a small town?"

"How do you know? Hahaha, my home is in a small town."

Xiaobai asked: "Who did you come with?"

"With dad and grandma."

"What do you want to act?"

"I can't act, I can be a sloth."

At this time, the host assigned roles to the children on stage according to the script. Xiaobai was originally assigned to the rabbit policeman, but she gave up this role to Xiaomi.

She knew that being a rabbit policeman was Xiaomi’s dream.

She became Mr. Fox, and she became Officer Cheetah, a front desk officer who only likes bagels.

Xi'er became the deputy mayor of Sheep, and Cheng Cheng became Xia Qiyang, a popular queen.

Dudu took on a very challenging role, she actually had to play the lightning sloth.

Xiaobai raised his hand, hoping that the host would also assign the role of a sloth to the little boy named Small Town.

Now that Lightning has been given to Dudu, another sloth character can be given to the town. In the office hall in the movie, there is more than one sloth named Lightning.

The town got its wish and got the role of a sloth. The little guy grinned happily and thanked Xiaobai again and again for speaking up.

The other children also have their own roles, but because Xiaobai and the others are here, the main roles are given to them. There is no other way, the other children can only play supporting roles.

The host first told them the plot they were going to play, and then asked them to direct and act on the stage, just have fun.

The host overestimated his directing ability. There were so many children on the stage, and most of them had no acting experience. Even if they had a script and told the plot, it was still noisy and there was no way to effectively rehearse the show.

The host tried hard for a few times and then gave up, leaving the children to have fun on the stage.

Anyway, the audience under the stage laughed loudly. They didn't want to watch the plot, but to watch their children.

Without the constraints of the script, Xiaobai and others completely let themselves go.

Xiaobai took out his pistol, raised his hand and shot Luoliu.

Liuliu never expected Xiaobai to be so cruel, and shot without saying a word.

She screamed and cooperated very well. She fell to the ground and shouted hoarsely: "Ah! I was shot! I'm bleeding all over the floor! Medic! Medic!! Come and save me~"

Xi'er and Dudu ran over immediately. Dudu pressed Liliu's thigh and bandaged her with a red ribbon. Xi'erze comforted Liliu not to be afraid like a young lady, and then made a needle with her hand when she disagreed, and inserted the needle into Liliu's butt...

Liuliu screamed, this time it was a real scream.

She said angrily: "Xier, why are you pinching me?!!!"

Xi'er said seriously: "This is not pinching, this is giving you an injection. Only after the injection will you get better, otherwise you will die."

As she said this, she wanted to give Liuliu another shot. Liuliu was furious and refused desperately: "Then I might as well die!"

Xi'er said seriously: "You have to be obedient and don't make trouble."

Liuliu was angry, "Whoever made trouble with you, please stop pinching me. I will retaliate against you."

Dudu persuaded: "Liuliu, Xi'er is doing this for your own good. If you get hit by Xiaobai's gun, you will die if you don't get the injection."

The durian broke the jar and said: "Then let me die quickly, I will not live anymore~~ You are all bullying me."

Seeing that Liuliu was so resistant, Dudu and Xi'er whispered to each other for a while and then told Liuliu that they would not give the injection, "Let's take you to the hospital for treatment."

Liuli reluctantly agreed, and Dudu was the main force, responsible for lifting Liuliu's feet, while Xier held her head.

But Xier overestimated herself, and Dudu also overestimated Xier. Xier had little strength, and she could not lift Liuliu, and almost dropped Liuliu to the ground.

Liuliu screamed and refused to let Xier touch her again.

She felt that if she continued to toss like this, she might be killed by Xier.

Xier hiahia laughed, and also felt that she did not have the ability, so she called friends and called a group of children, some of whom she knew and some of whom she did not know, all came.

Liuliu sensed that something was wrong and shouted loudly: "What are you doing? What are you doing? What do you want to do?"

Her answer was that everyone rushed forward, some lifted their feet, some lifted their hands, Xier and Xiao Xiaobai were responsible for holding their heads, and stared at Liuliu.

Everyone carried Liuliu to the stage, and the audience laughed.

The host was puzzled and asked: "What are you doing?"

The little boy named Zhenzhen said happily: "We are carrying Liuliu to the hospital for injections."

The host was speechless. Why don't you play "Zootopia" properly? Are you playing house here?

Fortunately, after everyone carried Liuliu off the stage, they did not throw her on the ground, but carefully placed her on a chair.

Liuliu quickly ran away, away from these idiots.

The stage play ended in a commotion. The host overestimated himself. He had no ability to control the scene at all. It was a waste that Xiaobai and Liuliu were also there.

"Goodbye, goodbye~Xiaobai!"

Zhenzhen waved to Xiaobai enthusiastically and said goodbye to her.

They separated from the theater, and Xiaobai and others were going to other places to play.

Bai Jianping followed them, but did not lead the itinerary. The itinerary was all decided by them, and they played wherever they went.

I thought I would never meet Zhenzhen again, but I didn't expect to meet this silly little boy again in the handicraft area.

Xiaobai didn't notice him, but he saw Xiaobai and ran over excitedly to say hello.

Xiaobai introduced him to other friends. This little boy is a bit of a social bull, not shy at all, especially talking to Xiaoxiaobai.

I was delayed tonight by something, so I can only update one chapter, sorry.

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