Dad Academy

Chapter 2528 Lucky Guy

When the spinning bowl stopped, Liuliu and Xiaoxiaobai were still hugging each other tightly, refusing to let go.

Xiaobai and Dudu came forward to help them separate.

When Liuliu found that she had come down from the spinning bowl, she came back to life immediately.

She stood up with her hands on her hips, and the bones that had been pulled out returned.

She pointed at the spinning bowl and said, "This is not fun at all."

Dudu said it looked quite fun, and she wanted to play it.

Xiaobai was comforting Xiaoxiaobai and gave her two sips of Little Bear Drink. Guess what? Xiaoxiaobai came back to life immediately!

Not only did she come back to life, but she was also full of energy and jumped around.

And she started to brag.

"I wasn't afraid at first, I was afraid when I heard Liuliu screaming."

This blame was thrown very accurately, and it was aimed at Liuliu.

It seems that after carrying the blame for a long time, she has gained experience and can also throw it away.

Liuliu: →_→

"You must have heard it wrong. That was not me who shouted. That was Xier who shouted."

Xier: "..."

Xiaobai immediately gave Xier a little bear drink and said, "Xier, drink a few sips to calm down."

Xier defended, "Xiaobai, I didn't shout. I... gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle~~ah, it tastes good~"

Xier was drunk by Xiaobai and forgot what she wanted to say just now.

Liuliu stretched out her hand and said, "Give me a few sips to calm down too."

Xiaobai laughed, "You didn't shout, you're not scared. What are you drinking? Little bear drink, it's for those in need. Get out of here——"

Liuliu was very anxious, but she could only vent her anger on Xiaobai. She pointed at the three-year-old and said, "You, you, look at what you did!"

Suddenly, Chengcheng pointed at the pirate ship not far away and said, "Let's go play that."

Everyone looked at the pirate ship and saw the big ship swaying in the air, and there were screams from children.

Xiaobai was the first to raise his hand in agreement.

Dudu has no problem either.

Xiaomi looked at Xiao Xiaobai and the other two and asked, "Do you dare to play?"

Xiao Xiaobai and Xier also said that they had no problem. Liuliu thought about it and suddenly realized that she was the only one left. She must not give in.

So a group of people walked towards the pirate ship.

But when queuing, Xiao Xiaobai was told by the staff that she could not play the pirate ship because she was too young.

Xiao Xiaobai cried on the spot, wiping her tears and crying. Accompanied by her grandfather, she watched her aunt and others get on the pirate ship.

"I want to grow up quickly~" Xiao Xiaobai was still sobbing, and she felt sad just thinking about it.

The staff member always felt a chill on his back, as if he was stared at by some kind of beast, but that feeling came and went, and sometimes it was not very fierce.

Maybe it was a beast cub.

Bai Jianping kept comforting Xiao Xiaobai and took the opportunity to teach her to eat more, so that she could grow taller quickly. Next time she came to play the pirate ship, she would not be stopped by the staff.

Xiao Xiaobai immediately yelled for milk powder to drink, but her grandfather told her that she didn't bring milk powder and could only drink from a bottle when she got home.

The children raised their heads and stared at the pirate ship swaying overhead, their eyes full of envy.

But some children were not happy at all.

When the pirate ship stopped, Dudu and Xiaomi supported Dayanyan out.

Dayanyan was almost limp and could not stand. Her face was pale and her hair was messy. She looked like she had been beaten by someone.

Xier was busy massaging Liuliu's shoulders and rubbing her head. She was worthy of being called the God of Joy Doctor.

In sharp contrast to them were Chengcheng and Xiaobai. The two walked down as if nothing had happened, still discussing the fun they had just had.

"What happened?" Bai Jianping asked with concern.

Liuliu was stubborn and said, "There are always, always, always people who want to harm me~"

Xiaomi and Dudu helped Liuliu to sit on a bench to rest. Xiao Xiaobai took out the bear drink from her bag and fed it to Liuliu.

"Liuliu, drink it to calm your fear."

Liuliu drank it without saying anything and finally calmed down a little.

It felt good to be down to earth. Liuliu was relieved.

Bai Jianping said, "Liuliu, don't play this kind of project next time. Let's play something easier."

Liuliu argued that it was not that she couldn't play something that was not easy, but that the pirate ship was too exciting.

"If you don't believe me, go and try it, Uncle Bai. You will be more scared if you go." Liuliu urged.

Xiaobai also encouraged, "Uncle, go and play it too. It's fun. We'll wait for you."

Xiaoxiaobai also wanted her grandfather to take her with him, but she was stopped by the staff again.

This made Robin Bai very unhappy, and she puffed her cheeks and said angrily: "Too much, too much!"

But no matter how unhappy she was, she couldn't get into the pirate ship, and this time she could only envy her grandfather.

The children rested under the pirate ship, drank Little Bear, and ate some snacks to replenish their energy.

With the snacks and Little Bear drinks to restore blood, Liuliu soon became excited again.

What can't kill her will only make her stronger.

When the pirate ship stopped, everyone didn't see Uncle Bai come down for a long time, until he appeared last, holding the railing, his steps were weak, his hair was messy, as if he had been ravaged.

Seeing that Xiaobai and the others were all looking at him, Bai Jianping forced a smile and said, "It's exciting--"

Seeing this, Xiaobai laughed.

Little Xiaobai followed suit and laughed.

However, just as she was laughing, Xiaobai had already taken the lead and ran to support his uncle.

Bai Jianping was relieved. He pointed at Xiaoxiaobai and said, "Grandpa will remember you."

Xiaoxiaobai didn't know that he was in trouble, and was still laughing with Liuliu.

Xiaomi also ran to support Bai Jianping, and joined hands with Xiaobai to help him sit on the bench.

Xiaobai said worriedly: "Uncle, you are not in good health. I will take you to a physical examination tomorrow."

Bai Jianping waved his hand: "No, I am in good health, I just feel a little dizzy."

After this battle, Bai Jianping and Liuliu were seriously injured, so after discussing it, everyone decided to watch the dolphin show and take the opportunity to rest.

Many people came to the dolphin hall, estimated to be three or four hundred people, and the audience seats were almost full.

Bai Jianping and his group found their seats and sat down. Their seats were very good, in the second row of the front row, with a very good view.

Not long after they sat down, the dolphin show began. A trainer appeared by the pool and interacted with the dolphins in the pool.

The children in the stands exclaimed.

"Are there any brave children who want to come down and touch the dolphin Xiaoli?" the trainer suddenly said.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a commotion at the scene, and the children raised their hands one by one, hoping to be the lucky one to be chosen.

Similarly, Xiaobai and the others who were sitting around Bai Jianping all raised their hands and surrounded him.

Xiao Xiaobai was worried that he would not be seen, so he was jumping up and down while raising his hands, very excited.

The trainer's eyes scanned the whole venue, and when he looked at Xiaobai and the others, he stopped...

Liuliu suddenly turned sideways, deliberately blocking Xiaobai behind him to highlight himself, and shouted: "Me, me! Choose me!!!"

The trainer suddenly pointed at them and said: "This kid, it's you!"

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